...Is this legal?
...Is this legal?
Sex offenders have to follow the rules of their parole. All he's saying is that Pokemon GO isn't an excuse to break those rules.
He should ban everyone over 20 since they're all potential offenders
He's also trying to force Niantec to ban the game from placing in-game objectives within 100 yards of any sex offender's house
this means your poke stops or pokemons could be going bye bye
Not surprised all the nerdy little melvins on this board are mad at this
If you cant keep your dick in your pants and respect the fucking law you should be castrated, but being prevented from playing this social game is good too.
Pedophiles and sexual deviants shouldn't be allowed to play a game that involves being in public areas around children and young women.
God damn I am happy I just have to get therapy and spent 15,000 on an attorney instead of having to register.
They really fuck over sex offenders. I had to do some jail time, but if I had the registration I probably would have killed myself.
Who gives fuck, let the new candy crush die for good.
>be sex offender
>throw bait down somewhere to attract shit
>kids flock to the spot
>kid gets abducted
Yeah, it's legal to stop this, don't be fucking retarded.
What did you do you piece of shit?
Not so fast, Anonymous
The governor is also forcing regulations onto the app.
He's going to force Niantec to remove any pokestop/pokemon within 100 yards of any sex offender's house.
Depending on how many sex offenders are in New York, this could result in far less things to do in that state
And that's wrong... because?
Why shouldn't they give sex offenders good fucking.
tell us user
>take a piss near a childrens playground at night
>police sees this
>you are now a sex offender
great system you have there, america.
Dindu Nuffin'. Never made a statement, denied it all, and took a great plea deal my Jewish attorney negotiated for 15k.
90 days in jail and one year of probation with another $2000 in therapy.
Sure I am a felon now, but no biggie.
Go back to India.
>pissing in public like savage.
yes it is dipshit
Like 70% of sex offenders were convicted under the age of 18, sometimes as young as 8-10 years old because of some playing around.
Different when I was a kid.
I interviewed every sex offender I met in jail, only one was fucked up as he was 22 and the victim was 11. Native American
You disgust me and if I had the chance I would've end your life with my bare hands, anonymous.
How is it legal to ban someone from playing a videogame?
Nah, everyone loves me. You are just making an assumption I even did anything in the first place, and if I did, was it even something bad? Who knows? Thats why the sex offender registry is retarded, because it lumps in people who jacked off on a granny with people who tortured and raped a kid.
Most sex offenders are in custody of DOC forever depending on the state. So every month, forever, you have to go to an office, complete a questionnaire, talk to an officer, then take a polygraph three times a year for 200-400 dollars.
They can add anything they want to supervision requirements. A lot of people are not allowed to use computers, or own smart phones.
Its easy to add more and more things because, hey, they are disgusting pigs right? think of the chiuldren!
With the huge jew and muslim population in New York, I'd say that his actions are either anti-semitic or islamophobic.
>linking to polygon
American is fast approaching Minority Report territory.
>Pokemon go
>video game
Lmao, perv deserves it anyways. Sick fuck trying to molest children.
>it's another government man who hates vidya
still not as bad as the 90s and early 2000s
>You can be put on the sex offender list for urinating in public
>You can be put on the sex offender list for being naked in your own home if someone trespasses in your backyard ON YOUR PROPERTY and sees you.
Does the old lady you jacked off on love you? You sick fuck.
The second is a lie.
> Sex offenders have a 38% chance of going back to prison for either a repeat offense or violating their parole within 3 years of release
>You can be put on the sex offender list for being naked in your own home if someone trespasses in your backyard ON YOUR PROPERTY and sees you.
Close your windows, retard, they come in your house, shoot them, if you're not merican, kill self.
Some mexican chick and her son were taking a shortcut through this dudes yard when he was enjoying a naked morning indoors. She called the police. He made the mistake of saying,
" Yeah I was naked in front of this window "
He should have said after he answered the door, " Hi guys "
"Can we talk to you for a minute inside? "
"Outside is fine officer, are you conducting an investigation? "
"Yes, this women claims you flashed her "
"Officer, at this point I am letting you know I don't feel comfortable answering any questions about this allegation without an attorney present "
instead he went full retard, and pretended it was 1960's police officers
nope, i've been caught pissing in the actual playground at night, with beer cans and joint roaches right next to me. i got a court summons and that was all. school is public property when the children go home.
at least all the threads on Sup Forums will stop popping up since none of you can play it anymore
Should be on the spics for crossing onto his property
If you dont have " No tresspassing " posted in your property entrances. Anyone can walk up to your house and dick around.
If you own a home, get some signs. Delivery men still come, because they are invited on the property to delivery a package. Mexicans trespassing are not.
Even so, he mistake was first talking to police and admitting he was naked in the first place. admitting to ANYTHING.
