Sure they did.
Try logging in to any Blizzard game or going to their website
I can log into battle.net and update overwatch but I can't see any friends and the game won't connect.
I'm playing overwatch. They only fucked up the custom games
>5 skids give themselves an ironic name
It's easy to take credit for things you didn't do.
Wow. I am so impressed
Does this look like Drama Alert to you?
Fuck off back to youtube with this shit.
>12 and 13 year old hackers used a epic hack LOL
who cares?
works fine for me. Is just US down maybe?
woah so bad ass
since when did "hacker" groups get such lame names
you had that lizard group and now poodlecorp
I figured they would be the reason behind the outage.
Times like this I wish I could play against ai without the need to log in/being online.
What do they get out of this? I doubt its money, why don't they focus on something meaningful like the government doing some illegal sneaky thing and them blowing the whistle on it like that Russian hacker, instead of messingn with game servers.
Because all the good names got taken in the 90s man
Looks like the servers are back up.
>script kiddies who can't handle a ddos for more than 5 minutes
And... we are back up.
Sick memeing, pseudo hackers.
because it's illegal organized shitposting
>why don't they focus on something meaningful
They are literally children.
Drama Alert interviewed one of them, and he sounded 15 or 16.
Down for me in the east U.S.
I liked it better when hackers back then fucked with people who deserved it for lulz and not for attention.
>DDoS some meaningless bullshit for epeen
>risk permanent damage to reputation if they are ever caught
>meanwhile these stunts drive demand for InfoSec through the roof
>make tons of dosh just by having a Secuity+ cert
I really can't thank these guys enough
Because they're probably bored teenagers.
>>What do they get out of this? I doubt its money, why don't they focus on something meaningful like the government doing some illegal sneaky thing and them blowing the whistle on it like that Russian hacker, instead of messingn with game servers.
Because they don't want to go up against an organization that would send guys with guns to sort them out, as they're pussies.
I just did. They already have a message up that says expect high latency from a DDOS attack but I got in
Wow that's really cool. Now I'm going to go follow them on twitter and give them money.
>all the attack did was disable group finder for around 3 minutes
Nice job guys
>Sup Forums doesn't care about 1337 hackers anymore
What happened, bros?
>implying DDOS kiddies are hackers
literally who
Don't forget LulzSec.
We grew up.
>Hack big bad Blizzard
>Risk jailtime to keep players from playing their games for like an hour
>Ultimately accomplish nothing
Man 90s movies made hacking seem like it was gonna be so much cooler.
It's PR for an attack service which is then sold to clients
US servers are down, Blizzard twitter said its a DDOS. Norse Attack Map shows a lot of fire directed upon De Kalib Junction in New York for some reason
Around the same time so called hackers became giant pussies.
l was playing hearthstone in the crapper and damn it l was on a roll
>Lizard squad
Lame indeed.
So that was why I had a mild 1-minute lagspike in Overwatch.
Won the game, so apparently they didn't do much.
>script kiddies with a DDoS tool and a Twitter account
Who the fuck buys this kind of thing? Third world governments with shitty tech divisions?
attention, look at their twitter they are saying if people follow them they will stop
Wow looks like those guys Blizzard banned sure did show them!
wtf i hate poodles now
because this shit isn't funny, retarded 13 year olds were using the LOIC 8 years ago
When they stopped using their powers to make people laugh I guess?
Only losers DDOS, was just trying to play a game.
start #Losersddos on twitter
they will love that
well I guess i'll go take that shower i held off for 2 weeks
Ok Sup Forums
You have 10 seconds to come up with a good hacker group name.
Ready, go.
They're much more annoying rather than impressive or funny nowadays.
to be honest the servers have been shit all week so i dont even notice
just pvping on my faggot survival hunter like a soldier
This is what happens when you ban everyone on sight. The people take arms to claim what is theirs.
We are legion.
We do no forget.
pls unban me on PC xXxshadowSauskexXx420
They made me stop playing WoW, im not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing? The lag was a way much (US east) 4v4 in a bg is unheard of
I just bathed yesterday
I'm playing HotS without any problems. I got a notice to expect latency like ten minutes ago, but it hasn't happened yet.
I guess discount Lizard Squad a shit.
So it looks like that forum shitposter saying he was going to DM Anonymous on twitter delivered.
>tfw used LOIC back in the chan wars
hold me
dad get off Sup Forums
minor inconvenience, oh no what will i do
That's even more pathetic than the "hack"
seriously that's even shittier than winners don't do drugs and similar slogans
>script kiddies ddosing something
There's a difference, you know
Internet Explorer
>"insert animal or object" squad
bBuy some stressers.
You forgot your quote around "groups"
This is a good time to go do my daily 1.5 miles.
Lost 60lbs with that and dropping soda and burgers. You could do it too!
DDOS script kiddies aren't fucking hackers you idiot.
Back up.
That was an inconvenient 10 minutes.
You know I come home from a long day and these fucks want to ruin my quality time away from my family.
really makes u think huh
Oh yeah, I forgot Blizzard did another ban wave recently. Good for them
I was about to resub because I'm bored as shit. Haven't played at all since the launch of Warlords. Maybe this is a sign that I shouldn't bother.
Dookie Boys.
Blue Screen.
The world's slowly but surely becoming more like Shadowrun; governments will be dissolved, leaving only mega-corporations to rule the world as they see fit, contracting out their shadow and cyber ops to the lowest bidder with the highest track-record.
The Group of Pathetic Losers.
Just imagine the news reports: Group of Pathetic Losers take down tech giant. Group of Pathetic Losers grind the stock market to a halt. Group of Pathetic Losers briefly interrupts people playing video games and having fun.
the homo fuck boyz
I can't say that I care one way or another.
because they're run by millenials now, the worst kind ones who were born in the 90's
>Blizzard getting DDOS'd because edgy kids want to troll Memewatch players.
>I don't even like Memewatch, and I just want to play Starcraft 2.
It will probably never get much better than Anonymous. That was pretty sweet.
Tech 9
>Hey everyone,
>This morning, we uncovered a bug that was preventing some players from being able to join the Tutorial, Practice Range, and Custom Game modes. We’ve addressed the bug internally, but in order to implement and then roll out the fix to all players, we've temporarily disabled all three game modes until further notice. This downtime should only last for a few hours (hopefully less), but it will affect all regions and platforms.
>Once the Tutorial, Practice Range, and Custom Games modes have been re-enabled, we'll continue to watch for any ongoing issues, and will provide additional updates in this thread if any further action will need to be taken.
>Apologies for any inconvenience, and thank you for your patience!
yeah but If i lost 60 lbs I'd probably have serious problems.
40kg is no healthy weight for a grown man.
I didn't follow them before, I sure as hell won't follow them for messing with my fun time, literally american food insurance aka tipping.
Never ever
This. If someone would want to cover that they would have to name them every time
Robot Ghost
What why?
Big Guys
Ghost in a Shell
nothin personell