
Bone 76 is a good skin though.

They sure made that game ugly quick.

Anything sports themed is ugly

>introduce new summer themed items
>have a summer loot box for them
>all the original stuff can appear in the summer loot boxes

>Got so many legendary coin drops that I was just able to buy Meriachi Reaper and the jester Junrkat skin
>Got frog lucio in another box
>Bedouin Genji a day later

My luck with the drops has been pretty awesome.

You got the best 76 skin. What's the problem

Could be worse. Could have got a voice line like I did. Least I also got the best 76 skin.

Hahaha, you poor fools.

>Get to rank 25
>Dank loot box
>Rub my hands together and press unbox
>Gold circle pops out
>My first legendary skin finally!

And it was pic related. This is how Blizzard thanks someone that has probably spent well over $2,000-$3,000 dollars on their garbage over the years. I've learned ever since the end of Mists not to give them another cent.


Sucks bro. I didn't even know they made skins for ants.

You talk as if Blizzard personally selected the skin and said "Man this one random dude has spent a lot of money with us, better give him this skin to show him how grateful we are!"

You are one dumb fucktard.

Blizzard took note from Anet's loot box system.

You must not play hearthstone to know how Blizzard's RNG works, in that game they intentionally add shitty legendary cards in order to dilute the pool of potential rares. This in turn makes it necessary for whales to spend more money on the game in order to get the things they want usually resulting in massive amounts of money wasted just to beat shitty rng. Same applies to skins, if Blizzard weren't trying to pull the same thing you'd just be able to buy the skin you want instead of buying 50 loot crates and hoping you get it/the coins needed.

At least you didn't get white and blue up to level 43.

You think that's bad I just unboxed my FIFTH FUCKING LEGENDARY MEI SKIN.

okay autismo


that's a good 76 theme

>Have literally every single Hanzo skin
>30 minutes played
>Have both variations of the Joker skin for Junkrat which sucks donkey balls
>Have both variations of the goth girl skin for Zarya
>Still no skin for my boys Zen and Lucio

Does Zarya have a skin that isn't unbearable to look at yet?

>bought 20 lootboxes because I had paypal credit for some reason
>get almost everything outside a few icons
>even got a few legendary skins....for characters I do not play.


new summer games skins are nice, and classic arctic/siberian are goat


But you didn't learn, user. You didn't learn anything. GG.

>Summer item pool full of fucking sprays, voice lines, and player icons
>Vast majority of heroes only get voice lines and sprays
>Can't buy anything with hero currency to better shill the microtransactions
>Lucio ball isn't even that fun

You were that one kid who thought that pressing ABLBRB while catching a pokemon increased the capture chance.

>Got the Weightlifter Zarya skin on my third box
Based. Now I just need that lewd Union Jack Tracer skin and I'll be content.