HuniePop 2

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's the Japanese version

It better be huniepop 2
that cam game was utter fucking trash

Reminder that HunieCam is not canon

I surprisingly liked Hunie Pop.
So if it's the 2 it's cool.

What went wrong


100.000 owners isn't bad at all.

I am actually surprised it sold that much despite nobody asking for it. I am sure he made profit with that.

yea what the heck, weres my literally bejewelled with tits part 2!!

He asked which girl people liked the most in HunieCam so guess who will appear in the next game.

My favorite HunieCam girl is apparently pretty popular.

>the Huniepop dev is now a fucking multimillionaire

wew lad

Yeah he is far more ahead in life than any of us

I can only assume that having the largest breasts in the Hunie franchise is the only reason why Candace ranks so high.

He actually delivered on a Kickstarter so I don't mind too much.

He confirmed it was all a comatose dream of a Legendary PUA in the Q&A stream.

Is best girl gonna be at the sequel?

Let's hope it's actually a dating sim/VN this time around so I don't have to resort to writing fanfiction to get my Huniefix.

That's not Beli.

It was fun. Definitely not as good as HuniePop, but good.

I was just thinking about playing HP today, I hope they are making HP2, I really enjoyed the game, Cam was meh like I thought it would be, I think the art in Cam was charming though.

Will best Hunie be in it?

Best girl can only be from the flirtation trio.


Flirtation Trio + Celeste

What's shakin' bacon?

>What it doooo

I don't even.

I really liked Kyu and Celeste.
Kyanna and Beli were nice also.

the music man, I was really surprised
>thread theme

Yeah, the music was great.

Why does this feel bad?

You too can make a shitty porn game user.

>I share the same binomial nominclature as these sacks of shit that think that red headed no-titted ashtray is best girl

You creatures make me sick

Who's your favourite girl, user?

Had some pretty good faps from this game. shame about the sequel

It wasn't.

He ran heart pupils into the ground and I'm glad he paid the price.

Reminder that Nikki is worst girl. She is scum given human form and nothing more.

I second this, Audrey best girl

Heart pupils were already run into the ground thanks to Japan.

I feel like I would like Nikki more if I didn't know girls in real life exactly like her.

we have to build a wall

Literally anyone that is not Audrey, Tiff, Lola, or Momo is acceptable user.

But Audrey is literal trash.

You have the shittiest taste, holy fuck.

>being a literal cuck

That's not what cuckolding is.

>Slutty im so tsundre ashtray
>The most forgettable girl in the game

The fuck are you on about?

What's so bad about Nikki anyways? She's pretty much one of us aside from being an attention whore.

>Caring for another man's child
>Not a cuck

>Tiff is not acceptable

I will fight you in defense of this maiden's honour.

How was Nikki an attention whore again?

>She's pretty much one of us
Exactly. Not to mention being a liberal tumblrfag who only plays shit like LoL. she's also Australian and likes beer.

not really, they use it sensibly, not just plaster it on everyone permanently

>Tiff is not acceptable

user, there is a tag of tens of thousands of images on the boorus for heart pupils.

It's okay when Japan does it.

probably cause he earned that shit

ok but where's the hunniecam dl