What MMO are you playing right now?
What MMO are you playing right now?
I'm curious Sup Forums!
Are there good looking western MMOs that are on par with the Korean MMO art and graphics?
Planetside 2.
playing ffxiv, it's okay.
Was playing ESO. I'll probably get back to it once I'm tired of OW again.
Recently started playing Aura Kingdom. It is similar to Flyff. I like it.
What MMO has the best fishing?
I'm not, but I wish I was.
Nothing has good quests.
Recommend something.
I already played the shit out of FFXIV. It was okay.
Wish there was a modern DDO.
>just noticed the mouse in the webm
can you adjust the fov by now?
last time I played I was getting massive nausea
I really want to like it, but the fact that there is almost no variation within classes really bothers me, it's probably a small problem but I just really need variety.
Yea, there is a slider for FoV.
>Nothing has good quests.
The Secret World
>2048x856 webm
really now?
There's a good chance DDO is coming to the west. Crapcom filed a trademark for it in the US.
I actually find the quests in ESO pretty good. It's also nice since they are all voiced.
Neverwinter on the PS4 with friends
Also grindan on OSRS
WoW because literally every other MMO I tried in the last year or to has disappointed me in some way
Runescape when you do the fishing Trawler
>I just really need variety
play a different class then
Runescape had some great quests
wew lad
EVEO, since i'm a shitter with terrible taste. Client one is AFK mining in .8 BYOC, client two is setting up half a billion buy and sell orders.
Yeah but then I'll be the same as every guy as the other class I play.
Lord of the Rings Online.
I like being able to buy the DLCs with achievement rewards.
DFO. No screenshots since I'm on my toaster right now.
Grinding for frags in ToD is dull as shit without something to listen to.
GW2. Just started my first character. Level 21 Norn Mesmer currently, and it's bretty fun. Tabula Rasa with more melee and less interesting story.
I play on an ultrawide.
I meant Dungeons and Dragons Online. The quests in that game were actually interesting because you needed non-combat roles.
How is the game un-subbed? I don't mind paying for a sub, but I was planning on giving it another go now that sub isn't required.
I didn't care for the beta.
just like every other MMO?
even games like RIFT that advertised their robust talent system still end up with the same 2 specs at endgame
ah, so you want to be a special snowflake, gotcha
>buying that drop roll animation
>it works while moving so you torpedo into mobs rolling on your sides
Such a fun game.
Sub really isn't needed until you get past 50, It just makes shit easier then.
If you plan to play it play it for the fucking story and enjoy the experience of the ES world. Not just to rush through it for the late game grind.
yeah I wanna be a special snowflake stop trying to oppress me
Been thinking of playing a caster in B&S
FFXIV, probably, if only for the fact that you have to explore the world to find all the good spots and the late-game things.
Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night...I can still feel my saboteur and chloromancer, even my Archon. The specs I've lost, the comrades I've lost...won't stop hurting, it's like they're all still there.
>even games like RIFT that advertised their robust talent system still end up with the same 2 specs at endgame
God damn it, reeeeeee
GW2, Rift, even things like PoE all have massive amounts of choices, but it always comes down to 3 or less optimal lategame builds.
And optimal = viable in most MMOs.
Black Desert Online
Is there a player housing option in it?
Too bad Trion killed their game. RIFT was pretty solid.
How can people enjoy MMOs?
I find them too tedious and uninteresting, I don't think I've ever reached the two hour mark in any MMO.
So yeah, why do you like MMOs? Im legit curious
Are you asking if you can have a house as a single player?
Yes, but they're usually quite expensive.
Typically, you are in a "guild" that has a big house, and you get your own room, but you can certainly have your own house.
It's something I can be mostly effective in and also multitask.
I like to watch movies and shows while I play sometimes, and still be progressing in some way.
This is not possible in games that force you to be active 100% of the time.
Community mostly. LotRO was very good. Community was real friendly and it really feels like you are in Middle-Earth.
But that's for me. I'm sure others have different reasons.
Paragon Chat?
