>not learning Japanese
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All the complaints about censorship, localization and region availability can be safely ignored of only you put that shitposting strength into studying.
>not learning Japanese
Why Sup Forums?
All the complaints about censorship, localization and region availability can be safely ignored of only you put that shitposting strength into studying.
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I tried. I gave up.
I am too busy learning english and french. You know, languages that are REALLY useful.
t. native spanish speaker (not spaniard)
I'm about 10 months in and can barely fucking read Yotsuba.
studied it for 2 years, then came kanji and i said fuck it
Because I don't get assmad over little things.
>Implying I haven't
I am. Fuck off Merry and take your McDonalds with you
>he didn't encounter kanji for 2 years
I'll probably learn it during my lifetime
But currently I'm learning spanish and german
1000+ hours of study is too much effort for something you will only be using for otaku interests like video games.
If you were moving there, then sure, but most games worth playing get english translations.
>2 years before kanji
What the fuck kind of retard studies kana for 2 years? are you mentally retarded? Kana takes 2 weeks to learn at most then you do basic kanji that function as radicals, move on to more complex.
slow course, small class, 1 new teacher for each year.
i went to a very poor highschool
Go to you fucking community college or something, fuck. I learned Hiragana in a week
>community college
i dont live in united states of americuck
Genki is a classy textbook
there is a lot of stuff in french language. A lot of countries speak french.
>but muh China has more people
Only in one place and not around the world.
I finished my first year of Japanese at Uni and I'm going to continue the next year learning in Japan starting September.
I took 3 years of japanese at community college, we learned hiragana in two weeks, katakana casually after that.
We never learned kanji in that class, it was a separate course entirely.
I quit at kanji as well.
Too much work for too little.
It's not even about putting time into it, but to actually conquer the Japanese language you have to immerse yourself in their dumb culture when all I want to do is play their JRPGs without having to wait for a localization.
>you can work there now though!
Why the fuck would I want to work in Japan? Even if I do get a job in Japan, i'll always been seen as inferior because I'm a baka gaijin white piggu. Put that time into learning a programming language and get a cozy $60k/year job where you can work from home.
also you can't learn japanese etc. etc.
I'm just taking it for credit hours
yea like the quran and the bad parts of canada
>A lot of countries speak french.
And the vast majority of those countries can speak English too.
You just want to learn French because you'd think it'd be cool to order food in Paris in their native tongue, when in reality no one gives a shit.
i expected my class to be filled with weebs, but it turned out they quit after 2 weeks, which was before i joined.
but i am learning nihongo
boku wa nihongo o benkyoushiteimasu. boku wa nihongo o hanasemasu ga, heta desu.
fuck you i dont have time to input japanese characters.
>Never learned Kanji at fucking COMMUNITY COLLEGE.
Kanji was in nip 2 for me
Then move out of a third world country
このばかやろcant be seriousファミリ
I gave up for now, I'll probably give it a try again though.
I grasped basic grammar and both kana alphabets but what fucked me over was multiple kanji readings.
Weird, I thought a few thousand hours in return for 80 years of entertainment was a pretty good deal.
People spend more time than that learning an instrument, and at the end of they day, they still aren't Jimi Hendrix. You spent over 10 times that in school, learning mostly pointless shit. Hell, you've probably put a few hundred hours into an online game or two.
>or two
i want normies to leave
>not learning it from the very beginning.
The second you can read hiragana you should be learning Kanji.
>We never learned kanji in that class, it was a separate course entirely.
What sort of language course doesn't teach you how to read?
Waste of time if you don't live in Japan. So much of their media is available that it just isn't worth it.
Depends if they split it into conversational and written and you're expected, but not required to take both.
If that's the case then I can see it.
you realize that there is a lot of info in french, right? Maybe if you tried to speak something else aside what your parents and Tyrone teach you while you were younger, it could expand your mind
I started my 5th attempt a year ago and petered out around december. I guess it's time to try again.
I made it through Hiragana and almost all of Katakana last time.
I'm just so goddamn flaky.
>start learning a new language
>realize I'll probably only functionally use it maybe once a year
>get demoralized
being anglo is suffering
i wish I was a third worlder that got to experience the joy of being forced to learn a second language
You don't know the joke that is Japanese classroom learning. While other languages are bad, Japanese takes it to a whole new level, the only lessons worth ANY of your time are the ones directed towards Chinks who already know 90% of the kanji. If you can keep up with them, you're learning at about 60% efficiency, instead of the 2% you'll get at your community college or university offerings.
Yeah there's tons of information in Swahili too, doesn't mean the average fucks cares for it.
>selfstudy for 7 years
>went to japan this summer for a week
>got the gist of almost everything
>ascent/lisp makes it hard to understand me
>still have a shit vocabulary since all my practical knowledge is from mangos and vidya
>there are people who pay for this shit
Nearly no one knows 90% of Kanji, hell I'm not even sure if anyone knows exactly how many there even are.
What do you expect, when you teach kids that the only way to learn is in a classroom, they resort to one for the very thing you should never be within 50 feet of a classroom for.
If you're rich, get a private tutor. For everyone else, just use self-study, you'll get there in a tenth of the time and build valuable habits like "not being a lazy piece of shit who needs a class to force him to do some fucking work for once". Language learning isn't about textbooks, it's about basic proficiency and then reading native material that you enjoy.
According to top scholars, there are actually more kanji than stars in the observable universe. Really makes you think.
>same as Swahili
stop user, you are making this thread more stupid.
It's just as useful as Japanese, which is not useful at all unless you're a ouiaboo that wants to watch French cartoons.
how long can I last in jap land with 10k dollars
Assuming you mean Tokyo, that'd probably last you 3 months if you're smart with your money.
