ITT: Most disappointing game of the year in your opinion.
ITT: Most disappointing game of the year in your opinion
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If you were disappointed by this game then you have literally been living under a rock since its first trailer.
It's minecraft in space minus crafting. Honestly, if space engineers ran better, it'd be a superior game to this based on what it has right now.
>ITT OP tries to start a shitposting topic about a game that isn't out yet
>It's minecraft in space minus crafting
>It's minecraft without crafting
where the fuck do you think you are
this happens every day, every hour, possibly ever minute
Doesn't mean OP isn't still a huge faggot
>Sup Forums
>quality discussion
pick one
why would you see it as disappointing?
wouldn't you need to have expectations for that?
or are you one of those who somehow thought it wasn't just a space walking sim?
dark souls 3
How will you act when it sells millions and gets good review scores?
Will you claim the reviews are all paid for and don't count?
Will you claim sales don't equal quality?
Will you pretend you though it was going to be good all along?
I really would like to know.
So I hadn't been following this game super close, but if y'all are so disappointed, what did you expect? Like, it's a procedurally generated, walking sim space exploration game, right? What did you guys think you were getting?
>literally mine, sell, move
>the game
>millions of drones eat up shit
>how do you cope with this insipid fact?
Imagine it's 2008 and a game boosting something almost the exact same features as this is coming out, and is regarded as the next level in gaming.
now imagine that when that game came out, it was radically different from what was expected, and was marketed to a demographic different from original fans for more money.
Pic related.
I don't follow.
>Comparing this to everything that was the Spore development cycle and launch
How to spot the person who wasn't actually here when it happened
>streamer spent like 20 minutes trying to reach the sun
>didn't even get bigger on the horizon
but hey, at least he found a water planet and a black hole after giving up
>Thinking reviews count
>Sales = Quality
>Changing my opinion because of reviews and sales
Know how i know you're a sonygger?
nice. never seen that before
have fun user
>i won't like a small facet of my hobby that millions of other people are going to enjoy
>therefore i am their intellectual superior
this will certainly make me a better shitposter, thanks user.