Seriously though, what went wrong?
Seriously though, what went wrong?
The way competitive works, and the player base.
Casualization to the max.
Not enough maps, game modes get boring fast. It's a blast to play otherwise.
Neo Blizz trying to be hollywood tier. The same mistake Naughty Dog makes.
>when you get to top 500 you can just never play again and not risk losing your spot unless your 499-490
>smurfing exists for both quickplay and matchmaking
>blizzard's 'balancing' ideas
>new heroes before new maps
>matchmaking can get exploited hard if you want to boost your rank
>most of the cast currently is over the top
>playing solo in either quickplay or matchmaking is asking to play with retards
This. If you say anything else you are a retarded whiny bitch. I will never understand why this board goes out of it's way to complain about videogames. Like what other hobby attracts such complainers? All you Sup Forums tards are just empty shells of a being dedicating your whole life to being contrarian assholes. You take any game that sees any semblance of success and nitpick and nitpick endlessly. You can't point out a flaw without going laughably overboard and deeming every. single. thing. shit
>Like what other hobby attracts such complainers?
Have you been on any other board? Also, ToRtanic really messed up a lot of people by being so miraculous.
I guess I'm just a bit confused. Like I'm a pretty pessimistic person, but you people seem over the top even for me. It's like you fucks are afraid of happiness.
nothing would make me happier than a game that I like
Sup Forums is not one person
>nothing would make me happier than a game I like
see, you spend your time on a board dedicated to videogames and yet you claim to not like a single video game? This is the kind of edgy contrarian bullshit that makes Sup Forums so deplorable.
It's because this board consists of more than one person with more than one opinion. That's why every game is shit. Not everyone is going to agree with everything, and this isn't a mindhive so there really is not a general consensus for anything, since you're free to state your own opinion even if it's not popular. It may appear to you that most people here are contrarians but on the contrary most people on here just have very unpopular opinions, that typically doesn't align with each person's own unpopular opinion. For example Overwatch is a shit game. it's bad in practically every conceivable way besides art direction.
why do all of these opinions JUST so happen to all be negative. I almost never see "unpopular opinions" that are anything other than "X popular game is so shit grumble grumble I hate everything"
there is no actual teamwork in this game. you pick the role you want but not all the abilities actually synergize with your allies. everyone always just does their own thing.
there is very little using your abilities together unless everyone just spams their ultimates at the same time.
not much, it's a huge success
It is a choice to voice your opinion user.
lurk and just watch the world burn.
because you go the wrong threads
there's always good content at any time of the day, stop going to negative based threads and youll see not negative comments a majority of the time
>Goes into Negativity Thread
>Why are these comments so negative
Are you retarded?
You're objectively playing the game wrong if you even believe your own drivel, and have never played with good players, obviously not being a good player yourself.
>This site isn't a hivemind
>That's why everything is shit
fuck off, frogposter
>casual game trying to be competitive
>blizzard balancing
at least it made me realize that hero shooters are garbage and I'll avoid the next 50 that are inevitably going to come out.
neo blizzard should have died with blizzard north.
No matter how hard Sup Forums tries to deny it, this is probably the most balanced overwatch has ever been.
At the very least each hero as at least one hard counter. Even Mcree has a hard counter now after his nerf/buff.
Literally the only people complaining are the same people that only pick genji and try to solo the game.
The development is too slow.
It plays like a f2p game with the same cash shop bullshit.
The everything is 'free' meme shows how bad the game is.
What was added for 'free' as of now?
A broken match making and a useless sniper healer.
It seems like Blizzard uses all of its resources for WoW and other games. Overwatch is already dead for Blizzard only the Cash Shop is supported perfectly.
That they haven't added a PvE mode and a third person mode is just retarded
They're getting DDOS'd right now
There are still like 10 heroes that are unusable.
How is that balanced?
The edge hurts. Not that much maybe competitive for now and also the widow nerf. All in all the game is pretty good.
No swimsuits
Positivity Threads Going Right Now:
There are nothing but Positive replies and content in these threads that are currently going. See now you're just being a contrarian Hypocrite. Saying what things are when they're really not
>it plays like a f2p game
What the fuck is a f2p game SUPPOSED to play like?
