What was the worst thing about pic related?
Gameplay or story wise
What was the worst thing about pic related?
Gameplay or story wise
Nothing much really, the game did what it set out to do well. The fanbase on the other hand...
Genocide Route
It was great barre the disappointing ending.
Undyne clearly hinted at a final 6-soul Asgore final boss and it copped out.
Also theres no real understandable reason for Undyne not to give you a letter before going into the core, making the mandatory Neutral ending pretty dumb.
The fanbase is too easy to pick on
>too easy aside from Genocide route
>too short
>can't die in Flowey/Asriel fights
>characters are shallow
The story is pretty dumb if you think about it.
>characters are shallow
nah, I would say that they're close to one dimensional, but refined pretty well
>beat sans on genocide run
>expecting asgore to absorb the 6 humans souls for one amazing final fight
>He doesent and get fucked up by me
All I wanted wad asgore to have a chance to show his true strength
Game is too easy minus only 2 boss fights in genocide route.
If only Toby would finish hard mode.
People like op making bait threads.
>characters are shallow
I'm sad that Sup Forums's mentally programmed to hate on it wherever it gets spoken of because of the "shitposting potential" it's garnered.
>has monster characters so it's FURRY TRASH
>inspirations and a few homages to games like Earthbound, Cave Story, and FFVI so it's PLAGIARIZING
>uses Earthbound soundfonts (like he's used for fucking ever) so it's INFRINGING NINTENDO COPYRIGHT
>Game's combat isn't fucking amazing so it's GARBAGE AND BORING
>Combat can be solved nonviolently so it's A FUCKING WALKING SIM
>One of the game's final bosses has a slightly bad design of not starting over after you die so it's A COMPLETELY SHIT FIGHT WITH NO REDEEMING QUALITIES
>Game preaches nonviolence so it's THE LIBERAL AGENDA (seriously, someone tried to write it off as that)
>Has two homosexual relationships (one of which is a bro or /fit/ joke) so it's SJW PANDERING
>Has a robot that's a mix of a David Bowie and Jojo joke that happens to be flamboyant so it's EVEN MORE SJW PANDERING
>Tumblr liked it and (along with a huge influx from Sup Forums) voted it to the top of the gamefaqs poll so it's TUMBLRTALE
>YouTube and Twitch celebrities like it and stream it for reactions so it's NORMIE GARBAGE
>Kids like it so it's MADE FOR BABIES
>Game has a meta aspect so it's PRETENTIOUS AND """"DEEP"""""
Undertale did a lot of things right, but did have some flaws to it, such as the difficulty of the final Neutral boss not syncing with the tone, the imperfect movement of your heart, and the story's impact being dependent on your care for the characters. I'm certainly surprised at its critical reception but I had hoped it would stay on the down low so discussion of it could stay more insular and positive. Popularity gives a game a horrible reputation on Sup Forums, but at the same time gives it a lot of interesting OC from outside sources, if you look past the shit.
I'm happy for Toby and his success, but I can't help but feel that he might feel disappointed that the people he made the game.
It's a typical jrpg
So it's boring shit where you must read walls of text and watch cutscenes all the time with linear as highway gameplay, no fun at all
The game tried too hard to incorporate the story into its gameplay. Now, normally I like this idea, since it means we get more gameplay and less boring cutscenes, but UT handled it in a very awkward manner. Most of your actions didn't really matter in the end, and the only thing that actually changed your ending was whether you grinded or not.
There was no difficulty, some bosses were literally glorified cutscenes, the game ends a bit too quickly, alot of the humor can be awkward and clashing with the pace of the game (anything with Alphys for example). Overall, I'd give the game a 6/10 if I'm being generous.
>linear gameplay
Undertale's combat is designed to be nonlinear outside the bosses
The fanbase.
I didn't buy it for that reason alone/
I'm a very shallow person.
choosing between kill or not kill is not non-linear
Everything about Alphys
>>inspirations and a few homages to games like Earthbound, Cave Story, and FFVI so it's PLAGIARIZING
The game follows Mother 3's structure fairly closely and used a lot of its story elements. I know you haven't played that game before, but I just thought I'd let you know that.
The art was lazy.
But you literally have at least a choice, and multiple ones depending on the enemy. You can even just fucking run if you want.
Storywise I will always posit that Toby ran out of time and shipped it as it was, namely unfinished.
