Terraria time

Terraria time

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Help. How the fuck do I play this game? I just keep walking around and dieing.


dieing isn't a word


tr.v. died, dieĀ·ing, dies
To cut, form, or stamp with or as if with a die.

Did you even read that? It doesn't list "dieing" under any of the actual information because it isn't an actual word.
I'm not against being proven wrong, but I wasn't.




k, but dieing was not used by in the appropriate context... wait a minute, you're dieing the map constantly. You win.

>being a retard

dont you know what a homonym is?

>tfw Guide tells you the next thing to do is kill Shadow Orbs near the chasms
>can't find them
>wiki what a Shadow Orb is
>turns out they are only in corruption biomes
What the fuck am I supposed to do next then? Until I figure out, I still have a ton of shit to explore, like apparently under the Jungle is this prism like pyramid and there's figuring out what's in Hell, but it's too god damn dark.

something gay

You are uncovering the map, I'd say.
That was incorrect word to use, you're right.
I just wanted to show you that dieing is a word, just because you claimed it's not.
sorry user I'm heteronym. Don't worry you'll find your homonym some day. or binonym.

corruption/crimson biomes form in every world made

They told me I could be anything I wanted in this game, so I became a faggot.

>homo means le gay

actually homo means same. You would know if you ever picked up a book

maybe i cant pick up a book but I can pick up a girl unlike you you samehomo

sorry nerd, I'm too busy picking up girls.

>cheating in terraria

youre only ruinng it for yourself. The game is stupidly easy as well

>r9k maymays

sure you are

I've got full spider set and both spider summoning staffs but I keep getting my shit wrecked by twins and the destroyer. Is it even possible to defeat them playing summoner only?

>cheating in terraria
>youre only ruinng it for yourself. The game is stupidly easy as well
What? What makes you think any of that is cheated?


The crimson has it's own equivalent, just destroy those instead

Summoner sucks and the spider armor is especially sucky. Go ranger or mage.

kill yourself frogfucker

Hey, at least I get something to fuck.

Any good mods you nignogs recommend?

Maybe he thinks that having a railway across the map or the rare creature count is cheating

Yeah, I did. Can't beat that brain fucker though. I can even summon him, but his minions are too fucking fast and he teleports. I also hated the area where I had to fight him in the chasm. I probably just need to keep reforging my weapons or something. I didn't realize where all the strong crafts were until I killed jungle mobs and got their items. But even then, they're expensive to craft, so it's taking me a while. Didn't realize Jungle was like 3x better than Platinum. There's Meteorite too, which seems pretty good.


This looks like a worms map

Just finished a playthrough a month or two ago.

Something I hate is that I always attempt to get the strongest/most cheesiest weapon or strategies in order to advance instead of sticking to a "class" or something.

>hurr look at my epic map editor shitworks

Why aren't you using the DKC soundtrack/wavebank in this game?

But I built that railway. That's not cheating, that's the delicious fruit of my labor.

The three best sets you can get now are Jungle, Meteor, and Hellstone.
Just remember this, there are some things (accessories) that likely can't be gotten easily, many are dropped by enemies, some can be found in chests, and many can't be gotten yet.

consider widening out the area you fight him in if possible, and laying down layers of wood platforms onto the background so you can have more mobility during the fight. Setting up a proper arena for boss fights is really important. The later fights you're gonna wanna add statues that spawn hearts and stars for you too, as well as heart lanterns, bonfires, honey pools etc....

>you will never be autistic enough to build a telvanni style mushroom tower in terraria


Get the item that summons him, make a house on top of the crimson, place a bed there and set spawn there. Then summon the boss, the brain won't despawn when you die and keep attacking it until it dies.


in the beginning theres two options
1. contain yourself into some sort of structure and set up safe areas. Most enemies don't spawn in housing you built as long as it has a inner wall. After you feel safe explore the surface during the day. Push out at least as far to where the jungle or corruption is. If you don't find any in the direction you are going, keep going till you reach the ocean. Dig around the ocean till you can snatch the ocean treasure chests and if you wanna be really sneaky, try to get the treasure chests from the clouds above by crafting some platforms up to them. Also you may find some pyramids in the desert that have free chests for you to take.

2. dig down and look for chests underground. Enemies will usually only spawn after you have been in the area a little while so if you keep moving downward looking for chests and hearts, you should be alright. Don't dig too deep though. If you reach the core and break though you will probably die. Stick to only a few layers down and then dig left or right a bit. It takes some experience but theres certain layers of ground that have a lot of chests.

>underground housing

enjoy your villagers being killed by worms every day

So is this one of those games where you're supposed to use a wiki to progress?

Okay I pirated Starboard and played it for like an hour... How in the FUCK is it any different from Terraria? Why'd they make such a blatant ripoff?

Not him, but too many NPCs in an area makes the mob spawn really low.

>spreading the corruption on purpose to be edgy
Looks great, faggot.

You can explore without a Wiki. The guide (a character in the game) is actually quite useful; he can give you crafting instructions for everything.

you can figure a lot of stuff on your own thanks to the guide and some other stuff, but wiki lays it all bare if you want.

>not surrounding underground village with lava and having to teleport in.

I didn't even know you could teleport in this game.

Hence the doors and torches. Monsters don't spawn inside the hotel. Or anywhere near a torch.

One of the Terraria team members actually rage quit and went off and made Starbound. Pretty retarded actually.

You can build teleporters late game.

Fun way to enter bases or cheese bosses.

Man I wish I hadn't already played this for like 60 hours. I'm burned out and want to play again but I just don't have anything else to do.

