4K Blu Ray
They actually made the best controller ever released even better
I think Sony will release Neo only in 2017 so they can improve the specs
4K Blu Ray
They actually made the best controller ever released even better
I think Sony will release Neo only in 2017 so they can improve the specs
wtf why is there a speaker?
I thought the Scorpion was the PS4Neo killer.
Ignoring the bait, what has changed in the controller? I'm thinking about buying a Xbone controller to use on PC, but I might get the new one if it's better.
If the Xbox One S could at least play all or most Xbone games at 60FPS, I would have bought it immediately and not even cared about Scorpio.
It's bigger than PS4 though?
where are the games though
the only exclusive i see is sunset overdrive
Since the controller doesn't include a speaker, it comes in the console itself.
Texture on the grips like the Lunar White/Forza/Elite and bluetooth. That's it.
No, actually.
but can it play sony games?
Does it improve performance on existing games?
Actually it does, by a few frames. eurogamer.net
Depends on how GPU-dependent the game is. DigitalFoundry has benchmarks on it.
Why would I buy a Microsoft console when I'm only interested in jrpgs?
Even if it did have superior hardware, it doesnt have the games I want, so what would be the point?
I only want the new controller for it's integrated bluetooth, I don't want to keep the hacked PS4 chink dualshock drivrs
Yep, instead of playing games at 22 FPS, you can now play games at 25 FPS!
So it's nothing?
>people will buy another xbox for the 4k gimmick
>still nothing to play
>A worse PS4 with no games
Stop shilling this piece of shit.
What does HDR mean in X1S context? Same as on PC, high dynamic range? Why would that be a console dependant, it is implemented in engines like UE or Unity since 5
So bluetooth probably means I don't need to buy those needlessly expensive wireless adapters for my PC? If so, that's great.
because it's on PS4 dual shock
>This little sucker here already made PS Neo irrelevant
this could legitimately be a buzzfeed title
okay, but...
where are the exclusives
Bluetooth for the controllers are only supported on Windows 10. If you don't have Win 10 then RIP
>Still not as powerful as vanilla PS4
>All exclusives are on PC
Lmao dude. Why would you buy something so objectively shitty and useless? Like you dont have to buy a ps4, just spend that money on something not obsolete lel
You say that as if that wasn't a shill post
Microsoft going hard with the shilling lately.
I'm not a paranoid Sup Forums user so yeah, I have 10. Gonna look into the new controller when I can find it in my country.
are they not supported the same way the bluetooth 360 controllers are?
What exactly is HDR as a hardware feature?
I've always known it from the HL2: Lost Coast commentary where you walk from a dark area into a light one and the player characters eyes "adjust".
>They actually made the best controller ever released even better
new one? then what the fuck is the scoprio using
X1 new controller is bluetooth and can be used in any bluetooth equipment
It does, but barely. Rise of the Tomb Raider is now stable at 30fps, forza 6 runs at 55fps rather than 47.
There's improvement, but it's barely noticeable.
(You) (You)
i did and still do like it. suck my dick.
It's fucking nothing.
Do you know that Xbox One S fan is bigger right?
which means less noise and better cooldown compared to PS4
Well the thing is you can't have a huge boost in framerate because of competitive games. It's not like the pc were people can modify their settings to get better fps.
Imagine if the jump from the xbone to the new xbone was like a 60 fps difference, it would be a crazy advantage for the people that bought the new one when playing against people on the old one.
Sure, whatever you say
according to DF it's about 10-15 db quieter
>Look our thing has better graphics!
>If you want graphics you should go PC not console
Seriously you fags argue over specs then go on to claim specs don't matter when it comes to games.
>Look our thing has better graphics!
That's sonyfags (Uncharted whores) and despite 0.5 teraflops advantage no game looks better on PS4 than on Xbox One
everyone on Sup Forums is a graphic shits no matter what platform they are playing on. console, PC, they all have their share of graphic faggotry. moreso with PCfags.
DF says it's about 6db louder.
>This much delusion
Say Xbone.
>DF says it's about 6db louder.
I'm talking about compared to PS4 you retard.
Ah yeah, fair enough. Wonder if the Xbone still runs hotter.
Some people made heat camera tests on youtube.. check it out
PS4 is hotter
Yeah, I know about the hotter air getting pumped out of the PS4 because it actually has a cooling system. DF said the insides of the Xbone were hotter.