Sorta fucked up my version once I updated it to the newer one. Now I can't join it again. I'll have to find the time to fix that.
What game is this?
the f2p update changed the game in a way I can't describe, like there was something just slightly off with the gameplay
Albion online, already warring with some shitter guild for a black site
>So yeah, why do you like MMOs? Im legit curious
used to be pvp
MMORPGs were the only game offering me the option of going out in the world and constantly being in danger of being hunted or being able to hunt other people while gathering.
Over time I learned the intricacies of hotkey and tab targeting combat and just became good at it because I started to enjoy it over time. Used to be in front of Orgrimmar duelling 6 hours a day on my warlock while queued for Arathi Basin (my server had too much Horde, so AB queue was 30 minutes +).
BC took that all away from me by destroying the duelling community due to moving the capital into the outlands and ruining open world pvp through the introduction of flying mounts.
Ever since then I've been looking for something to fill the void, but it's all been shit.
GW2 spvp came pretty damn close to the Arathi Basin experience and I made my way into top 200 spvp players before I got bored and lost interest. Also the game became steadily worse since release and ever since HoT I can't bring myself to play anymore at all with the changes to the spec system.
It's City of Heroes, but it's been dead for 5 years but the community has made a standalone Sandbox editor and a Second Life-ish version of the game where you can chat with others with your avatar but can't do powers or quests.
This is one of the things that kills it for me too.
it teases at some pretty interesting ideas. Cross class skills! Stat points! But the limited selection is worthless for skills and your base class doesn't support them. And those 30 skill points are a teeny tiny percent of your overall stats. Oh yeah, and only one does anything at all for you.
Even gear is bland. Every iLvl only has one set of gear so it's all the same stats. Which doesn't even matter because secondary stats are balanced so low too. Even the new gear with sockets sounds so good but the Materia is practically nothing statwise.
>It's something I can be mostly effective in and also multitask.
>I like to watch movies and shows while I play sometimes, and still be progressing in some way.
>This is not possible in games that force you to be active 100% of the time.
Actually this is what I kinda miss from mmorpgs. Without travel time and with cross server group finders I never get to enjoy to just chill ingame, mining or gathering or crafting or whatever while I marathon a TV show on the side.
Oh user. You have no idea how sad your post made me.
Damn son, I feel so sorry for you that you had to settle for GW2, the original's pvp would have been right up your alley.
Nooo stooop the master's works are to be taken seriously
/toast is literally the best emote in any MMO
Damn you OP, don't make me remember that feel when I will never again stomp and smash my way through Knives of Artemis packs on my Earth/Earth Brute
right now I'm waiting for Crowfall and Das Tal
>Albion online
how's the game i heard about it a lot but no one posting his opinion
>how's the game
available on mobile phones and tablets
I went on Paragon Chat about 2 weeks ago and there was some of those "The Cape" radio broadcasters there at Pocket D doing a show with about 20 other people.
Guild Wars 2. HoT made things pretty fun so far, despite the shit story, and action camera mode was a godsend.
don't care if you don't like it at least I'm having fun in PvP and with some of the content
I knew I should have known that but couldn't place that. Use to play it myself as well as city of villains.
Star trek online.
Leveling my crafting, sending ships to admiralty missions and sending duty officers on missions daily and occasionally i go and actually play the game in some combat zone or another.
Dayum, I really hope Crowfall delivers, thanks for turning me on to that.
I enjoyed playing wow recently, eve, and ff14
but money is tight, and I need a free game to distract me, please help
I'd do anything to be able to play this game again. Thanks for bringing back some old memories OP.
i wish i could like the game more
the player-made missions are pretty damn fun though
I dropped GW2 hard before HoT since they decided to give mesmers a fucking shield when literally not a single mesmer in the entire world asked for a fucking shield as a weapon. They completely ignored the community time and again and went their own direction.
literally dead meme
well i play a lot of mobage so it's not a problem
My life
New raid finally has a release date so there's reason to be hype now.