>With some cash shop bullshit
What the fuck? What cashshop bullshit? You mean lootboxes? The same thing that's in TF2 that you need to pay REAL money for?
>The everything is free meme shows how bad this game is
I feel like anyone who unironically uses the word meme for "thing I don't like" shouldn't be able to spread their genes.
>What was added for free as of now?
Some new skins and a character. That's not too bad for only three months. Certainly more content then something like splatoon
>A broken match making
Not my fault you're shit at the game
>And a useless sniper healer
Yeah, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about
Ok guys here is the usage statistics from the most recent tournament over the weekend. This is post mccree nerf/buff
What changes do you think need to be made?
Name fucking one
>neo blizzard
It's just actiblizzard, nothing has been the same with them since the merger
i shit you not
The whole fucking ovjective taking only happens when everyone have their ultimates.
it makes the game fucking predictable and focused purely around counters rather than individual skill and teamwork. most of the synergy between charcters only happens witha few of them and the others feel like have no purpose at all
morons keep picking the defense heros, even literally all of them are straight garbage
>Mei was used more than Pharah
Have you ever noticed that most of the complaints of this game are never consistent?
>It's the characters that suck!
>No it's the ultimates!
>No, the maps are bad!
It's never one consistent argument on how to improve the game. It's just a bunch of people who have never played a shooter before crying because they got fucking smoked and cant aim for shit.
Wait, are you saying that people have different opinions?
New Vegas threads are max comfy.
>Voice opinion
>Get called a shill
That's not the problem. The problem is when they take their opinion as objective fact.
If it were up to Sup Forums, every character would be underpowered except for mei because mei is bae.
needs more maps
you are only remembering the negative
Sup Forums is just pulling down its pants and squeezing out some poor shitposting again
I remember when Blizzard said nothing was going to change. Then we got Trial of the grand crusader, server transfers, paid name changes and character changes, LFG, Alliance and Horde characters allowed on a pvp server.
Basically Activision came in and raped Blizzard.
It made me waifu another girl who isn't real.
Overwatch is fucking shit is what minuscule amount of positives is there in it, is immensely dwarfed by the negatives.
Believe it or not, this board does not shit on everything.
Just check any VtmB/E.Y.E/FO:NV/Planscape:Torment/Deus Ex (the original)/Dragon's Dogma thread.
Overwatch is just fucking unredeemable trash.
Pharah is next to useless thanks to McCree's sniper range and Zen's ez damage. Genji being picked also fucks her super hard.
It hurts, user.
I think the game is gud and y'all are just hatin.
blizzard when to shit because of activision
Mei is good on KotH and since it's competitive she can be fully utilized with her team.
What does Pharah have to offer these days besides getting discord orbed and sniped by mccree
Sup Forums Hivemind went wrong, AKA the same hivemind that only plays Planescape: Torment, New Vegas, and Vampire the Masquerade.
They don't protect from DDoS attacks
This guy has a point.
>Sup Forums hivemind
>Dragons dogma thread
I've never played Planescape or Deus Ex, but I can tell you the moment that dragons dogma came to PC Sup Forums fucking relentlessly shat on it.
>Mei is good on KotH
KotH is a fucking mess in tournaments
>hahahaha we're not a hivemind guys, we totally have our own opinion
>Meanwhile, in the 400th nintoomed, no mans sky hate-wagon, Shitting on undertale, shitting on pokemon Go thread
Fuck that. That is the most bold faced fucking lie. You people legitimately have a knee-jerk reaction to hating anything popular and you'll cling to weak and desperate arguments like "B-BUT DAH FANBASE!"
No matter how many times you make this thread, the game is still fine
>Overwatch is just fucking unredeemable trash.
It's not that bad. I really think people are just getting on it because it's popular, which is something Sup Forums does anyways. Many of the problems people bitch about have been addressed already/being addressed.
Mei is actually usually played on first cap of Hollywood because of how her wall blocks the main entrance perfectly. I don't see her often on KoTH.
You grew up.
works on my machine :^)
My mistake then. I've only encountered Meis during competitive on KotH.
I mean, the game is ridiculously easy. That might have something to do with it.
