>user, too much video games is bad for your eyes!
Do you think gaming has negatively affected your vision?
>user, too much video games is bad for your eyes!
Do you think gaming has negatively affected your vision?
Well, I haven't had any ill effects yet, but I guess it's entirely possible that they will show up soon enough.
Have never needed glasses despite constantly gaming.
I wore glasses for almost 20 years and had laser surgery about two years ago. I can see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
Only if you do it in the dark.
staring at screens in a dimly lit room is bad for your vision, whether you're playing video games or not. it can also give you chronic headaches.
>mom would tell me this weekly
>her face when the doctor explains to her that I need new eye glass prescription because my vision has improved over 10 years
God I hate her smug "was I wrong?" face
Actually yes, I can't read small written stuff far away, so far I've been ignoring the matter since it never had a real impact on my life though.
>staring at screens in a dimly lit room is bad for your vision
old wives' tale
I don't know if I was just born at the right time to grow with technology, but as soon as LCD monitors replaced CRT monitors, my vision stopped declining
I don't think so. I wear reading glasses sometimes now, but that's just for a little magnification. I see fine. I've played a LOT of video games, and I sit very close to the screen.
Prove him wrong then.
Surprisingly no. I'm the only one in my family who doesn't need glasses.
My vision is most certainly NOT augmented...
Not him, but the other guy is the one making the claim. He has to prove that it does.
It totally has affected my relationships with other people negatively though.
>Literally everyone but me in the family is almost blind
>Starting having blurry vision myself
If I tell them I bet my ass they're going to blame videogames and not genetics.
God damn i hate my eyes
That's not how arguments work. The burden of proof is on the one who makes the claim
Nah, I just have shit genes. Im saving up money for laser eye surgery though. Gonna get one eye done, then the other done later.
Why are boomers so annoying and stupid? They literally believe everything they see on TV or in movies.
>the other done later.
Why not just save up enough to where you can knock both of them out in one day?
No, but DXM did
>TFW when 30 and legally blind from a lifetime of vidya and PC gamin'
So do the majority of young people. You're the retard that think its unique to their generation
my eyes were going to go to shit no matter what I did
both my parents eyesight are shit
underrated post
>having a momlet
>my vision has improved
How does that happen?
it's not a "claim", it's a warning that you will see on every television set or monitor you will buy. so apparently this has already been proven, or they wouldn't be required to have those warnings. there is a big world outside of your little bubble.
No its not you child
im blind as fuck because of my mom's side
Not really. Most people in their 20s I know are extremely sceptical of basically everything in the media. Altough most people I know are in STEM.
No generation seems to be as retarded as the boomers. After all, they ruined the West singlehanded due to their retardation.
I my vision works perfectly fine but i do need special darkened glasses for using computers and playing vidya since i was 12 because i developed some kind of hypersensivity towards intense sources of light and my eyes turn red very easily since.
At first they blamed how much time i spent with vidya but soon i started needing sunglasses in summer and shit because the sun also does that to me, so i guess it was just chronnic in the end.
Hello friend
>most people I know
Exactly. Because you're educated and meeting people in a similar environment
fucking clean your rooms, vacuum the floor for fuck's sake
Because I live alone, and if I get both of them \done, who's gonna drive me back home from surgery? Who's gonna lead me to the bathroom? Who's gonna make me food? I have to have atleast one eye available so that I can take of myself.
eyes are constantly changing, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worst
I have played video games from 7 years old to now 33 years old and since teenager in dark room. My vision is as perfect as ever, dont fall for the momscience.
your vision gets more fucked up by sunlight than by staring at screens, of course 40+ year old people with 20/20 vision and good genetics who stare at the sun all day are the ones to cast the first stone
Add a nice static filter and there you go.
Does anyone here notice their vision getting or being slightly blurry if they look at screens immediately after waking up? I mean like, within minutes of waking up. It sort of felt like it was harder to focus on things. I haven't felt this way in a while.
What did he mean by this?
No, vidya gaems don't have any influence on my health
Music and playing guitar on the other hand absolutely fucked up my ears and I can't hear shit.
Fuck these.
I see these every time I go out for a walk, should I go get my sight tested?
>Thought SICK was DICK
I need to get laid
That's actually true for me, when I'm sick for real I can't even shitpost on Sup Forums and just go back to sleep.
Good luck user. Soon your eyes will start constantly being blurry and producing mustard gas.
well, you should try CLEANING YOUR FUCKING HOUSE
Almost everyone has floaters in their lifetime
Can't hurt to check though
I don't know, call a cab or something. Have a cab company on speed dial and call them when you need a ride? Your reasons makes sense though from what I've heard if you're getting LASIK, your recovery time won't be very long.
fuck you
it's a bacterial infection, you have to get it treated before they begin to corrode your iris
Just small dust specks on your eyes. Nothing to worry about. But they're more prevalent in bright environments, yeah.
>American "logic"
Then it's not an argument. I request you prove him wrong, please enlighten me.
if they were on your eyes then your eyes would be itchy, floaters are inside your eyes
I think I'd do the same thing, more because I'd be scared they'd fuck it up and I'd rather be half blind than totally fucked
Screens don't actually damage your eyes, but when you put the brightness up it attracts demons which do.
Prove me wrong
people will believe this
There still is the issue of doing other things user. I can't just have the cab driver take care of me for the rest of the fucking week. Not everyone lives with their mom, or has a gf to take care of them when stuff like this happens.
Maybe, but it's hard to say. I just have awful vision anyway and I'm sure the video games don't help. I feel like any eye-intensive activity is gonna hurt them
>Mfw I probably play more video games than my friends but most of then have glasses and I have 10/9 vision
>mfw I'm black and they're white
No hate though just a fact
You're stupid. This is stupid.
Demons come when you play on dimly lit screens. DEMONS DONT LIKE LIGHT FAGGOT. IT HURTS THEIR EYES
LASIC these days is actually pretty safe. And if they do happen to fuck up your eye, you can sue the shit out of them and you'll be set for life.
Joking aside, too many people have trouble with the floating teapot thing. Other one that pisses me off is affirming the consequent. People do it a lot here too.
No you can't. That's why you sign forms beforehand.
Woops, typo. Meant in your eyes, yeah.