Video Game characters you want to submit to

>Lightning calls you in to see her.
>Tells you to get on your knees.
>Grabs the back of your head and forces you down to her boots.
>You start to kiss her boots.
>She smiles.

2 things.

1.No one
2.Why would you want to submit to a little boy?

>submissive male

degenerate fetish desu

>Getting dominated by a female.

I wonder if mankind is heading in the right direction.


> boots

Absolutely disgusting. Why not directly kiss her feet?

you all have shit taste.

You need to prove yourself worthy before she will let you near them.

You have shit taste.

No, you have shit taste.

No, You have shit taste.

I just want to lick her armpits. I don't have to be submissive for that.

It would be better if you were. She would force your face and wouldn't let you leave until she was satisfied.

I sure love Toblerone

What satisfaction would she get? It's better for me to force my face in there, making her extremely uncomfortable as I lick up her pit sweat, and she can do nothing about it.

uhhhhh i dont want to live on this planet anymore

Hey, cyber modules don't grow on trees you know

Sup Forums goes on and on about dominating women, but literally lose their shit at the reverse.

Anyway, Juri for me.

I wish fags would stop openly admitting to being beta little bitches. Especially when they are for overly bitchy women with no ass.


The only sexual joy possible to get from Lightning is breaking her bitchy attitude until she is a complete submissive cum starved cock slut.

>sex with women

pick one.

great taste.


My name isn't Toblerone...

What if instead she breaks YOU and makes you HER slut? What happens then?

Lightning wasn't bitchy, she's complicated like a rose

She will poke you with her thorns.

>Wanting a abusive girl
>Not wanting a cute woman who will gently take care of you

Oh shit, I ate my goddamn name plate!


>Wanting to be dominated by a crude, strong girl
>Not dominating crude, strong girls
kill yourselves.

She abuses you first and trains you, when you are obedient she will give you rewards. Like a nice kiss.

Aw, were you bullied by mean girls on the playground, user?

Thread is for submissive dudes, lesbians and chicks who want to pretend to be dominant over dudes.

The very idea of a man dominating the typical "strong" woman that litters the media landscape upsets and confuses the aforementioned losers.

I was with you until
>She smiles
NO. You fucked it up. She's supposed to look down on me with a sign of disgust in her eyes, and then tell me how pathetic I am.

Different user, not actually against femdom.
But kys, "You don;t like my fetish so there most be a frudian reason" needs to die

She was smiling since you knew what to do.

>not lick her armpits
You had one job.

Thanks OP. Another dream of mine that will never be fulfilled.

user why are assholes like and in this thread?

They honestly deserve to die.

Why did they try to force such an unnapealing character

This is a serious question. There's marketing around these things, usually.

No one pointed out this? Did it even deserve the sequels?


Shit man your taste is bad.

Fucking this.
Plebs. All of them.

Because they can't get over their fragile masculinity.

Why did the lightning armpit meme start? Is it just because the more classical sexual parts like boob and butt were less pronounced for her?

*opens the door*
its me goku

I get it
Or are you saying you want to be his cum guardian

Lightning is shit, I wouldn't fuck her with your dick

Like, femdom? I love femdom.

I dont know but I like it.

I think it's because FF got too big and the creators/owners got too self-important with their ideas.
The 13 saga tries so painfuly hard to be epic that it doesn't see how obnoxious it's become.

I don't honestly get why everyone hates her, I'm not even waifufagging here, it always seemed to me like she was supposed to be this kinda messed up bitchy person who learned to grow. Cloud did the same thing in a way, he was a complete ass at first, and though his reasons for it were different the quarter of the game was him being a complete dick

It's because her armpits are delicious duh

That's a good bet.

But I also think women like her, tall and slender with small breasts and acute facial features naturaly draw attention to their upper bodies and armpits. That might just be me being biased though.

Japan actually loved Lightning so thank them for having her being shoved in to two sequels

Hey look, its Lucina.

Well that's not a bad thing at all.
You could even say she's CUTE

Lucina is cute. CUTE!

This scene might have had something to do with it.