"user, Witcher 3 is better than Bloodborne in every single aspect."
"user, Witcher 3 is better than Bloodborne in every single aspect."
Other urls found in this thread:
That's right
I agree with that statement
>tfw I don't like any
post your ps4 with a timestamp
>I found Witcher 1 to be dated and clunky, but Witcher 3 is great!
>every single aspect
But what if I like gameplay with my games?
I like bloodborne more but I love witcher 3 too
Witcher really scratches that itch to explore, meet people, and fulfill my lifelong dreams of being a monster hunter
Bloodborne, imo, has much much better gameplay tho. It's not even a debate in my eyes. I don't think anyone really prefers witcher combat to bloodborne tho, they're just trolling
Gwent is far superior to anything fromsoft has ever put out tho
Nice thread my dear user
Well he's not wrong
Those two games aren't alike. why compare them?
Battleborn fucking sucks
Bloodborne, not Battleborn. Very different games.
I think he's memeing because the thread is just ebin shiposting anyway
That's correct
Bloodborne does cosmic horror better
A correct statement, even the dlc alone is better than memebourne
The Witcher 3 has below average gameplay
That's correct though you fucking faggot.
Someone post that image
There you go
I'm playing through The Witcher 1 now for the first time, just got to Chapter 4. I felt like the game was dated and clunky during the prologue and the first chapter, but then I got into the mindset of the game and realized it was pretty great actually. Turns out that you just have to bend your mindset from a current year gamer to a 2003 gamer.
Nope that's still witcher 3 actually
>inb4 a dozen posts about how bloodborne has the "deepest lore"
>everyone praising witcher are the people who don't even have a PS4
Makes sense.
>you can't like more than one thing because I say so
You are right, I don't own a PS4 because I'm poor. Otherwise I would already played BB, because I like BOTH the Souls and Witcher series.
>Bloodbornefags still butthurt
Not going to lie, it looks like a great game but its fans are complete shit
Yup, just likes soulsfags feeling the need to insert themselves into everything
I like things with gameplay.
This. I liked BB more than TW3 but both fanbases being shit plus PC salt of the decade and Sonygger's 1-game wrecked basically all discussion about BB.
>implying that Bloodborne is any different
>people actually defending hit and roll simulator
You're going to have to be more specific, those sound the same.
I just wish the gameplay was better in the witcher 3. The movement is super clunky and the combat consists of waiting until the enemy stops blocking and then you beat the shit out of them. Although I will say, doing the witcher contracts is really fun. I guess the combat vs humans just sucks which is unfortunate because it seems like that's what most of the combat is.
I always want to reinstall it since I only got about halfway through but it just gets so boring. I love GOT and LOTR but TW series never seemed very good to me in terms of story.
>didn't even play the game
Poor PCuck
honestly don't know which game you are talking about because they both have combat like that. Although the witcher combat is clunky as shit and I wish it was actually good because the slicing dismemberment and all that is amazing but the combat just doesn't feel right.
BB threads without "shit game bc it's not on PC" and "NEVER EVER" are actually amazing. I wish it didn't have to turn into such a meme game