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At least start with a vidya character
Is this another 'I swear it's not porn, it's cosplay' thread?
inb4 a ton of permavirgins say they wouldn't fuck nigiri
I've never been to a con because I think I might not be autistic enough for it (just slightly) and none of my friends are into it. Is it worth it going to one sometime (not necessarily for the cosplay)?
at least start with a vidya character dumbass
I will just leave this here.
Wrong board you degenerate fuckhole.
Jessica Nigri is cute. Stop being mean about her hairline.
/cgl/ is a decent board
she's balding though and that's just sad for someone her age
>If I blink even once my makeup will get into my eyes!
>Why are we shooting in sauna!?
>tfw your new favorite fetish is crossdressing cosplay sex
She's got a great body regardless of her fake tits.
Not really
I like this pic, mostly because it looks like Ahri in unintentional yandere mode
Great body (fake tits though, yes), but awful personality.
Yeah sure.
I laffed at some fatty posting a cosplay of a character that obviously wasn't for her.
I got burned in a cross by whiteknights and cunts for it.
Are you looking for a literal hugbox here on Sup Forums?? /cgl/ is your place.
Are those heel-less high heels?
>goes into constructive criticism and discussion thread
>gets called out
>"b-but muh edge"
I'm sure she was a goofy fat cunt, but you were probably just being annoying.
why is there no decent cosplay porn. JAV sucks
Not entirely what you're looking for, but Tara Babcock has done softcore videos.
please rec me more bimbo streamers
>JAV sucks
>great body
>Fake tits
Pick one
Because girls can get a lot of money with the cosplay part without the need of porn
>bimbo streamers
not entirely sure what you mean by this, maybe webm related? don't know many twitch sluts and most of them are not really appealing desu
/cgl/ pls
It was horrible, and the replies were facebook tier ''you look gud gurl''
No she didn't, I pointed out once, and everybody called me an awful person
>inb4 edgy
that doesn't invalidate my point about /cgl/ being a hugbox
its just walking around in a smelly crowded warehouse looking at booths of advertisements and waiting in line to watch trailers that will be online in 20 minutes or for 10 dollar hotdogs.
I'm actually more pissed a slut like her got a knife.
I don't really mean the super big cons like SDCC or NYCC. I mean the really social smaller cons where you can take pictures with guys who were on one unaired episode of a sci fi show nobody but you and the actor remembers like Dragoncon or something like that or do those not exist?
webm def related
Overwatch was a mistake. I fucking DARE you to post that in /cgl/.
I pick none
Of course I would
She's still an attention whore shit though
>Someone spends time and money to dress up
>Receives ridicule
Sometimes there's funny banter and sometimes there's just being mean spirited.
She ain't going to suck your dick for that, you know.
I think that girl is ugly. However I also think that those comments are unfunny.
Sorry that I didn't upvote your epin repost though
>Someone spends time and money to dress up
You mean:
>Someone buys bodysuit + accessories online for $10 - $20 and poses in them.
Isn't that the south american tranny with the Batmanlet boyfriend?
I fucking hate that D.Va bodysuit
Way too overused
>Ten dollars
You're off by like an order of ten or so.
wtf i hate capitalism now