It's only $7.50 on psn. What's your excuse for not buying it?

it's only $7.50 on psn. What's your excuse for not buying it?

side note, does anybody have the webm of Yumi going up the pole?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't remember this game having British voices


>it's only $7.50 on psn. What's your excuse for not buying it?
>He doesn't own a physical copy already

Right here famalama ding dong

>what's your excuse

user, you sunovabitch

Might as well drop this off too to lighten the Yumiposting

Honestly the Brit VO is worth Ubisoft not getting paid.

>shitty british voices
>you only like the american ones because they're 1:1 other characters in something completely unrelated

What platform, senpai?

Pls b in PS4

couldn't you just google this?

Of course on PS4. Ape Escape is a playstation exclusive

NA's AE2 was fucking embarassing.
Pipochi actually gets called pikachu once.

I'd like to see a video of this

3 > 1 > 2

That wouldn't keep the thread bumped and I'm terrifyingly lazy.
I was concerned it would be ps3 only.

does ps3 even sell ps2 games? serious question

but you typed a response to me which took way more effort than googling so your lying
yes quite a lot actually


You made this post in the last Ape Escape thread
fuck off

First time playing anything of this series and its fucking fun

You poor bastard.

I didn't even know that happened, now I gotta see this too.

>Ape Escape is the best Sony platform series
>its dead

Fucking Sony goddammit fuck you

because AE2 is objectively trash
boring level design
boring level themes
terrible music

I actually prefer the Brit dub.

I can't wait to unlock Monkey Soccer

Is this the second one? With the color themed bosses?


Super Bananas, son.

>tfw no Ape Escape 4 on Vita

Why do they release 2 before/instead of 1? Same with PaRappa the Rapper. I'm too autistic to play 2 before 1, and they could get double the profits by having both 1 and 2 on PSN instead of just 2.

I haven't played Ape Escape since the first one and the MGS3 minigame. Is Ape Escape 2 good and is it dub only?

Because Ape Escape 1 and Parappa 1 are Playstation games, and they're only doing PS2 on PS4 right now

Next year at E3

Parappa 1 and AE 1 are both on PS1, not PS2


3 > 1 > 2

It's the worst of the three. It's pal version.

>tfw fapping to Pink Monkey

Hard mode: Fap to Pink Monkey while listening to

>Wanting cancerous westernised names
Jimmy and Natalie a shit

>Terrible music
You know what to do my man.
Starts with K, ends with yourself.


This is all Ape Escape 1 music, not 2. Ape Escape 1 and 3 had great music

Now I REALLY want to play the NA version.
Fuck you, Sony. And fuck YOU, Ubisoft.


He said Ape Escape 2 had bad music.

You posted Ape Escape 1 music.

He's right, by the way. Ape Escape 2 had a different composer from 1 and 3, and it shows. Huge downgrade.

I don't get it, all I'm seeing here is a wooden log.


There's nothing else to see.

It's not even that hot. Why do you guys even over-hype this shit? Just to ruin an Ape Escape thread?

I don't find it hot at all. I only find it funny how damn hard she's grinding that pole

Ape Escape 3 corrupted the Japanese youth

Yeah, its funny.

Like a joke.


Look how hard these monkeys are laughing. They're having a blast.

>tfw no sequel where you get to play as Specter

Ape Escape 4 when? ;_;

Doesn't Million Monkeys let you play as Specter?

I didn't even know it was on PSN.


I don't have a PS4

The only good thing about Ape Escape 2 is Monkey Soccer. Ape Escape 1 and 3 are better in every way.

Is there a possibility to play this on vita?

Buy the ps4 version so it becomes not dead

remote play

I bet you can stream it to vita from ps4,

Fuck, I don't recall AE2 being this hated. It's the one I have the most nostalgia for

it's the worst of the three

It's the worst of the 3/4, but it's still pretty fun