Fallout 4 Mods are dead

Opened up the Nexus for Fallout 4
>It's nothing
Opened up the Skyrim Nexus a dozen new mods for a 5 year old.
What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


maybe no one wants to make mods for a shit game that mods cant fix

>Im a retard who doesnt remember the first few years of skyrim modding

The best mods wont even begin development until the game is done being patched. But then again this is Fallout 4 we're talking about so I could see modder interests wane heavily in the next few months to a year.

Probably that huge fiasco with stealing mods from the nexus and putting it on the in-game mod browser. I think a lot of mod authors are fed up with the new modding scene

Voiced protagonist + forced backstory

As if all of the above wasn't enough, they're also contending with


there is literally nothing that mods can't fix, to say otherwise is to show inexperience with mods

Still more active than the Witcher 3 Wild Cunt.
How can Witcher cucks compete?

quests and story

Because most people are playing GOG Witcher

Witcher mods are nothing more than graphical enhancements and cheat codes.

There's no point in making hueg mods until the game stops being patched.

>Witcher games are and have always been about mods.

>Heavy Weapons Guy mod for Skyrim
>Not Scout mod for Fallout 4


But Skyrim has some of the most mods out of any game ever

Even better yet.

Oblivion got more cool mods in the past 2 years than Skyrim and Fallout 4 combined.

Skyrim is still considerably better and closer to its roots than F4 is

autists that don't want console fags to have mods.

It's autistic. There's no way around it.

People are still modding oblivion?


Why are you doing this to me again, Sup Forums?

So how do I make the game fun again while the good mods come out?

FO4 has roughly the same amount of mods FO3 has on the nexus, guess how many of them are worthwhile?

What does any of that have to do with what I said?

uh what? Skyrim's first few years had excellent mods come out

most ended up being replaced by newer mods that took their ideas and expanded on them but there were still plenty

Prepare to CTD.

Skyrim's mods were always kind of lacking though.

And Fallout 4's modding community is nearly dead. It may not even get sex mods which is unheard of for a Bethesda game.

I wanted to reply to OP, my bad


There aren't any sexable companions beyond Cait and Deacon, really.

lmao just did on startup

I told you bro I told you.

Delete your Oblivion.ini in your documents folder.

It's more about RP in a more realistic wasteland isn't it? Only top level degenerates care about companions.

Why, bored of helping settlements already? Or all those diverse and divers locations where there's nothing to do other than kill everything in it?

modded skyrim vs modded morrowind
which is better?

Turns out fallout 4 is literally worse than skyrim

Modded Morrowind.

modded morrowind, hands down.

modded skyrim > modded morrowind > skryim > morrowind

Post your mods

modded oblivion


Given enough time, even that will be fixed.


What about Curie?

Also have a slow-time ring but I installed it manually since for some reason NMM wouldn't always load it and I had to reinstall it. And a ENB boost preset. I need all the boost I can get since I'm running the game on an intel 4400 card... I know, I know.

Mods are just fine on Xbox one loads of new content

Pre or post memory download?


Is Sextec out at least?


also guys news at 11, it turns out good mods take years to make

the witcher 3 doesnt need mods to be good

That shitty dialog can't be fixed. The shitty quests can't be fixed either.

>Not modding in the pipe shotgun

Everyone realized console users were going to see the mantra "Mods will fix it" was a lie and gave up.

they're not nearly as bad as skyrim's though


wew lad