I think he planned a Gaster fight, but ran out of time. So right now the game is on a cliffhanger, which all the commentates mistake for meta commentary brilliance
that's no choice at all that's standard in rpgs
>One of the game's final bosses has a slightly bad design of not starting over after you die so it's A COMPLETELY SHIT FIGHT WITH NO REDEEMING QUALITIES
But that's a legitimate issue. A final boss shouldn't just be there to pat you on the back and give you a participation medal because you "tried" and he doesn't want to hurt your "Feelings". He should be there to violently smash your character's head into the pavement and then kindly request that you try a little harder.
Infact, that fight being unloseable goes against the concept of determination. If the game just wins for you, are you truly determined to win? Wouldn't it showcase determination better if you had to suffer and scrape through trials just to get your happy ending, including a balls-to-the-wall difficult fight?
I have, actually played Mother 3, and while the tone felt similar, I still don't get why people say it ripped off the story. The only similar thing is Masked Man = Flowey and Claus. In the scope of both games, that's only one section that's similar in story. There's no analog to Porky in Undertale.
You can't shank everyone and not destroy the rest of the world
How much it rips off Cave Story and passes it off as it's own original ideas
Pretentious nature
My issue is that the game calls you evil for defending yourself despite monsters being just as intelligent as you are.
I think the issue is that the game acknowledges your ability to abuse time as you see fit. The monsters can't, except maybe Flowey.
The theme of a leader aiming to change the social climate of the game world and using the main character's brother as a pawn to bring that to fruition didn't strike you? Or how the game is structured with set pieces and minigames in three distinct areas. "The Core" in Undertale is the final level which is reached through a hotel after reaching the biggest area for social gathering in the game. The final area of both games reference earlier events in the series/game. It's very easy to see why people think it's a rip off.
>tfw mettaton neo
Toby is a lazy faggot
>game is way too easy
>genocide is boring, only boss that lives up to the hype is sans
I just want it to be hard.
Hard mode when?
I still don't think that somehow makes you morally obligated to avoid killing people who are directly threatening your safety.
>I still don't think that somehow makes you morally obligated to avoid killing people when you have omnipotent time powers
>directly threatening your safety.
Except they literally can't kill you?
They literally can and literally do.
That shit was dumb. I get that Mettaton's real body didn't have that much power or whatever but that still annoys me.
It doesnt call you evil unless you go full genocide, which is far from self defense.
You niggers should actually play the game.
Can they kill you to the point where you can't just restart from the previous save?
i only played up til the papyrus fight in a pacifist run so i cant say for sure but the combat system seemed really tedious. never tried a non pacifist run so maybe its less so then?
>Cant speak of the game anymore cuz it is considered SJW-tumblr gaem
She didn't get the idea to send a letter until she was suggested it by Papyrus, who had that suggested to him by Flowey afterwards.
I would say that complaint is only reasonable if you forget about the SAVE and LOAD mechanic.
Lack of difficulty
When are we getting Hard mode, toby
Alright, maybe I downplayed that issue too much, thinking back on what you said, you're right. However, I think Toby Fox understood the determination theme well enough and did incorporate that into that final fight, but through a story beat about not dying. I think the issue with it there is Toby's misjudgment of how the determination theme should've come from, and he should've made it much like the neutral final boss, as well as buffing the difficulty of Flowey's Photoshop form. Instead of relying on YOUR determination, it relied on the ingame character's determination instead.
That being said, I still stand by the rest of my points. It's a flawed game, but it's not horrible by any stretch.
This sums it up pretty perfectly. Genocide only had Undyne and Sans as decent fights. Pacifist and Neutral are a breeze, even if it's your first time playing.
Once you find out there's no consequence in dying in the final boss fight, it loses all impact. Oh look I saved shota goat boy. I didn't have any choice in the matter, but cool, go me.
And I'm gonna say it, the fanbase was ok for a short period right after release. Everyone was still fresh and excited about the game and creating content for all the characters. Then within a month it was only creepy tumblrites wanting to fuck the skeletons. I've seen more fanart for the edgy fan-made versions of the skeletons then I have for actual characters in the game, like Undyne and Asgore.
>Once you find out there's no consequence in dying in the final boss fight, it loses all impact.
I actually think the but it refused thing could be cool if it only happened once and the fight was actually hard.
>mfw browsing undertale on tumbr for first time
>who had that suggested to him by Flowey afterwards.
