Why do you like Deus Ex...

Why do you like Deus Ex? You can post Malkavian mod jokes but I really just want to know what keeps you coming back to this game and why it's so beloved.

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UNATCO hurt my weenie


Deus Ex Multiplayer
dicking around in it was fun

I enjoyed the plot, the music, and the atmostphere. Gameplay was ground breaking for its time but not the main draw for me.

GET PILLS against my orders

Great story.
Shittons of hidden secrets.
Tons of different ways of dealing with every boss encounter, including avoiding them entirely.

I never knew you could kill Anna in the plane and save him until like 2010.

i really like that you can interact with the world to a crazy degree
there are almost no items that you cant pick up (even the large metal containers if you have the str aug)

the secrets are logically placed and the game rewards curiosity

every playtrough i find something new that motivates me to keep playing, like that sunken boat on libery island

We're 100% BLACK

Great story, incredible writing, interesting locations/cityhubs, lots of player freedom, literally nothing else like it sequels included

I like the atmosphere of conspiracy and the fact you can complete mission in multiple ways.

DXHR was alright in the gameplay department but didn't hit those conspiracy notes nearly as well as the original game. Peeling back lies to uncover the truth about JC and the conspiracy was so great.

Because it's intelligently written and has actual choice and consequence in its missions

Pretty much all of this, except i think the gameplay is fantastic. Shooting isnt so wonky once you upgrade stats and when you have the speed aug its legitimate fun to storm rooms and light everything on fire.

Currently playing through it now.

the level design was elder god tier

Also want to add that I count the exploration, level design and objective routes as part of the gameplay. I'm not calling the shooting fantastic on its own.

a silenced sniper levels with maxed rifle skill is unbalaced as fuck

Chalk full of shit to discover and different ways to go through it. People shit on it's gunplay and while it isn't top notch it's where the "rpg" part comes into play

>a silenced sniper rifle*
i need the sleep

gameplay isn't bad at all, most people just expect it to play like a typical fps but forget it's also an rpg and stats are supposed to matter.

JC has the best fucking one-liners.



>that line where he laughs if you kill all the gangsters before talking to the leader

Best feel.

I take it he was agreeable?



Oh yes.

Huh. I didn't even know you could just kill Rook's men to get his LAM. I usually just shoot the drug dealer in the head and he hands it straight over


this fuckin' game

Hard to point out something I don't like about it. I always look forward to the last level where I click the "all augs on" button and become a god as I chug powercells.

>You're gonna burn alright

Maybe you should try getting a job.


The music is great, the plot is surprisingly well written despite the bad voice acting, level design is stellar.

It's just a very good game in my opinion.


Man, the Versa Life labs felt so tiny, I think they could've expanded them a lot more, I wanted to see all kinds of fucked up experiments they had

>playing HR
>2nd mission to infiltrate the police station

>come in by roof
>complete the side quests and main mission with only knocking out 2 guys and without alarming anyone
>can't exit by sewer because lol hacking
>come out through the fucking front door
>suddenly everyone outside is fucking hostile

great game

People shit on the gunplay because they're 7th gen kiddies who don't understand RPGs, all they know is oblivion and those kind of turds.

I'm a fan of the first person shooter/RPG hybrid gameplay. It's also why I like the System Shock & Bioshock games and the newer Fallout games.

Game reacts to decisions, good level design, rewarding exploration, very open approach to missions. The 'fluff' is also really good, with great world building, engaging story and dialogue.