What am I about to get into?
What am I about to get into?
Black lives really don't matter.
Just kill yourself already because your nu-male brain wont be able to appreciate this masterpiece
it gets hard at first but you turn into a god mid game
A bugfest.
Make sure to get it patched up.
>and kill kids :^)
Play FO1 first if you haven't, because you're going to abandon in the tutorial if you aren't familiar with the old Fallouts
Just run through the temple. Fuck the scorpions, just run past them. Depending on skills get past last guy in Temple, then finally be able to play and enjoy the game as you please.
That Temple was an early casual filter. Still stands the test of time.
Best fallout
10 agility, and bring lots of super stimpacks to the endgame
>That Temple was an early casual filter.
it was literally a tutorial
Do I get the restoration patch?
One of the best games ever made to be honest
roleplaying shit for escapists devoid of any interesting plot
it may be good at what it does but it's still shit
Shit game praised by nostalgia fags
>What am I about to get into?
the temple of trials
i seriously hope you played fallout 1 first
Fallout 1 is the tutorial.
The original meme game. Borderlands 2: 1998 Edition.
Just made it to vault city
>tfw didnt find karl at modac
Man, everything is so expensive in this game. Might just spend a hour gambling at that first town
How to spot kids that aren't even allowed to use this board
Become a pornstar/slave driver.
>Fallout 2
Mate, by Vault City you should have all the gear you will need for next... a long while.
Clue - don't hoard stuff. At all. Get rid of everything you don't use. It's this type of game where if you are not using something, then it's just eating out inventory weight. Sell shit you don't use, unless it's weightless.
And get yourself Sulik, Vic and Cassidy to haul more shit. Two-three random encounters and you are set even if now it might appear to be thin on cash.
I'm a few hours into Fallout 1 and don't like it. I kind of want to try 2 because people say it's better
Get Killap's Unofficial FO2 patch, and SFall.
Then play one of the best games ever made.
>poor as fuck
>waste a bunch of raiders with combat shotguns
>too much money to spend
If you don't like 1, you probably won't like 2.
suck, fuck and shoot your way to victory and you'll be fine
You don't need to play FO1 to enjoy FO2. The only reason you need FO1 is the Temple of Trials in FO2, which is more than fucking annoying (unless you won't just ran through it), so you are familiar with game controls already.
I didn't play Fallout 1 up until '04, where I've got a bundle with all three Fallouts. FO2 in better in every single department aside amount of talking heads.
an outdated ugly piece of shit
I fucking love FO2. Meanwhile, as far as I care, FO1 could even stop to exists.
>Game released 18 years ago
>Meanwhile, as far as I care, FO1 could even stop to exists.
I'll fucking kill you, nigger.
I laughed when I learned that Black Isle made the tutorial dungeon as an afterthought after 90% done with the game. It really fucking showed.
It depends what you don't like about FO1, user.
FO1 was in numerous places just an engine test. Like NPCs. They've literally created NPCs just to see if the engine will support them. That's why FO1 followers are so fucking bad - because they were done for trials.
Besides, FO1 is all gloomy and waaay to serious in regards to own content. FO2 is more in tune with Wasteland 1, where shit hit the fan pretty hard, but that doesn't mean going all grimderp.
It has no licensed music and you might go longer than five minutes without shooting something. Of course he'd think it's outdated.
>download the game
>make melee character
>attack a rat
i bet you're the same kike posting those morrowind combat webms
>you might go longer than five minutes without shooting something
>post apocalyptic game
>about combat
>the first thing you do is determine your skills at killing
>you're put into a temple with enemies
>you're not supposed to expect action in every corner
If you don't like the gameplay - sorry, FO2 barely changes anything (aside maybe NPCs, that are very, very useful and much more reactive)
If you don't like the style of the story - congrats, FO2 will most definitely suit you better.
If you are under 25 and never had any contact with old Fallouts before - it takes a while to get used to the way how clunky the game is.
On the route between Den and Vault City there is no way to not have at least one encounter with random raiders.
Which means free loot worth roughtly 2 grands and probably some gun better than the shit you are carrying at the moment.
So you have just enough to carry on with all the stuff, get back to Den and get the Highwayman.
>post apocalyptic game
>about combat
>get to the end of the temple
>guy tells you that you have to fight him
>you tell him no and to fuck off
>he fucks off
I played more RPGs than you will ever do in your life. And I can affirm that anything other than PS:T is pretty shit as long as it comes to Interplay RPGs
>Tags Melee
>Fights with Unarmed
>Surprise it's constant miss
And it was proven time and again you just can't miss rats if you tagged Unarmed, because your starting skill will be enough to have maximum probability of hitting.