Ah, I guess that makes better sense.
Still dont understand why Asgore didnt absorb the souls.
I guess to make the Sans fight more memorable or something.
Worst thing was probably Aaron not having anything particularly funny to say at the pacifist ending.
Oh, I agree. I think the game has its finer points, but is far from perfection. Still, I would maintain that an excellent story is one that utilizes gameplay to tell the story. Undertale does that to an extent, but could use touchups here and there.
I still stand by the idea that Muffet, as a backer character without much to do with the plot, should've been the immediate 1-hit kill like Mettaton was to showcase your ridiculous strength at that point, instead of Mettaton himself. She should've had the bajillion damage shown when you hit her once instead of the 1000 or so slow kill that you get like Mettaton did, it would've made her a more memorable character even in Genocide.
>papyrus fight
There were literally no memes in the Papyrus fight
TFW we couldve had an awesome bullet hell 2hu shmup against Mettaton with the yellow power or something.
As far as I could tell, there were literally no memes anywhere in the game.
I love the game. I don't think I've said that since October.
Not getting to kill Alphys in genocide.
Hands down the big mood kill for me.
I'd been so looking forward to that.
>toby has to live with the knowledge he created this
does this actually count as nsfw? is this ok??? am i going to get swatted for posting this
When do you ever have to interact with those people though?
>Pacifist and Neutral are a breeze, even if it's your first time playing.
I died to asgore a bit in my first pacifist (I did with undyne too, because didn't think to run away and to mettaton because I didn't think to shoot the disco ball: asgore was legit difficult for someone who doesn't play vidya regularly), and playing through the game with no health items/armor was pretty hard too.
Agree with you on the rest of the post.
>I died to asgore a bit in my first pacifist
Wut? How?
The battle doesn't even start.
Actually, you have to fight and kill him once, even if you're playing pacifist. You can't actually get pacifist on your first playthrough. Something about flowey needing to trigger the true ending.
The fight's no cakewalk but's definitely made easy since you can heal yourself at will with [Dream], it should've just filled up your inventory without healing you.
Oh. Well that makes sense. Sorta.
Shit writing and shit gameplay, its massively hard to pick whats worse
There's Pacifist and True Pacifist.
Pacifist refers to the very first playthrough you do and it ends up with you killing no one. True Pacifist nets you the full ending. You can get TP your first run of you reload your save file, go help Alphys, go to the True Lab, and head back to the Barrier.
Oh yeah, for sure. I'm the same with you on Mettaton, didn't click on the disco ball.
Like, I died a fair few times to the bosses. But once you've died to them say, twice, you've basically gotten the knack of it, and they become incredibly easy and it's just a matter of not fucking up your timing.
And this is coming from someone who had no previous experience with bullet hell/shoot em up games. Like, I imagine anyone who's played 2hu before Undertale would've breezed through it no problem.
They can't, you idiot.
Saving and loading is a story mechanic. You kill a monster when you have infinite lives to try again and not kill it- that isn't morally justifiable in the context of the story. It's like a grown man shooting a child kicking them in the shin.
I kind of wish the game ramped up in difficulty a lot faster. For all its talk about determination it really isn't that hard outside of two boss fights in one route. Characters and story are both still super solid though.
>walls of text
Literally not an actual thing.
>cutscenes all the time
Sure, there's a lot of those, but most of them keep you involved to some degree.
>linear gameplay
Whatever. I honestly can't complain about that as I love platformers about going from A to B and puzzle games with only one solution to each puzzle.
It's hammered into you through the whole game that monsters are weak as shit against a humans and can't do anything. It's why they're underground in the first place.
Ugly overworld graphics.
That's honestly the only bad thing I can say about it.
Not her as a character, I would say, but certainly the way you meet her and interact with her.
Very clunky.
>Hey I just met you let me talk your ears off and whoops here's new character too who wants to kill you and here's a new phone so I can keep talking
>Gameplay or story wise
The interesting integration of gameplay mechanics into the story and setting wasn't explored enough.
I know that it was a relatively important plot element, but it was just that: a plot element. Things like Flowey calling the player out for resetting after murdering Toriel didn't happen often enough, and the plot ultimately degraded into trite POWER OF FRIENDSHIP garbage. I'd like to chalk that up to Toby's restraint and to him realizing that any serious fourth wall fuckery was out of his depth, but then he went and did terrible, cringey shit like the bad end with Chara. I don't know what he was going for. It's like a soup of video game and anime tropes, and the one somewhat novel idea he had for the plot/setting isn't fleshed out enough.
