A really big fucking SIEGE THREAD coming your way.
Today's the day for Operation HUE
A really big fucking SIEGE THREAD coming your way.
Today's the day for Operation HUE
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>3 hours until update
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>Brazil, a place known for extremely brutal policing gets a non-lethal character
I'm a rookie and what is this
What do you mean?
Does anyone here play R6S for XB1?
I just meant the whole stun+interrogate thing for the chick. I found it ironic is all. I'm just happy we get free shit honestly
Dunno if you saw the interrogate but it ends up in a stab in the head.
Do you think people will use it often? It seems cool but with the speed of the game will it prove useful enough?
Silent step lets her walk quietly and gain intel on teammate locations.
She sounds like she's built to roam, I think she'll be fairly popular.
What gadgets does she have?
Not that user but since the patch used it she proved herself to be fucking terrifyingly effective, even more so than the attacking one, since he mostly works by stopping advance from the enemie
C4 and wires I think
Access to the smokes without giving up a frag i think will help fight the spawn killers on bank or club house
Downing a lone defender/attacker happens quite often, the only thing that changes with her is how you end the fight: Instead of finishing the wounded guy you now move towards him and press a button.
Her weapons and gadgets make her kind of generic imo but Silent Step might be very useful depending on the map.
I really like that about her, a character dedicated to stalking attackers and methodically killing them off
Wires on her will be nice for setting up situations for her interrogation.
>Hear wire rattling
>Silent step ambush
I might be testing her out with a suppressor so I can get injuries more.
I'm excited for a stealth operator
I mostly used it to shoot at the defuser and to give a pause to anyone pursuing a hostage, I love mostly because he is a attacking Smoke and I love Smoke
The worst part is when the message goes about how your position has been compromised, more than once I saw a match end quickly once that happened
>100% of special forces operators are men
>game makes it 50%
Absolutely disgusting
Tachanka buff when?
Blackbeard nerf when?
Really! Can you not? I literally can't even right now
They aren't Army special forces, though. They're SWAT and domestic counter terrorism groups. There are quite a few women in SWAT. On top of that, with the exception of Frost and the new girl, they're all in technical/support and scouting roles rather than massive firepower roles, which is fitting.
Pretty sure Tachanka can deploy his turret much faster now making him much more mobile.
Not right now.
It's not even 50%, stupid niGGer
Ive got a week to decide if I want Capita or Caveira since I don't have the season pass. But I have enough renown to buy one. I'm thinking Capitao
She's thicc
>10% off discount in shop
It's not enough.
If you don't have Buck or Skillbeard, get them first.
>much more mobile.
Tatchanka doesn't want to be mobile
>liking the awful netcode
how can you even play that shit game when in every single match your hits sometime simply do not register?
What are the HUEHUEHUEHUE operators like?
Works on my Pc :^)
Try not to have a shit connection then
The girl has good weapons but otherwise kinda meh.
The new map is a clusterfuck and a half. So many small room, so many destructible walls. There is a billion angles to look out for. This is one annoying ass match if Glaz has eyes inside.
Cap has a crossbow that shoots out gas or ignites the air. LMG is pretty neat.
Cav has a silenced pistol and a "nothing personnel" skill where she teleports behind you and gets the location of the enemy team for your whole team before unsheathing her knife and killing you. Her other guns are good.
This is gonna be fun for sledge
Her shotgun's kinda shit IMHO. Capitao is a MUCH better character. He gets an LMG which has almost 0 fucking recoil, nades, smoke bolts + incendiary bolts, and just looks cool.
New map is also kinda meh. It's REALLY hard to defend.
The enemy team seriously can't fuck with a pulse and spoopy girl combo. Especially on the new map. I almost feel bad running it with a friend
Sledge, shotguns, Tachanka.
>3 speed
>stealth options
>good guns
I think I have a new waifu
>Video from February 2016
>Sniping with the SMG-11
>With silencer
>Doesn't know about damage drop off
>he thinks anything changed
>he thinks its my channel
>lag toggle