That's not intuitive.
Oh look, it's the "Planescape is the best cRPG ever made" meme.
If anything, Planescape was their worst game of them all, but perfectly taiilored for ass-hats like you, who will now keep praising that piece of edgy, faux-intellectual piece of shit forever.
I haven't played Planescape, but since so many people love it and shit on it for being "deep", does the ending have a twist? Twist plots always piss people off
One of the best RPGs ever.
No, it has no twist ending. The ending is simply shitty.
But it's so fucking edgy in the final act it makes Warrior Within look like a game marketed for fans of cute and fuzzy.
People shit on it for being "deep", because it's pretty much Existentionalism: 101 - The Game, but spergs and NEETs never saw anything like this before, so they've instantly claimed the game being extremely deep and asking important questions.
Oh look, it's the "Planescape is the worst Black Isle RPG!"
It works both way, surprising isn't it? I only read that kind of crap on Sup Forums, and what life has told anyone with a working brain is that Sup Forums is always full of shit.
Now you will shut up and explain me how Planescape is a faux-intellectual piece of shit without memeing. As someone who grew up in books, only Planescape managed to keep me from boredom, it's surely not the best piece of fiction there is but for a videogame it is unparalleled so far.
Literally the only place on internet when I can read such crap holy shit
calm down, spazmeyer
Nobody gives a fuck. And fortunately - nobody but nostalgic asshats play it anymore.
> As someone who grew up in books, only Planescape managed to keep me from boredom
>for a videogame it is unparalleled so far.
Different user, but holy shit, you're a caricature of faux-intellectualism. I don't even hate Planescape, though I did think it tried to be a little too deep for it's own abilities.
wow nice buzzword
why do people get so butthurt about the tutorial map in this game?
Take a chill pill
I'm serious, I can't enjoy anything anymore because of this fucking board
you will tell me to stop coming here but why?
to close my eyes to facts? no thanks
that's why I want a list of OBJECTIVELY GOOD videogames
From their first time. They probably thought they could build their character how they wanted, got into a bunch of shitty melee MISS MISS MISS fights and it ruined the experience.
No, really - because.
FO1 opened with the same shit and somehow nobody was complaining about that.
wii bowling is objectively good
Woah, summer, how about you will just leave?
what does it have to do with anything?
Would you prefer I use a more eloquent word to point out that you pretend to be smarter than you really are?
>What does being a crying sperg in the middle of summer has to do with being a summerfag
Dunno, probably nothing
I can't tell if advanced trolling
Lurk moar
Define smart.
Having literary standards and having exigencies about writing doesn't make me smarter in any way. Only more experienced in a particular field.
You must be quite insecure to think I pretend to be a smart guy
Sounds like the average whining for Morrowind too.
>Appeal to fear and insecurity
Summer, leave
Not really, the cave takes about a minute to get through and if you specced guns you're given one to use. I think the latter reason is why everyone hates the Temple so much, everyone specs guns on their first run but the Temple doesn't give you one so it's almost impossible to hit the enemies. It's not an issue if you have high agility though because you can just run past them all.
Must be summer everytime on this board then.
did morrowind have forced tutorial? and i'm pretty sure that's not a crpg where your choices and build matter. i've played elder scrolls skyrim, i can do anything
Miss is literally a meme. No matter what FUNCTIONAL character you are going to make, Temple is perfectly beatable with roughtly one miss per 5 hits for non-melee PCs and random misses with bad roll for melee PCs.
It takes to literally make untagged character with all stats dumped to 1 and the perk lowering your combat skills to get the memetic ratio of missed hits
You played it wrong then. You shouldn't fucking miss stepping or smacking a rat or scorpion or whatever right in front of you. It may say 50% but it's more like 12.5%
>that never happened it was just a meme
It did happen, to several people, that's why it's an agreed upon shitty part of the game.
The temple of trial sucks. It's not needed. It's fucking awful and if you're going to try and convince anybody otherwise, you need something better than "It's not QUITE as shitty as it actually is!"
>so it's almost impossible to hit the enemies
With starting, combat-oriented, untagged melee character you have roughtly 60-65 in Unarmed and 55-60 in Melee.
That's enough to land reliably each 3 out of 4 hits within the temple.
Against enemies that die after single one.
And you "need" to fight just a single ant. Just like you need to fight a single rat in the cave.
Don't force me to go and bring all the numbers to prove how le miss meme is retarded.
