Videogames caused the fall of western civilization

Videogames caused the fall of western civilization


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easily available food that can be purchased with minimal effort is the real problem. The man animal is mean to work for meals. When you can literally drown your self in butter for a few hundred dollars then you're going to be a lazy shitty person your entire life.

Nah, it just provided an outlet for nerds.

But 2bh they ruined me. If it were up to me I would have never had video games exist. Fuck the internet, too.

Go see Stand By Me. Going outside is so much more fulfilling.

The real problem isn't the food
It's the processed sugar that we started putting in the food after the 1980s

Read up on this shit all you want, it's literally killing our people

>Muh SJW
>Muh Feminism
>Muh Diversity
>Muh Social agenda
Western society is shit anyways

videogames are a sympton, not the cause

the problem is that post-WW2 world hasn't provided an incentive for man to produce

Being extremely rich is fine, whats the worst is being an ''average joe''... Modern average joes are the cause of all this

>implying progress shouldent alow use to better enjoy are time?

>implying progress shouldent alow use to better grammar

that's not progress, that's staleness. Civilization is literally death.

Whoa... that's like, so deep.......

I can think of another reason OP.

What would Sup Forums's ideal "western civilization" look like?

19th century, dying at the age of 40 on average

Literally the good things about communism and socialism.

Aryan families.

It was going to fall no matter what. Praise be to Allah glory be to his Name.

I'm doing a diet (ketogenic it's called) that's about completely avoiding all foods that contain carbohydrates (sugar) and in the first week your body goes into a mild fever state and symptoms of withdrawal. Sugar is legitimately a drug and your body reacts to it as such.

Now it's been 4 months and I lost 28kg by just completely removing carbohydrates from my diet and replacing it with fat and protein (yes fat is my main ingredient, let that sink in). I'm not even hungry, don't exercise and spend a completely sedentary lifestyle, and yet I'm melting weight with no effort while feeling great.

Sugar is a fucking health hazard and just by cutting it and eating whatever the fuck else you want you will lose weight whether you're actually trying to or not. It's been so shocking doing this diet, it's really incredible how easy it is to lose weight by just cutting carbs completely, and yet people keep really struggling to lose weight. Nutrition in the last century really fucked us over, and demonizing health fats over sugar was a fucking mistake

More like Western civilization caused the fall of video games.


Whoa, you must have been a one fat asshole. Yo-yo effect is going to get ya, user.

I still am, I'm not done yet.

I don't think you get it, I can't gain weight with this diet even if I want to. I tried to eat like a lard one week and I still lost weight.

I don't intend eating carb heavy stuff again, when I'm done with this I'll eat fruit but that's the only sugar I plan to get inside me, maybe on special occasions when I'm out with friends and stuff I don't mind eating carbs, but on my daily diet carbs is out for good.

Carbs aren't bad for you, processed foods are.

Depends on where you get your carbs.

If you get it from sugary crap like soda, bread and whatnot you're going to be unhealthy.

But if you get it from beans/lentils and fruit you're going to be fine.

So what do you eat? Are you avoiding all sugars, or just sugar that was added? Fruits for example have natural sugars

Yeah, Wonderbread, you tard. Non-processed bread has carbs and it's good for you.

>video games
>not America

Western Civilization was already declining before video games.

Blame this man.

coca cola add from the 50s

>Bailey Jay in a videogame.

This is a problem how, exactly?

>imṕlying carbohydrates are exactly the same as sugar
>doing keto without cycling
Enjoy losing all your muscles and the yoyo effect once starvation mode kicks in. Go lurk /fit/ before you kill yourself you stupid asshole

Of course you're losing weight by eliminating a complete food group you retard, try eliminating all fats or all proteins next and see how your body reacts and how much weight you lose. Holy shit proteins and fats must be drugs as well! Better just drink water.

I'm avoiding all sugar carbs. The only fruit I eat is avocado. I should eat fruit from time to time but it hinders the weight loss as my body stops producing ketones because of fructose in it.

I eat a lot of meat, a buttload of low-carb vegetables and healthy fats (olive oil, butter, coconut oil). Avoid vegetable fats at all cost (oil, margerine)

Carbs aren't necessarily bad if you're already thin and healthy, but for weight loss carbs makes it difficult. If you avoid carbs altogether your body produces ketones which breaks down fat and uses it for fuel. If you eat more than 50 grams of sugar carbs in a day your body will use sugar as fuel instead and store fat, stopping the production of ketones.
When you're eating a carb rich diet (a normal diet is more than 50 gram of carbs a day) you will literally be more hungry, but if you stop eating carbs altogether your hungry craving will be significantly reduced.

>on keto
i am laffin

not dick

Degradation of the traditional family structure and household probably has more to do with it, and no I'm not saying >hurr feminism but rather that the post WW2 economy which gave rise to the concept of modern suburbia outright did away with multi generational family units and give rise to the expectation that all people become atomized and independent entities at age twenty.

Follow this by the economy getting worse so that this expectation isn't actually feasible for people to really meet anymore and suddenly your shit is kind of fucked.

And it really only gets worse.