Why doesn't Sup Forums enjoy modded Skyrim?
Why doesn't Sup Forums enjoy modded Skyrim?
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Because no game that's shit in its vanilla form is ever going to be worth my time and effort. Plus, I don't see the appeal of furry-porn mod sandbox games.
I like it better than modded new vegas
skyrim is still skyrim
What does that look like in first person? I'm guessing cool but completely useless.
If I wanted to play that I'd just start up Dark Souls
Why would I recreate Dragon's Dogma in Skyrim when I can just play Dragon's Dogma?
name for the sweet dodge mod?
What mods?
Because Dragon's Dogma looks gay as fuck compared to modded Skyrim.
what mod is that in specific?
I never really could find any good AI mods. The only one that helped was the mod that made every sword/shield wielding person more aggressive with their blocks and attacks
runs like shit
base game isn't good
Because you cant fuck whatever you want when you're bored in DD
Can you even roll in Dragon's dogma? Why people say it is a Souls clone?
>runs like shit
AMD user detected
Mod list for stuff in the video? It looked like rolling and dodging wasnt consuming stamina, can you change that?
That looks kinda neat actually. My main problem with Skyrim was always the terrible combat, are there any mods that fix it?
hitching is an i/o problem
You can, but unless you're using a controller it's really clunky.
you can with certain classes
i got the rolling mods for skyrim. they were not that fun desu.
tk dodge i think it was. game was still shit. it just looks cool in that webm because the guy dodges at the right time without looking when the thing off screen is shooting at him.
combat is still garbage with "shockwaves" that make dark souls 2 look like the tightest fighting game ever made.
I think it's TK dodge and mortal enemies
check the /tesg/ website, I picked it up from there and it's really good, but I don't remember exactly what mods are being used
Cause it's not modded Oblivion
I love the mod that lets me be a mother.
youre fucking gay[\spoiler]
thanks man, you're a cool dude
Could you uh
Could you give me a link?
>take game
>turn it into another game
>lol Skyrim da bess
hence why he said modded skyrim instead of just skyrim
Because it's such a fragile ass ecosystem for me for whatever reason.
Change two lines in my ini file, add two mods (non graphical) and all of a sudden my GPUs are no longer kicking up while playing Skyrim, halving my usual framerate. Go to restore to an older build? Everything stops working, and ENB although untouched starts freaking out.
Then I gotta start all over from fucking scratch again because of no explainable reason.
>tfw no bear bf
How hard should I kill myself?
Here you go friend
Much obliged but I meant to the mod itself
I can be your bear if you're a qt ;-)
Alright this thread has been up long enough now.
Where are the sex mods.
There's a shota mod on eight-chan if you check the catalog.
Oh shit.
I have no idea really. Just had the pic.
Check LoversLab. Probably there.
Go to these links
Skyrim can never look cool, the animations suck too much.
>Running in full plate like you're not
Yeah, nah. That weebshit over the top trash looks retarded.
DD isn't any better, it's overexaggurated anime garbage
I'm using a mod that removes that hindrance. Skyrim on the other hand has no speed reduction based on how much you're carrying and there's no variance in animations.
>full plate
Fighting at night with spell casters is so fun
Colors look so good in the dark night
You can roll with certain classes, block with others, and mages do neither because they are weak little fucksticks.
I have no idea why people claim DD is a souls clone when A. it was before souls became popular, and B. its combat is WAY better than souls
You can put a thousand filters and gimmick mods over a shitty Bethesda game but it's still a shitty Bethesda game.
Even with mods Skyrim doesn't have good lighting like this.
Mages can float.
It has better lighting. It just isn't as overdone and flashy because it's not like weebshit (IE overdone and flashy trash).
That's not lighting, that's flashy spell effects in the dark which you can find in droves via mods.
There's a difference between weebshit, and a bright flash of light because you just summoned some lightning to smite a motherfucker.
because I'm not autistic
It doesn't. It has color grading, fake GI, lens flares, and that's about it. DD also has those things because ENB supports it.
The base engine doesn't have lighting anywhere near DD and mods don't fix it.
All these mad buzzwords
Lol go play your shitty Skyrim install then
Two words: shadows outside.
Ruminate on this and then reconsider your statement.
because the quests and characters are still boring and the writing is still shit
Even trying as hard a possible to make it look good the movement looks so clunky and unnatural I can just imagine controlling it.
>Not autistic
>Posts Chinese drawing
are we actually comparing DD and skyrim in this thread?
DD is on a whole different level, its dumb to compare them
Because I'm waiting on Enderal english version.
...knights ran in full plate all the time
In what other game could I play as a vampire who kills gods, eats their own mother, and fucks dogs?
space station 13
probably elona
no lets compare skyrim to dark souls they are totally the same type of gamne
Real life allows you to do some of those.
What if we never get it?
that looks like the best mod ever turning skyrim into the best game ever(DD), sauce?
Yeah, but their movement would be more restricted.
That animation is running like you're just wearing light clothing.
only an idiot would call a game that's completely different than souls a souls clone. it's easier than a souls game with better gameplay and cooler monsters
>tfw Elder Scrolls will never have a good combat system
>tfw no other game will ever have as big of a modding community
Is that Dark Souls?
Explain how the combat in the OP isn't fixed.
that's a much lesser problem compared to all the shit animations in Skyrim
Because the engine is built for an RPG and trying to turn it into a combat-based game is retarded
Weapons do not have collision, the AI is terrible, and the animations are terrible.
Never had an i/o problem with skyrim and I don't know why a game would have an i/o port issue ever
wtf i hate darksouls now
>this thread
is that megumin
What game is this?
>implying that an RPG is not or cannot be a combat based game
no spears
also stole my joke
Gamebryo games are only good for porn mods.
Dragon Dogma
the greatest game ever made, Dragon's Dogma
looks like the PC version with lighting/graphics mods
1. you can run at almost full speed in full plate
2. that isn't full plate
>go to bar
>chat up a fat gambling addicted slag
There's your bear GF. Might be a bit hearier than a bear but there you go.
Wow, that shit looks retarded. Why does swinging a sword in the air push you farther up?
Creator of webm here.
Mods used:
Ultimate Combat (for AI)
TK Dodge (for rolling)
Darkend (worldscape mod that's similar to Dark Souls in a way, has new meshes for enemies but they all behave like vanilla enemies)
Kountervibe Edit made by Eiries
Just want to say that the webm is glorified trash and it's just me trying to have fun with the game. Skyrim's combat sucks regardless of what you do to it. The animations are still terrible. The AI is still bad no matter how you try to fix it, the hitboxes are hilariously big, and 1H/2H weapons barely differ from each other (swords, maces, battle axes/greatswords, axe, hammer)
I'm just waiting for the rape mod webm's here
Someone who defends Skyrim has no room for arguments.
Can't go lower regarding shit taste than that.
I fucking love you CT
>Kountervibe Edit
What's your thought on Noir? It's light on performance and perfect for edge.
Because videogames.
If you want realism go play simulators.
How are your argonians, Sup Forums?
If I wanted cancerous, no gameplay shit where everyone has oversized tits, lack of actual armour, and flashy garbage animations, I'd play weebshit.
You don't need a simulator just to have decent quality shit that isn't jarring as fuck and retarded as fuck to look at.
its garbage that the warrior was limited to 3 skills
hell, even 6 skills for one class isn't enough variety
>can't go any lower
>what is minecraft
did they drowned
Mods give it 3 alt skills like bow or shield at least. I do agree though.
>got the game for Guts
>stayed for everything else
Still fun but they really dropped the ball on the Warrior.