>Define smart
Not you
>You must be quite insecure to think I pretend to be a smart guy
I don't. I'm just pointing out the language you use, and the way you structure the way you speak makes you sound like you're a pretentious kid trying to sound smart
>Pushing meme this hard
I'm playing FO2 for longer than you are probably alive. Or close to that.
You seriously want to argue?
>fallout 1,2 are untouchable masterpieces
No, no forced tutorial, but if you didn't spec for some combat you'd die against most low-level fights asides from rats in a game without a leveled world
>Not you
Middle-school tier kind of answer.
And I'm an ESL so I don't really have a broad english vocabulary, at least broad enough to write properly nuanced sentences. You should pay attention to the meaning instead of scanning every single post for "faux intellectual buzzwords" and "pretentious sounding words".
This is totally not a smug asshattery right now with pretentious sentence composiotion.
>As someone who grew up in books, only Planescape managed to keep me from boredom
>for a videogame it is unparalleled so far
Is faux-intellectual no matter how it's structured.
>Muh calling what you say buzzwords so your point is invalidated
>for a videogame it is unparalleled so far
is it really faux-intellectual to say that videogames have very poorly structured stories?
not at all, and it's not a problem since a lot of them have their qualities lying elsewhere, but it's not the case for most WRPGs.
It's faux-intellectualism if you base your claim on imaginary expertise which boils down to "I'm better and an expert, because aside Meaningless Activity A I also perform Meaningless Activity B, but if I will list it alongside, that would sound like a lot of activities, which indicates expertise, which makes my argument sounds better"
Unfortunately, this is Sup Forums and everyone here knows Eristics: 101.
So stay mad, kid.
Not as much as "As someone who grew up in books, only Planescape managed to keep me from boredom"
But also planescape wasn't even that well structured, it was extremely disjointed feeling and kinda awkward at times. It had an elementary understanding of philosophical concepts, didn't explore them in a novel way, and came off like someone who attended their first college course.
>Not playing superior jap Nier
It's better because the story expands tenfold. But it's the same game.
And if I hadn't say anything I would've gotten "lol illiterate faggot stop shitposting please"
can't I take safety measures against hypocrisy? every single argument turn into poor ad hominem because of overall insecurity, and not on Sup Forums but on this particular board.
>But also planescape wasn't even that well structured, it was extremely disjointed feeling and kinda awkward at times. It had an elementary understanding of philosophical concepts, didn't explore them in a novel way, and came off like someone who attended their first college course.
Well, I expect real, in-game, examples to back up what you're saying instead of dumping a bunch of adjectives.
For one the prose of the descriptions. Every other word is a fucking adjective. "Her black veined eyes" Again, not terrible, but at times it really goes overboard and comes of pretentious. Also the whole cliche what is a man shit.
i did waste a ton of people in a corn field but the bodies were near impossible to find.
im headed to some power plant now for citizenship. In fallout 1 i quit because of how oblivious i was too radiation. where is the notification for rads?
I don't see how it is pretentious, I'd say it bypass efficiently the technical limitations of the engine at that time.
It adds a great deal of immersion and add emphasis to most characters' emotions by making the player able to visualize what is happening, how is the character feeling for instance. It worked pretty well with abishais, the kind of winged demons that can only communicate by hissing.
It wouldn't be as acceptable today as it was 15 years ago but it was written well enough to age decently.
Frank Horrigan
FO1 but bigger and more memey. Flamethrower is still GOTY, you can become a mafia boxing champion pornstar and the quest to get to the oil rig is less gay than getting the Cathedral keys.
I understand the idea that you need descriptions to explain things when graphics don't work, but not every single sentence needs a description, otherwise it sounds like your either padding a paper for word goal, or that you think every trivial thing, even if previously explained needs a moby-dick's level description
What's the best SPECIAL for a fallout 2 playthrough? And what weapon type would be best for someone that isn't very good at these types of games?
What the hell was up with SMG crit's in this game? How come normal attacks seem to hit with the numbers they are supposed to but SMG's can do like 250 damage
S - Should be about 6 or 7
P - 6 maybe?
E - 4 or so
C - 6 maybe
I - 9 at the minimum
A- 9 at the minimum
L- 4 probably
Endurance and Luck just don't matter that much.
Strength, Agility, and Intelligence are pretty damn important.
Charisma is just nice to have some buddies around.
Strength is nice to carry bigger weapons around and Agility is by far your most important stat. Feel free to take a point or two off Endurance if you're not melee and make getting a burst gun your top priority.
Also remember to save-scum for pickpocketing.