Blizzard balance is shit
Competitive is horseshit, you lose 3 times the amount you win per game
Everything else is fine
Zenyatta is the stupidest broken piece of shit. Why the fuck does a support get to be able to solo kill attackers? That's retarded. got way too overbuffed
Because he has no mobility.
Competitive is a shitshow, but for some fucking reason it's better than the one Valve made for TF2 that they've been supposedly working on for about 8 years.
I'm gobsmacked.
Sounds like a better version then TF2
ayyy see, I was going to make that same post.
>they've been supposedly working on for about 8 years.
That's a lie though. Comp was in beta for six months and through all that time they haven't made a single change.
TF2 Comp is quite literally unfinished and the equivalent of an alpha testing.
>TF2 Comp is quite literally unfinished and the equivalent of an alpha testing.
I can't fucking believe I'm at this point where I trust Blizzard to deliver on something more than Valve. I mean Jesus Christ they can't even update Dota 2 without breaking it.
I mean is dicking around with hardware really causing this many problems?
More like what went right?it'll be a smaller list
>unlimited ammo
>ults every 25 seconds
>coin flip competitive
>ahahahaha overtime in general
>so stupid at balancing Mcree has needed 3 overhauls already and they've gone and overbuffed his fan the hammer AGAIN
>KOTH maps in general are very weak compared too all other maps
>now this summer jewfest
The list goes on and on.
Overtime is at least a little better now.
I don;t know but it's really fucking stupid how they put all their eggs on VR to a point they were willing to sacrifice all their other games. TF2 at the moment is a shitshow beyond what anyone expected which is a shame because a couple of changes made had some promises.
The most pathetic part is that valve is a mulit-billion dollar industry, they could've easily just hired more people to either work for VR or work on their games. They've shot their own foot for no reason because they thought they could somehow avoid the bullet.
>>KOTH maps in general are very weak compared too all other maps
What I've only met people that say the KOTH maps are the better maps. You are the first person I've seen that has said this.
Casual TF2 with a quarter of the content made for casuals who can't even comprehend what it means to play a team based objective centered multiplayer game.
Too casual for competitive, to not-call of duty for the casuals. No one wins.
But apparently "it's the only thing out there like it" currently, despite TF2 still existing and still being better.
>oh cool is this gonna be a successor to TF2?
>wait whats all this moba shit doing in the game?
>i'll pass
they're just really boring
And there are all sorts of areas that you never use in them.
I sorta wish there were several areas on the map the point could spawn in to spice it up a little bit
>coin flip competitive
This is the absolute worst, because if it's command points then the attacking team will win 75% of the time, and if it's payload the defending team will win 75% of the time.
If you get a Team Kill in sudden death, it should be an insta-win. Period.
It's not like it matters since Dota 2 regardless of all it's problems is raking in money games like LoL can only dream of.
Dota 2 is basically their new golden goose. CS:GO rakes in just as much money. TF2 is basically just a side project they clearly don't care about anymore.
what? if you break the top 500 you automatically get the "be in the top 500" reward spray+icon no matter what when the season ends
>But apparently "it's the only thing out there like it" currently, despite TF2 still existing and still being better.
Go play TF2 right now and say that again. Seriously go fuck yourself.
>But apparently "it's the only thing out there like it" currently, despite TF2 still existing and still being better.
user, I have bad news....
>TF2 still existing and still being better.
The last update says otherwise
The ranking system is kind of shitty right now, but otherwise I think it's fine.
Sup Forums just shits on it because it's flavor of the month.
Nothing went wrong stop being stupid.
Its wrong in the way that they wanted to push it as a competitive game when it has very few competitive aspects
Games like Rocket League can be competitive though.
That's because New Vegas is a good game.
People can't bear to hear that they're pleb tier shit get's called pleb tier so user needs to have an autsim fit because not everyone is in love with overhype
The contrarians on Sup Forums have to hate all games because if they actually ever like a game then they will realize it still doesn't make them happy.
They problem isn't games, it's being unhappy with so much in your life and expecting games to fix that.
>releasing skins and a shitty new hero before MAPS
This is the biggest issue. This game has a serious map problem.
game is heavily based on teamwork
player skill is not good enough to carry a team due to ability balance
Cool story, bro.
It somehow is overly competitive focused while being pleb tier casual shit. What a time to be alive