I'm giving Aion a whirl again after taking an extended hiatus. Not much to really say about it.
Understandable. Thankfully I only play engineer ever (except sometimes I'll PvP as Revenant) and they gave us a Hammer which is the one thing I always wanted.
I was wondering what the fuck they gave Mesmers as an additional weapon, what did the rest of the community want?
>spent a thousand dollars chasing that kardassian warship from the event a few years ago
>a week later never touch the game again
Is there finally a private server? I've been so depressed since bc soft fucked us i.e the fans
Has this game significantly changed in every aspect since release?
I played the beta and I was confused.
The reason for my confusion, is that I was extremely hyped for the game. It looked fantastic.
Then I got into the game and everything felt bland and uninteresting. The UI was confusing, and there was no immediate hook as to why my character existed.
Just let it go with some dignity Crow
Is there a singe-player game where you can do shit like this?
Is Archage, shame the game jew'd into oblivion.
Nothing like you and your whole guild traveling in fishing ships hunting for marlins, confiest fishing ever.
Everyone wanted a main hand option to complete our lackluster options. We had the scepter for condi builds and the sword for general usefulness. We had offhand options galore, sword, focus, torch, pistol and then they decided to give us yet ANOTHER fucking offhand for no reason whatsoever. Everyone wanted Pistol main hand, hell, even dagger would have been interesting.
But no, ANet didn't give 3 shits about Mesmers then and they sure as hell don't give a crap now. So I left. Fuck'em. That and after getting my second legendary the game was legit boring.
wow private servers
Does WoW have anything that doesn't look cheap-looking as fuck? I'm too spoiled by XIV having good aesthetics and music along with masking a WoW-playstyle with a RPG-like one.
>The Secret World
I think I'm going to give this a go.
Is it enjoyable solo for a while, or do I need to make friends ASAP?
>I'm too spoiled by XIV having good aesthetics and music
It's hard to play an MMO that doesn't have a AAA budget, because some MMOs are just so goddamn beautiful.
Any MMOs where you can create a Road Warrior-styled character?
stick to your containment mmo
>I dropped GW2 hard before HoT since they decided to give mesmers a fucking shield when literally not a single mesmer in the entire world asked for a fucking shield as a weapon.
Nigga, every single elementalist I know wanted a fucking bow
Elemental archers are cool as fuck. Instead we get what? Warhorn? Wtf is this bullshit?
I haven't played XIV since last year, and I don't plan to go back.
XIV is stale as fuck, but there are few choices for MMOs.
>Is it enjoyable solo for a while, or do I need to make friends ASAP?
Game is enjoyed better while solo.
Instances can be fun though, if you manage to find a group for it, go for it.
pretty good, really pronounced Runescape and Ultima vibes
no one on Sup Forums is going to post about albion btw, since it requires actual money for the betas, and its grindy, and has pvp penalties
id wait for it to release as f2p and join in then
The fact that the west hasn't come up with their own mmo that rivals them is embarassing. Do I really have to turn to a universe with lolis and pretty boy faces just so I can play something htat feels like it was released in 2016 in the mmo genre? Really, can't they just pick a popular already realized universe, like a new LOTR mmo, GoT mmo, or a warhammer sequel or whatever.
Is the korean market just starting up and it's full of passionate graduates and not as overtaken by the corporate crap like in the west? Are people starting up like bioware did over there, is that why they can create these in some ways overly ambitious projects?
Don't fall for the meme, TSW is absolute horseshit. Sup Forums talks about the quests being amazing but that doesn't make it fun to play when the combat is boring as fuck and watching numbers floating off enemies.
I honestly couldn't get into that game and I couldn't figure out why.
I was planning on playing it for at least a week, but I had to force myself to play for a few hours and then stopped. It just didn't strike a good chord with me for some reason.
What armor is that?
do you have any idea of the release date ? it looks like it's the last beta test
Didn't that artist make a cartoon where some future elf chick is violently raped by a cyber criminal
this and the worst is that the combat is 90% of the game they really should have done a solo puzzle game