PS Plus free games

Anything worth picking up this month? The only thing that looks remotely interesting is Yakuza 5

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Rebel Galaxy is apparently a decent game of space combat/trading/exploration that everyone seems to like,

Everything. The only thing not worth picking up this past year has been King's Quest and the PS3 screen saver.

i might look into it

Tricky Towers is pretty fun to play online.

yakuza is the clear best game but both ps4 look interesting

really? it looks like the classic "stack up everything you can, as high as you can" mobile game

Literally the only game worth a damn for the last few months were Broforce and Furi

Tetris is a mobile game

You have some awful taste desu.

Also Broforce is yet to be fixed.

Patapon 3


this desu

Fuck off Oreshika is great

are the trine games any good?




Yakuza 5 and Rebel Galaxy is enough to make me happy for this month (still need to play yakuza 4 though.. already got it on my shelf, but hadn't bought 5 yet, so it works out for me)

actually hadn't heard of Rebel Galaxy before but after looking into it really interested now

1 & 2 yes. 3 was so bad they made an apology over it.

Saints row was ok too but short.
Like mix between infamous and gta.

Why hasn't Second Son been free yet

Gat Outta Hell is fucking garbage
Somehow even worse than Saints Row IV

Also i bought yakuza 5 little while ago only to see it "free" pisses me off

Because you got btw im a gurl edition, instead.

we already got first light, which is the superior game that ends before you get bored of it unlike second son

Can't watch that.
They look so fucking miserable.

I bought it at launch and don't regret it one bit.

Why hasn't that killzone game been free yet.

That shit isn't worth money.

plus that arena was pretty fun

Yup, bought it last year. Haven't finished it yet, though. Kind of got bored at Saejima's part. I'm trying for completionist

killzone already been on sale a few times for $5 and its base price is already down the dumps

being "free" wouldn't really save you much, but given it's worth almost nothing it'll probably show up sooner or later

we also got the superior killzone mercenary for "free" already anyway

Yeah, welcome to any kind of online store that has monthly sales. That's why you should probably wait until something is half off or whatever.

Remember all the missables.

Honestly the worst part of minigame bullshit is ocean fishing. After so many entries it's still SHIT and it kills your hands

anything good from the weekly sales?

>game was made by 2 guys
>seem to have a truckload of content despite that and isn't pixel indie shit
>gameplay looks alright
not even mad

>no longer have PS3
>Yakuza 5 is on PS+

has anyone played much of rebel galaxy? i'm downloading it now but it's gonna take an hour.
Is it a fun time?

Why do people get rid of their old consoles in general? I never got it. I still have my old broken PS2.

When is Gang beasts coming out

well it won't be "free" but there's hope for you

>PS4 isn't backwards compatible
>Guess I'll sell my console then

Because you're dumb.

remaking yakuza 2 i understand but remaking 3-5 is a waste of time

>Yakuza 5

what is this game similar to?

also, I never played a subtitled foreign language game, do you miss what's happening sometimes because you are reading?

probably using the term remake loosely, it'd just be a remaster

usually storage problems, or other people make them.
most people don't want to have a shit ton of videogame consoles laying around their house unused, and maybe need the money.


Maybe I wouldn't have sold my PS3 if SEGA would have announced localizing Yakuza 5 years ago instead of waiting until western fans of the series threw a big enough bitchfit about no localization

I barely know what's going on in games I can understand, with subtitles only I'll never know what's going on

Missing out by reading subtitles with a different language is a meme unless you read slowly. And the game's story based, so you'll probably be lost starting at the 5th entry.

It's a brawler with some rpg elements(level ups only give health, heat/special bar, and points for more moves).

>with subtitles only I'll never know what's going on
If only every single thing other than voices in Yakuza were in English. Oh wait.

It was Sony that brought Yakuza 5 in the west.
Now that SEGA is interested in doing it again they have to put the fucking Purseowner team on it so they can make their shitty honorific weeb fantasies come true.

Not sure why Yakuza was the only reason for you to have PS3 either.

Most of the text is during cutscenes or in press-to-continue segments. The latter should be no problem no matter how dyslectic you are, and the former is just like watching "foreign language" films. If you've ever done that, you'll know how fucking easy it is.

aw, man, I thought it was like a GTA with Yakuza style story

sounds alright then, thanks

I'll maybe get THPS5 for 16 yurobux.
But I'm not sure yet.
And there's TW3 and BB for 25 bux each, that's ok but you'll get it cheaper somewhere else.

>Not sure why Yakuza was the only reason for you to have PS3 either.
I also had DeS but I did just about everything that was possible in DeS along with getting the plat and then near the end of the PS3's life cycle any games that were exclusive to it or to consoles in general were starting to get ported to PC

People are shitting all over this month but i find it one of the few decent months in a long time.

Too bad he vita now gets psp games but i understand why, the gamewell for vita is almost dry.

I still have my brothers C64 and his collection of floppy's.
And it still works.

Rebel Galaxy is good, I own it on PC. It's basically AC: Black Flag ship combat in a space sandbox.

It's not any good, but if you're already downloading you'll find out for yourself soon enough.