Crystal Caves was the best world
Crystal Caves was the best world
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Game aged like milk
Crystal Caves was one of the greatest comedies of errors ever seen in 3D platforming level design. The constant tremors droping stalactites on your head, having to go out of your way to unlock a bananaporter so that ONE Kong can get ONE blueprint, and so on. Crystal Caves is the worst world in the game.
One of the few N64 games to do so.
I'd pt DK64 on the same level of milk aging as PS1 games.
I can barely remember the Fungi Forest, Crystal Cave and Creepy Castle stages of this game. Not because they weren't memorable, but because every time I've gone back to play the game, I give up once I hit the water world. Garbage.
Gloomy Galleon is fucking awful.
Fuck the mecha-fish banana & Chunky's Cannon shit
To its credit, Gloomy Galleon is a rare dark water level. It's not happy or peaceful like most water levels.
It's basically Banjo-threeie, what did you expect
I gave up on Frantic Factory back in 2003, I kind of want to finish the game but I lost my old N64 and don't have that stupid expansion pak.
Do third park expansion paks work with DK64?
I don't see why a third party expansion pak wouldn't work with it, considering it's one of the two games that actually require it.
>Donkey Kong 64: 1999
>Banjo-Tooie: 2000
>DK64 is Banjo-Threeie
fuck the spooky castle boss
Whats the best emulator for this game?
>that laugh
Cool, I wasn't sure if there might be something different with them since the expansion pak prevents DK64 from crashing or some stupid shit.
>Gloomy Galleon Boss
Yeah, let's force the player to adapt to shitty controls that you only use a maximum of 3 times.
Don't worry, it gets much better once you get past that hurdle.
>the fucking stupid raising/lowering water level near the lighthouse
>gave up
>Frantic Factory
The Factory is a mixed bag. On one hand, more straight platforming than anywhere else not complicated by too many minigames, on the other, the platforming isn't very good.
It depends which Kong you're being, Lanky and Tiny are fine, others struggle.
Also why do people give up in a level you don't have to get all 25 bananas, you don't even need half of the golden bananas in the game to get to the final level, so if you want to rush a level all you need is enough mini-banans for Troff n Scoff and the battle crown
>less than half of 201
>Not Frantic Factory
Dat music, dat level design and variation from one part to another, those toy and robot enemies were awesome as fuck, dat car mini game and original Donkey Kong arcade game section.
I thought you only needed 100 for Hideout Helm, and I didn't think there were any more B.Locker appearances after that
That Beaver Bother bonus stage hurts it