It's possible, there's a series of videos of someone doing it in expert mode/hardcore. It's a pure summoner play through

Yeah, and nigger means ignorant right?

Not like language or the meanings of words ever change. The only legitimate usage of words are the definitions from 100 years ago. Not before, not after.

That's actually a homophone

I tried it, it got annoying really quickly. So did Maplestory.

I killed the bee, the slime king, that killer eye and the giant worm. What should I do next? I shouldn't go after the wall of flesh yet, should I?

Am I able to play this or Starbound with friends?

I feel like creating a village would be more fun when not alone.

The "homo" in "homonym" really does still mean "same".

Why would you still play this game when a superior one exists?
-Starbound has more biome types, more planets as opposed to Terraria's 1
-a real sword and shield mechanic where you can block enemy attacks, instead of shields just being a stat boost accessory
-actual npc towns instead of a barren surface with nothing on it
-better UI where you don't need to constantly have a wiki up on the other monitor
-better crafting
-better combat with actually having to dodge attacks instead of equipping a wings and flying circles around the boss
-better boss fights with meaningful and unique mechanics, instead of just a big sprite that continuously flies toward you trying to touch you
-far better graphics
-better cave generation where you can actually explore instead of having to spend half of your time digging
-unlimited random quests giving you stuff to do
-better minion/summoning system where you can capture any enemy in a pokeball and use it, instead of being limited to 5-6 summoning staffs; plus you have your crew

Skeletron. Plunder his dungeon, forge a Necroarmor, get the best bow you can find then go fight the WoF.

Yeah, I've got some accessories that are pretty useful, although you seem to be hinting at something else. Main useful ones that I've got are Herme's Shoes, Cloud in a Bottle, Rocket Shoes, Climbing Gloves/Boots, and Flippers. There's also the rings or whatever that carries some nice stat boosts sometimes.

I didn't think about setting up a boss fight before at least aside from equips and potions. The wood platforms makes a lot of sense. Never knew there are statues that spawns hearts and stars though. Nor what the heart lantern did since I've only recently got 400. I haven't encountered honey yet on the other hand.

Oh yeah? Does he follow you up to the surface or stay down?

>necro armor and bow
why not meteor armor? you just hold down the fire button and walk backwards

"Nigger" literally just means "black" The fuck are you on about.


You been to the dungeon yet? At night time if you talk to the old man he'll summon a boss. If you beat him then you can go into the dungeon, get some cool stuff (Alchemy table that makes you use fewer ingredients when making potions, a summoning buff you right click and lets you have out another minion) and a helpful NPC that sells wire so you can start building mechanisms
Then you can start going to hell and try to drain underground water reservoirs into lava to make Obsidian

monsters can use teleporters too. real men use Rod of Discord

Shit damage and shit defense.

Wire a pressure plate on top of the teleporter pad, make sure it's one of the "activates only when player steps on it" and not the "activate when anything steps on it"

same species
aka humans are biologically the same
literally means to make the same/uniform
like on your milk bottle, Means all the milk is the same in each bottle
same sex

you should re enroll bud

Meteor armor/gun didn't seem good back in 1.2 or whenever I started, did it get a buff?

>want to play kind of
>remember how much I hated the town I'd built
>don't want to waste time cleaning hallow/corruption

I do miss killing Moon Lord with The Last Prism though

>60 hours
>Nothing else to do
Unless you already knew what you were doing, you wouldn't be done with the game that far in.

I have over 1500 hours in Terraria, and it still takes me 50 - 60 hours to complete a character.

all it takes is a damage potion and decent dodging skills
saves you a lot of prep time

The "homo" part in "homo sapiens" actually comes from the latin word for "human". Rest is correct.

Sounds like you need to get good

Why the fuck does Corruption/Crimson spread so quick? I use up a whole stack of Green Solution and the spread barely drops 2% REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

most of it is underground

If you are really atutistic about it, create a new world, exit game, open it in the level editor and build a 6 brick wide barrier around all the corruption to contain it. Personally after so many games the corruption spreading is just a huge hassle to deal with so I don't feel like putting up with it. If you really wanna deal with it legit though put down as many sunflowers as you can and dig it out yourself.

Use a map viewer, it's pretty much the only way to effectively get rid of it.

That's a big beach.

>molotovs now require pink gel
i want to die

Why do you care of the corruption takes over? It's cool

I did a run where I beat Fishron in Mech Boss gear, and used the Flairon to absolutely shred Golem and Plantera.

It's not like I'm bad at the game. I actually spend time fleshing out my world, setting up teleportation systems, cleansing the corruptions and hallowed, and building non-commie-block houses.

I know about Underground but even after going underground and using a whole stack there it barely drops above 3-4%. And before I know it all that shit just spread again. It's like a neverending cycle

>he doesn't know smashing altars can spawn new crimson/hallow/corruption spots at random places

play w/ friends. it helps pursuade u to each do different classes

Looks good.

Crimson not so much.

I just killed the golem and I don't know what to do now.
Am I supposed to get the next ship upgrade?


I am well aware, which is why I don't enter hard mode until I have walled off almost everything.

I think now that you've beaten Golem you can start the new Martian Madness events. Hang out in the outer thirds of the map (I just go to the ocean) and fly around and look for a flying alien thing. Let it detect you and fly off to start the event

>building non-commie-block houses.
I'll get to it one day


>open level editor
>replace all soil with slime blocks
hard mode activated.

>you will never have autism
Sure it looks cool, but you only do it to post about it. When I'm playing, I'm at the base for a couple minutes at most just storing things in chests before I head out again