There shouldn't have been random encounters, I guess. Enemies really should have been encountered as sprites in the overworld. It would have made traveling less tedious, especially during genocide runs.
It's also just a fucking ugly game with pretty dull, linear level design.
every moment outside of battle that didn't have a pretty background. most of the fucking game was just all black and a mono colored path to walk on
it was obvious he was capable of it, he just didn't for most of the game
fuck the people that praise the art in this shit
Also worth noting is that the monsters are sort of justified in trying to kill you anyway.
>Asgore has his and his kingdom's life ruined by humans
>gets everybody to fight alongside him to take back what was stolen from them, even if it's not necessarily the right thing to do
>humans are extremely powerful compared to monsters, so even one is considered a huge threat
I mean, Toriel was the only one who really got it right, but I don't blame any of them for hating humans. I'd be furious. In fact, Toriel ends up being the idiot if you go the genocide route, and she admits it.
It's not official, but it's something at least.
>Mettaton neo
This is what we could have gotten if Toby wasn't such a lazy fuck
>Pacifist refers to the very first playthrough you do and it ends up with you killing no one.
Wait, won't you still have to fight Omega Flowey?
true. Graphically the game is pretty weak. About 70% of the ruins is just fill tool light purple. Toby obviously ha the capacity to make some decent sprites when you see the castle and Core in the distance, but the rest of the game honestly is pretty weak in that department.
I would have no complaints about Alphys if we were allowed to kill her ourselves. The fact that she kills herself on a Genocide route/if you kill Undyne and Mettaton is good, sure, but it'd be better to stop her and do it yourself to push her into final despair.
I don't fucking understand why she was allowed to get away with creating Flowey with no real consequences.
I don't really care about fan created fights.
I'd play her game if you know what I mean
I don't mind that much since his writing and soundtracks are what sell the game for me but yeah, the overworld artstyle could be a little better.
Also the fact that there's still no Hard Mode almost a year after it came out irks me.
I hate fanwank a lot myself, but RED is frankly pretty cool bro.
Yep, but since you killed no one, it's different from other Neutral runs in that you can go do the True Pacifist run from your last save instead of replaying the game.
True. I'll play it when it inevitably comes out but my hype for more lore has cooled since then. Gotta love it when a game hides that secret stuff real good though.
Yeah, Metatton deserved a fight like that, Asgore too, heck even Flowey would do as a boss fight, but no, only Undyne and Sans are the only challanges of genocide.
P.D: Even fucking Grillbys could have gotten a boss fight
Gaster is fucking cool. My dream for Undertale to be capped off to completion is for a mega update to come out containing both Hard Mode and Gaster finally worming himself back into reality with a boss fight where you can either save him /go Pacifist or kill him.
I can imagine if Toby included a geno Grillby fight it would be something super lame. Like, you get a glass of water from the sink and throw it on him for 999999 damage and that's it.
The writing is a bit off from Toby's style but it's a great piece of fanwork. I can't give any hate to fangames like it, no matter how cringey they might be. At least they're trying to make something worthwhile. Here's hoping Undertale Yellow ends up being a decent fangame too. Since it's before the actual game, hopefully Flowey will be more antagonistic instead of a "lurking in the shadows" type villain. I desperately hope it contains good fights.
It would have been so great if Undyne just shut her down.
Well, that COULD be a secret way to do it. The Stick and Hush Puppies in the actual game can both be used to quickly end the fight with Endogeny in the True Lab anyway.
>heck even Flowey would do as a boss fight
This fight pretty much relates to your post
Yeah, for every bad fangame and piece of fanart, we get really good stuff.
For example, with all the controversy and, well, autism surrounding Metroid recently, we have the amazing AM2R coming out. And the whole dealie with megaman is made easier with Megaman X: Corrupted being made.
Mods and fan-made custom work are such a boon to this industry.
>Like, I imagine anyone who's played 2hu before Undertale would've breezed through it no problem.
I played 2hu before playing UT, not to say I beat it without continues, but I got to the final fight of 2hu 6 with 0 continues and 5 lives.
All of the other bosses have tricks to them, like the first time I fought Sayaka I beat her without dieing or using a bomb, but you have to actually have good reflexes vs Remelia, and I don't have those.