"How about you play a real SMT game like Nocture or Strange Journey?"

> "How about you play a real SMT game like Nocture or Strange Journey?"

Guys, I'm about to play pic related. I'm a beginner to the mainline SMT. I have one question.

Are there any "hidden" mechanics or things not introduced well enough that I should worry about?

Who is this lego man.

Use buffs.
Fuse your demons once they are full analyzed.
Level up for your MC is kind of random.
Get a map.

Your alignment changes based on answers to boss questions.

>Are there any "hidden" mechanics or things not introduced well enough that I should worry about?
Actually there's one kinda tricky thing in the last zone of the game. there's an area where you need to walk onto invisible platforms to proceed. there's no hints or anything like that to suggest it, and it's only used at the very end of the game.
is right on all of these, especially the map thing, there's some pretty sadistic areas in the map. We're all adults, we all have shit to do, I think if the map gets too fucking ridiculous just look up a chart of it and carry on, don't be afraid to.
is also true, just be mindful of it as the game goes along. There is a "point of no return" but it's as the last zone begins, you'll be able to tell when it's coming, don't be afraid to experiment.

>beginner to mainline

You should really play Nocturne.

There are secret walls you can walk through

Is devil survivor any good?

No really why is he made of legos.

A true American hero

I may as well ask here. So, one of my friends is a big SMT fan, and I'm a big Fire Emblem fan. I noticed the game SMT Devil Survivor 2 is on sale on the eShop, I looked it up a bit and it's an SRPG. Should I get it? It will be my first SMT ever, I've never played Persona either.

DeSu1 has a really great story, although it takes a while to get going and is reliant on 4 separate routes for the unique stuff.

The gameplay stresses fusing the right demons over any tactical SRPG, so if you like fusing in general it gets really addictive.

Yeah DeSu 1 is better though but a good series to start with. The map and tactics are there but it's more important having the right party members and skills compared to the enemies.

My friend says 2 is better. It's $25 on the eShop, and I have $49 on my account. So, I can only get one, as 1 isn't on sale. What should I get?

Taking all of this into consideration

The first one. DeSu2 is basically evangelion.

Desu 2 beats 1 in gameplay and maps, and difficoulty.

Desu 1 beats 2 in literally anything else.

They are both great games and a must try tho.

2 I guess, it has advancements to the gameplay and you can always go back to 1.

Just be aware that in 2 the story is a really lame intro to the series and the plot is barely about the mythological demons the series is famous for, instead you're in an uninteresting Evangelion fan fic.

DeSu1 is the better game, especially if you get Overclocked (the 3DS version). Its the better cast, music, story of DeSu1 but with more skills and balancing that got added to DeSu2. Plus it has the extra post game scenarios. DeSu2 while not bad has very little incommon with MegaTen games as a whole.

This is one of my favorite games, hope you like it OP


Game kicks in to gear in the second sector. So it may take a few hours to hook you.

I have a preference to DeSu2, but I suppose it varies from person-to-person. They're both good games; DeSu1 has a stronger plot all-around and the difficulty curve is far steeper in that one, while 2's gameplay is more refined andin-depth, and has a stronger cast of characters. The OST in the second is also FAR superior.

I'd say you should just get whichever one is cheaper, as they're both worth your time. Starting with the first game will let you appreciate some of the gameplay improvements in the second, though.

I would love a Doom clone with SMT Guy and all the demons swapped with SMT demons

What order to play the SMT/Persona games in?

They're mostly standalone and all 50-60 hour games. Nocturne and Persona 3/4 will last you until P5.

Remember that, while hot, the bitch is a law faggot and as such should be disregarded.

This is my first SMT game. I really enjoyed the ride, even though it's challenging.

Mastema is a cool dude, you should heed everything he says

Hee-how about you fucking play the game and find out

Really though, there's really not anything you won't find out as you play the game. You'll learn it all as you progress.


Currently DeSU2 is cheaper than 1, but only by $5. One user described the game's plot as Evangelion. That's fine with me, I love Evangelion.


I'm a lawfag. What are you gonna do about it?

Nothing, I do not want to keep you from the noble task of sucking the ole' yellow-faced man's dick.

>framed picture of Mastema

Alignment changes occur through boss speech, and sometimes and rarely based on answers you give your fellow marines.

Don't worry too much about the alignment, your level is very slightly skewed based on what "specialization" you are.

Remember to check EVERY wall.

When enemies are unanalyzed, you literally can not tell what they have OR do. This includes enemies using instant death moves. Basically, always carry something that is NU or ST against both light and dark.

Good luck. SJ is literally my favorite SMT.

Mexicans are your friends
(It's a really good game and can really make you feel something while playing)

>this is what diaper wearing chaos shitters really think

I always thought it was underwear.

I said it was a shitty fan fiction resembling Evangelion, not a plot that's an equal of Eva. DeSu1 is a better representation story wise about what SMT is, but they're both similar enough beyond that.

It very well could be, but on first glance it looked like a diaper to me and I didn't really think much of it.

So basically
Was it a demon?
I thought it was an experiment more fucked that nothing

Trust nobody not even yourself

You're not the only one who said it was like Evangelion, user. This user said it too

It was my first smt too. Loved.
Soon you'll realise that repel is overpower and gamebreaking.
Found the game easy until the last boss. I went Law.


Neutral here, enjoy your lack of lolis



>start playing Strange Journey
>want to go chaos
>just arrived at eridanus
>still neutral
how the fuck do change my alignment is it too late?

use demons that are chaos and it will slowly change

I'm a MAGfag going through a crisis. Convince me to stay on the world of MAG.


Fumi is love
Fumi is life

Fairy Village