Something's not right with these designs, but I can't tell exactly what.
Something's not right with these designs, but I can't tell exactly what
The dude has stupid pants, the girl would be fine but she chose to be a rooster.
not dark enough
At first I didn't like the girl but she is growing on me.
Still nowhere near as cute as Serena though.
Autistic fashion sense
The girl isn't thicc
>The girls shirt bow thingy
>Their hair is too rounded at the ends
>Girl isn't wearing tights/pantyhose ala Rosa
that can be remedied, but there's still something odd about them.
No customization.
I sure hope NoA cencors this filth
>Two girls
I don't see the problem you misogynist pig.
Their eyes extend way too far towards the sides of the face. Also the girls upper torso is like half the size of her waist.
ah! I think we're getting closer to the truth.
What was Nintendo thinking?
Needs more visible nip from the girl.
They no longer look like trainers, but just generic children.
This happened with BW2, but It didnt matter because Mei a cute, but from there they lost their trainery-ness.
I actually really like the designs. They aren't as good as previous ones but their simplicity is pretty good. Besides there'll be dress up like in XY
Let's get money from the loli crowd.
The kid does, the girl looks like a moeblob cumdumpster with a retarded hat.
male has a hand in his pants
female has a silly hat and her shoes have teeth
they're still pretty cute though
will there ever be a girl as perfect as rosa again?
Why do the male trainers look like flaming homo cocksluts anymore?
They're not Red from muh geewun or Gold from muh geetwo.
There, solved it for you.
they seem more like npc trainers rather than the actual playable ones
because they have to pander to pedophiles and fujoshits, same as the female player panders to pedophiles and priests
Ken Sugimori a shit
Somebody must have that pic showing the evolution of his illustrations into the abominations they are now
>literally the worst design in the franchise
Unovabortion pls go
i wanna fug the boy_
You have the shittest taste if that's your honest opinion
they're both girls
His style just changed. He also got objectively better, his really old drawings for gen 1 had some pretty bad anatomy and other problems. I miss the watercolor style though, and you can tell he really had a boner for Toriyama with his earlier works.
They look more like NPC trainers, honestly.
Hopefully, customization can remedy that problem.
You have to agree that the pants/skirt was retarded
Pokemon designs are improving.
>brown people
That is the best part
Faces too round.
not iconic
The girl's been posted around here so much that I had completely forgotten what the male MC looked like until just now. Thanks OP.
Here, now everything is in order.
The male design is still a hell of a lot better than the design for XY
nice shoop
you sure?
because i can fap to it
I see real girls wear that kind of stuff. It's just leggings underneath a skirt.
posting best male main character
stupid hat on girl
stupid bow on girl shirt
stupid pants on boy
stupid shoes on both
stupid friendship bracelets
stupid new pokemon artstyle sameface on both
you're welcome
Is dress up confirmed? Knowing game freak it's probably gone
>6 ft manlet kings bullying other manlets to feel better about themselves
It's the really shit eyes. The whole thing just looks so generic.
What makes pokegirls so deliciously pregnable?
Hilbert looks like he won't put up with anyone's shit.
Too bad all of the new trainers look like fuckbois.
1 inch?
Making it 5'9 would make more sense since that's a noticeable difference
That armpit change actually did a lot
Not even a genwunner, the gen 3 design for Red is best. Pretty much every other guy has something I can nitpick but Red's design here is solid as fuck.
'Indistinct' is the only way I could put it.
>he doesnt know the meme
>long hair on all the males
disgusting jewish agenda being pushed again.
The problem with jap/anime designs is the faces are identical. There is no way to identify a man or woman without the rest of the body.
Give the hat back, she's as pissed as Lillie now.
>He doesn't know what leggings are
I really hope there'll be non-gen 1 typechanged pokemon.
Posting best girl.
The boy is pretty bog-standard boring.
The girl has a weird fashion sense from the waist up. The huge t-shirt knotted at the waist and rooster hat are really unusual, even for Pokemon protag outfits.
If it weren't for the broken zipper on the jacket, Hilbert's design would be dead solid.
I really dig this image. It looks so comfy and fun
The girl looks better brown.
Yeah, Alola just looks super fucking comfy and nice.
That kid is about to get fucked up though. This is why you don't go into tall grass.
Maybe it's the clown shoes
They look like faggot hipsters.
What's with animu boys and having scruffy, near shoulder length hair?
At least Lucas knew how to get a fucking haircut
>that third male
Even his default expression is lewd.
The girl looks like your typical generic and ditsy chilhood friend character from an anime, pretty shit honestly.
It's because of her cock hat.
People who aren't a balding white male by their teens like to make use with what they have.
Self-insert. That's the typical hair style for your shiftless young adults, which are the main consumer of games and anime merchandise. It's also a very nondescript and un-unique hairstyle.
It's kind of like having a western hero in a helmet to make it easier for players to identify with.
why did they make the boy cuter than the girl
Sexy. Now put her into like a haltertop so we can see her midriff.
Male confirmed for Team Aqua
Female confirmed for Team Magma
>the shirt
>the shoes
they know whats up
Japan is trying to prevent the white male from breeding by gettign them addicted to traps at an early age.
Me on the left
japan is trying to make all white boys into traps
>you won't be allowed to customize and create your own personal z move to be funny or lewd
this man speaks the truth
This kid is adorable. My little sister used to wear a pink bucket hat just like that
what's this whitebois name senpai?
Personally my favorite was Gen 3 trainers....
i like those armpits. give name
no idea
Silly hat on girl. She also doesn't have one defining sexual feature see:
>Hilda's ass
>Rosa's tits and legging legs.
>Serena's hips and thigh-highs.
I have hopes for the custom outfits though.
Gen3 had all of the busty ones.