Western Devs

>Western Devs

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>japanese games

whats the one on the bottom right corner?

>I posted it again!


The Japanese make god awful games nowadays. They are far behind when it comes to understanding good game design. They are also far behind when it comes to numerous other technicalities.
Just look at how they ruined the Attack on Titan game with this clusterfuck of a HUD. They could just make use of one fucking brain cell and realize it ruins the game like that.

oh ok

never really bothered to check that picture before
>read japanese side
>read western side expecting comments related to the ones I just read, but likely just with shitty stances
>instead get random stuff
shit picture

but the Japanese games look better than the western ones. am I being baited?

What am I supped to be seeing here? The Jap games all look like fun playable games while the western pics all look like unfun interactive movies.

Yes actually.

you are the one baiting here, you blind faggot.

its like i'm playing a bad mmo but instead i'm playing a bad action game

western devs don't talk about games

I'm confused, is this pic purposely supposed to make western games look bad?

Looks like western games are the ones that have some catching up to do.


Nope, user saw the right choice. But perhaps are you the one who might be blind, good sir?


The one with "calling yourself a gamer" is objectively true. Kill yourself if you disagree, materialist Razer plastic collector.

the eastern games all look extremely varied. all of the western games have ugly orc looking human hybrid people in the pictures. they also all look like they could be the exact same game. why can't western devs do anything right?

San Andreas is better than Chrono Cross

Just put some nice anime tiddies in your game. All will be well when West accepts this.

This. All of the other polls are still good though.

>be jap dev
>be part of a 5 man team working on a video game adaptation of one of the biggest animes this half decade
>sit down at desk, 3 other devs already working
>the missing guy is the only programmer except for me, other 3 are artists
>game will release in a week, just barely done
>get hard to work programming the game
>I start by launching RPGMaker on my chromebook

Maybe but gta is guilty of bringing the dudebros into gaming in even larger numbers so I have much spite for it


That sounds more like a modern western indie dev rather than a Jap dev. Or at the very lest some doujin game form jap.

>baiting this hard
here's your (you) you deserve it.


If japs make such good games, then why is traditional gaming in Japan dead?

You'd think if the country was full of prolific game devs, the people would be playing their games instead of shitty mobile titles



it's the strain on the way their society works. handhelds are also flourishing in Japan. there is more than quality of the product to take into account when you're looking at market data.

There are plenty of places in Japan dedicated to traditional gaming, are you stupid?

not like the west can talk when it comes to playing mobile games

You haven't taken a look at Steam Greenlight haven't you?

>muh sales


Have you seen Japanese TV? They love a crowded screen.

>Americans love guns and blood
>Americans hate sex

Is this shit for real?

I don't think Keiji Inafune, the man behind Mighty "better than nothing" No 9 should comment on the quality of other games, and he should not be taken seriously.


Do you expect fucking licensed games to be good?

>that's the joke

Bitch do I look like Pac-Man?
Get these cherries out of my face.


It holds up really poorly.




>GameFAQS is the last bastion of good video game taste on the internet

Didn't see that one coming.


*tip of a hat*

>he Japanese make god awful games nowadays


> They are far behind when it comes to understanding good game desi


> They are also far behind when it comes to numerous other technicalities.

Yeah no you're a casual

Japanese games are just weird. They gave us some amazing games like dark souls and they also give us a ton of anime degeneracy.

Weak bait my friend

>memes and anime don't make very good replacements for a personality and a developed intellect

Good thing that this man has neither.


Dudebros were playing video games while you were in diapers, champ. Literally.

What a fucking cuck

Does anyone have the qoute of the people behind Monster Hunter saying that westerners didn't deserve their game?
I think they said that they would never allow Westerners to play with Japanese people online because Americans would ruin the community because of how they just shit talk and arent team players or something?

>being this much of a cuck

>They gave us some amazing games like dark souls

And yet someone in this thread will fall for this.

It's almost like Japs make games for huge audiences that like different things instead of "cinematic TPS" and "open world RPG"

They're right though.

>one mirrion troops

>terrorist manbaby

sounds like a pretty concept for a vidyja game

>triggered weebs

Funnily enough, they were right. Have you ever seen a French guy in your hunt? I pray you haven't.

Are 3/4 of those women supposed to be trannies?

>not hating japs and nu-male feminist equally

It's unfortunate that over half of that image is from games that are over 5 years old

>above all video games need to reflect reality. If you don't agree then get out, you're holding the medium back. This is non-debatable.

The rest of the comments are whatever, but who the fuck said this?

Not really. Japanese people are less aggressive and less prone to shit talking but they also like being deadweight and intentional leeches while disregarding team work. They mostly shit talk behind your back actually on places like 2ch.

This. Cluttered design is a good design for japanese tastes. It's the same with their websites. Last time I made a system in the japanese company I work at, the comment on the prototype was "can you reduce white space and make everything tighter on the screen ?".

>little furry creature
>school student
>giant griffin
>BLADE member
>dragon taming, music loving, sword wielder

>generic middle aged man
>generic middle aged man
>generic young woman
>generic middle aged man
>generic old man
>generic middle aged man
>generic old man
>generic middle aged man

I didn't even finished SA because it was too boring

Right side looks much more fun desu.

Realism is for fucking faggots.

i like them both ;)

Delete this please

I have literally never seen a Japanese player be dead weight or a leech, bar someone who was obviously new or learning. Meanwhile, I've seen a bunch of frogs and other westerners triple cart ASAP seemingly for fun.

It's true that they're prone to making fun of you behind your back, but that doesn't matter if they get the job done.

>hating everyone who disagrees with you
*tips virginity*

Yeah, it's just a double standard is all.
We get the fucking french shitters and the xenophobes remain untainted.

um where are the lolis?

Western culture typically looks down on pedophilia... unlike Japs

Honestly though there isn't much coming out from either country that interests me lately. Most of it is just the same shit as before with minor changes that isn't really worth getting.

I am talking mostly from pso2 perspective. 6 out of 12 players are often pretty much useless and doing 10% of the work. I've only really seen disruptive videos of JPs from some 2ch trolls or something. Generally JPs are pretty quiet and looking at 2ch parasite pictures at most they settle things in whisper.