Spend your time doing something that will make you money, not this weebshit.
>spend your time doing something that will make you money
Why the fuck are you on Sup Forums then?
Nice. Enough time to try to learn Japanese and hopefully become a slave, or kill myself.
That's just ignoring the biggest benefit of the classroom, getting you people to talk to. Not the least of which is the teacher.
If you run out of money beg the Yakuza to become a drug runner. It's really dangerous and it's shit pay, but at least you'll have a job
I don't care for a lot of Japan-only games. I'd like to play Yakuza Ishin, but learning a new language for one game ain't fun.
it's impossible
even after investing 6 months on it day o day learning hiragana, katakana, kanji, vocab and grammar I still can't understand shit
I can READ it but I have no idea what is being said
>not having fantastic pronunciation but little knowledge of the language
id say like 4-5 months in tokyo depending on how much shit you buy. food and transportation should be around 300$/month and you can find good airbnbs for around 500$/week. doubt youll be able to rent your own appartment but you could definitely stay longer if you work or go to nowheresville and stay at a hostel
I feel you user. If you speak Spanish or something similar, Japanese sounds are really easy, and pronunciation is effortless.
I came home from work you dumbfuck
most of the amerishit babies on this board can't even speak or write their own language properly. how the fuck are they going to learn someone else's?
Its entertaining reading post like your's when it boils down to
You'll always be a fat neckbeard.
The hell, who's instinct is it to run drugs for an organization who's language you can barely speak and is probably hidden from normal view?
Japanese is one of the most difficult languages to learn and another one of the least used languages outside of japan
its like learning Swahili, only works in Swahili territory and is difficult as fuck to learn the clicks and shit
French is not a useful language. There's next to no vidya exclusively in French. What's the fucking point? Study Nipponese and get all the great releases without any censorship and a year or two sooner. Japanese culture is also much more interesting than fucking french culture.
>Learning a whole language just to play video games
Really not worth it.
There is more to learning a language than just using it for video games you fucking nerd autist.
This is what weabs don't understand, they think everyone talks like anime loli's and shit and they run around screaming "kawaii desu backa toyota szuki nissan teryaki"
I don't imagine any of you shitlords actually took the time to learn Japanese?
I'm considering rosetta stone. Will it teach me nip
If you're browsing Sup Forums then I really doubt you'd learn a language for anything other than vidya.
>learn japanese
>one of the toughest languages for a native english speaker to pick up
>go to japan to make use of it
>japanese still hate you for being a baka gaijin
read a book.
Or 3, probably 3-4. Rosetta stone is shit for everything.
Except what he said applies to the vast majority of people. Not everyone that refuses to learn Japanese is doing it because they're lazy. There just isn't much benefit to it unless you're a mega weeb otakushit. Especially this day and age when learning a trade or programming language is easier and will benefit you much more.
でもね、 それだけでゲームが分かるからいいよ
I'd rather learn spanish that most of the world actually speaks. I'd rather learn russian so that I can speak anywhere in russia, and any slav nation.
I'd rather learn english because all of europe speaks that oh wait I did.
my brain's operating at bare minimum functionality due to natural mental defense mechanisms developed to combat any amount of stress and anti stress/depression medication
its like a limiter that prevents any sort of active, critical thinking that might result in any form of anxiety
kinda like how your eyes might glaze over when looking at a complex math problem
This is a myth, any "no foreigner" signs you see, well, typically Japanese only either refer to the language because no one there can speak English/anything else, or it's a small bar and the owner gets anxious around people he can't communicate with and he can't speak English. And places like that are actually quite rare.
I've heard nothing but bad things about Rosetta for Japanese.
Anki decks are free and useful. Wanikani. There's lot of free options out there.
Get decks, start having nip on as background noise, get used to hearing it and reading it as much as possible. Go to places like 2ch or jin115 (among news sites like NHK and whatever else). Immerse in the vast quantity of free stuff out there.
used in canada, quebec, nova scotia, france, and angola and a few other african nations.
meanwhile japan? one country speaks japanese
Western games are better. Jap games are pretty much shit that specializes in a single aspect of what makes a great video game.
used in != useful in
Canadians, Quebecois, Nova Scotians, and French all know English fluently.
In Japan they know English, but it's so broken that it's dysfunctional.
One country with over quadruple the cultural output of all those countries combined and is one of the nicest tourist destinations around.
Real shit.
I want to learn Russian so I can play Metro and Stalker in Russian.
>used in != useful in
umm yes thats exactly what it is
I can go anywhere in french canadia and speak french to any one and they'll all understand me. I can go to anwhere in quebec or nova scotia and they'll understand me, I can hold a good conversation with any of these places.
>well they all know english that means french is useless hurr durr
I don't intend to go into anything that would call for me to interact with the Japanese and I don't think I'll ever vacation there. What else would I use it for?
I'm 27, an old dog now.
I'm trying to learn it now. I don't have the discipline to put enough time in though, so it will probably be years before I can read it with any sort of competency.
But that's not America.
Nah. Go back to developing cinematic shit for your feminist friends fag.
only trouble with spanish is that most of the places that speak it are third-world shitholes you otherwise wouldn't want to set foot in.
I live in Louisiana and I don't even know French. It's useless
kono onna wa sutemo arimasu
how'd i do sempai?
>only trouble with spanish is that most of the places that speak it are third-world shitholes you otherwise wouldn't want to set foot in.
Spain, mexico, anywhere in south africa that isn't central brazil.
Billions of people speak spanish over a wider geographic location than china or india