" Where you naked this morning at 5:30am "
"Excuse me? I dont feel comfortable answering any questions "
"Officers, I need to let you know, if you havent seen the sign posted in my front door, that both audio and video are being recorded "
If you dont protect yourself, you will get fucked
"One of Williamson's housemates testified that Williamson had been nude well before dawn. Timothy Baclit said that he woke up around 5 a.m. to go to work and saw Williamson walking around "naked ... with a hard hat."
SPRINGFIELD, Va., - A Virginia man was acquitted of indecent exposure in his own home, his second trial on the charges after an appeals court overturned his initial conviction.
Erick Williamson, 29, who was convicted of indecent exposure in December by a Fairfax General District judge, appealed the conviction. He was found not guilty Wednesday by a Fairfax County Circuit Court jury after less than 20 minutes of deliberations, The Washington Post reported Thursday.
Williamson was charged after two women reported seeing him standing naked in the doorway to the carport at his Springfield home Oct. 19. One of the women was accompanied by her 7-year-old son.
Williamson, who admitted to going about his morning routine nude Oct. 19, denied standing in his carport doorway and said he never intended for anyone to see him. He said he would have covered up if he had known he was visible to passersby.
"It's a weight off my shoulders," Williamson said after Wednesday's verdict. "I think it sets the record straight. It was an innocent action."
Mostly because American mental healthcare is utterly atrocious, even for those convicted of crimes like these.
So he cant charge for trespassing and spying on him?.
It isnt trespassing unless you are told beforehand that you cannot trespass.
I could walk into your backyard and start having a picnic if I wanted to. If you called the cops, I just say, " Oh, I thought it was alright to eat here, I didn't see any signs, If he told me I was trespassing I would have left immediately! "
Also, it isnt spying if you can see it from the street or in a " Common area " So I can have a security camera on my house pointed directly into your backyard/window and because you can see that normally it isnt considered anything special.
Audio is more tricky because of wiretapping laws.
I have 12 cameras on my property, several pointed into neighbors yards. Great fun when they tried to call police on me, then tried destroying them, then tried paying the bills and going to court for vandalism
>in your OWN HOME butt naked making breakfast
>some fucking smelly spic cunt tresspasses on your property walking all over your nicely kempt lawn
>looks through your window and sees you naked, in your own house, in the fucking morning
>calls the police
Jesus Christ women are self righteous cunts.
what fucked up state do you live in? can't do that shit here, that's for damn sure.
What state are you in? Have you researched the laws? In some countries if I was having a picnic in your yard and you threatened me, I could have you arrested
What country?.
>in the 70s, this was considered good, clean family entertainment
>in 2016, if a strange kid comes up to you and you're male, it's a good idea to get away from them fast
What decade was the sane middle ground?
So the entirity of new york won't have any pokestops?
Sounds pretty good to me m8
Oh, typed it up before I saw you said, " State " Assuming you were euro or something.
Castle doctrine implies there is a threat
I hate this earth.
When did everyone become such an insufferable cunt? I swear we're more backwards than ancient civilisations ever were sometimes
this is hilarious
Sounds like your just a misogynistic pedophile
It's probably not legal, not that we'll ever need to see since no one will ever be arrested under this.
i don't need to research the laws, i was ticketed many times for trespassing when i was a kid. i live in new york in the white suburbs where the cops have a response time of 30 seconds. never saw any signs, it's common sense to know that trespassing is illegal.
I too am a peruser of infowars.com
>pedophile uses a Pokemon GO lure
>but really it was a Children GO lure
You could have taken the tickets to court. Just because an officer tickets you for something doesn't mean you are guilty of having done it.
If you ever get a speeding ticket, consider going to court and pleading your case. It will almost always be reduced 50% or dismissed.
You have the legal right to reschedule a court hearing three times also. So you cancel the first two times, then show up the third time when the cop is sick and tired of appearing and skips it.
People who commit crimes against children usually aren't allowed to have phones anyway. Well, I shouldn't say "usually", just so far as I've seen. I know a couple guys who work with pedo parolees and they're fascinated by this game, but they're not allowed to have phones.
I'm constantly changing my mind on whether I love or hate this shitty country.
Also, on a more serious note. Why would you ever think you don't need to understand the laws by which you are governed and expected to obey?
Getting a strong monkey/banana/ladder vibe
no that reminds me of my family and scumbag friends always trying to jump through loopholes. i know that trespassing is wrong, and i knew that i shouldn't have been doing it. so i paid my fines, like a real american does.
there are registered sex offender pedophiles on Sup Forums right now
just remember that
Oy vey!
A loophole implies you actually broke the law, and are getting out of it. If you never broke the law in the first place, it isn't a loop hole, it is a defense.
>with jews...you aint got to play video games
but trespassing is wrong, and if it isn't illegal to trespass, then it should be. our own conscience and logic is more important than what some person wrote down on a piece of paper. take your Sup Forums meme somewhere else, scumbag.
Cruel or unusual punishment, if it hasn't already been mentioned
Can you prove that I am driving? *fumbles in binder*
Its a big jump from knowing the law and protecting yourself to trying to pull shit like that. Which sometimes works. Police dont always understand the laws they are enforcing, just what they think is right, which can be wrong.
Wouldn't it be more effective to prevent Pokemon from appearing near streets named Martin Luther King Drive?
What defines trespassing then? What if I own a parking lot, and you are walking through it? Can I then have you arrested for trespassing? You should have known better.
Freedom of movement is a big deal. If I was walking through your yard as a short cut, and you grabbed me, and moved me any distance, or stopped me from moving, you are now kidnapping me. Is that common knowledge? I mean, morally you know grabbing someone is wrong right?
if the parking lot is private then it would be trespassing. i was referring to walking across someone's property. there's a reason we have roads and sidewalks, it's so we don't have to walk through people's property. and there's a reason we have cars and bicycles, it's so we can be on time and not have to take shortcuts. it's all there for you, but you choose to break the law anyway, so you should be punished. and i wouldn't grab someone if they were trespassing on my property, i would ask them to leave, and if they refused then i would demand for them to leave, and if they continued to refuse i would call the police.
Alright, fuck it, back to video games
My girlfriend and I (24, 25) once had sex in a playground at night. Are we sex offenders?
Most sex offenders are place on the list under the age of 18 for having sex or engaging in whatever with girls of their own age group.
Example: If you're 14 and have sex with another 14 year old, or have nude photos of them, then you are treated as a sex offender and punished for life.
You receive a life sentence for things you do as a child and basically have your life ruined because nobody wants to make life easier for those deemed as sex offenders, making you what amounts to an un-person.
Here in a sane state, if you keep cutting through my yard after I've told you to stop, I can just shoot you, press something I own into your hand, and say you tried to grab it and run.
yes c:
I don't see the problem with cutting through a yard as long as you are okay with a home owner "getting scarred" of a shady character moving through their property and shooting them dead
That's from Horrible bosses.
I don't get it, I registered my car, house and dog. What does it matter if I'm registered to perform lewd acts or not? ( ¯3¯)
And the problem is...?
Lunatics like this make me glad I live in Canada.
that's how europeans form opinions about america, they watch our stupid ass movies and decide that's what it's like here.
>Cop writes me a ticket for doing 60 in a 40
>I'm accelerating into a fog bank out of a 40 into a 55
>His entire judgement for me going too fast was the fact that I made an emergency stop toward the middle of the fog bank as his white ass appeared out of nothing wearing no Hi-Vis jacket, no Hi-Vis cones nor was his squad car insight with it's lights flickering.
>Goto court for what I thought was the hearing
>It's an "Update"
>Get asked how I plead, say not guilty
>Ask her if there's anything else
>That was October of last year.
>Sitting at home waiting for fucking cops to come knocking on my door with some horse shit warrant
>Have no faith in the legal system to call this officer on his bullshit.
>No letter indicating a court date, or charges dropped.
>Still aint paid the 230+ ticket because I've been given no pay by date.
West Virginia local judicial system folks.
Only Sup Forums would be upset over this. I hate Cuomo as much as the next guy but this isn't a bad idea.
Our governor is a fucking faggot and I'm waiting for Cuomo and Blasio to catch a fucking bullet in the head. I fucking hate them both.
I don't give a fuck about some stinky sex offenders lmao
>current year
>unironically be a sex offender
>West Virginia
Well there's your problem
>ironically being a sex offender
I find it funny that Sup Forums defends sex offenders
potentially most of New York can be as barren as rural parts of the world huh
Don't kid yourself buddy, I lived in Canada for 25 years and the police there are only marginally better, if they are better at all. I used to hear lots of stories from my old too-dumb-or-too-unfocused high school friends who eventually became police officers because no other job would allow them to live a decent life short of oil worker (none of them had the stuff to be firefighters). I think perhaps the worst story I heard was when one of my former friends explained to me a success he had-- he was called to remove a man who was on private property and not leaving when he was asked to. It turns out this man was a crazy homeless guy, and when my friend tried for honestly 1 minute to talk him into getting off the property, he said "ah fuck it" and knocked him down and restrained him face down. While this homeless is struggling, my former friend takes his baton and slams him in the back of the head, right where that soft spot is where the bottom of your skull is. The man instantly stopped moving or responding. He took him to jail, and when he was still unconscious they took him to a hospital. He was still alive but just barely-- apparently cops don't know how easy it is to simply kill someone by hitting their "brain turn off" switch in the back of the head. The worst part of this story is that my friend didn't show remorse-- he didn't show sympathy for almost killing a crazy person over what's really a fairly light crime. He was proud and bragging about it to me and the others in the room. And all the other cops laughed "oh that's some good shit bro, good shit". Needless to say when I moved away from there I never talked to any of those guys again.
Cops in North America are fucked up and Canada is no exception. You best remember that the next time one has their sights on you.