Why is this game so fucking shit compared to Outcast? The bosses are fucking bullshit and dull. Everything that isn't dual sabers is shit.
Jedi Academy
Bad writing and level/encounter design mostly.
Dual sabers is the special snowflake option
Not the same devs?
Staff is the worst in my opinion.
There's a couple of really good levels, generally the unskippable primary missions. Some stand out levels were the snow planet, the prison escape level, and the one with the acid rain. It's most of those filler optional missions that are complete arse, like recovering parts for the crashed ship and the fucking cyborg rancor. The fuck were they even thinking.
I get the feeling it was supposed to be a much bigger game but they couldn't get enough cash for development.
I really liked the level where you stop the hi jacked train tbqh senpai
The boss fights are complete shit. You gotta quicksave after every hit just to progress in the the fight.
For some reason, I can only remember the crap missions.
Too busy making better multiplayer
I forgot about that level. That shit was tight. One of the best.
I really liked the speeder bike mission too, although I can understand why a lot of people hated it.
Straight up bullshit. The boss fights are piss easy compared to Outcast. In fact I'd even argue the Academy boss fights are better because you can actually have a bit of a duel while in Outcast you're just hoping you get enough decent RNG to stay alive.
You could still have some strategy in Outcast. I remember killing Desan 5 seconds into the final battle by dropping a pillar onto him.
>t. padawan player
Original Jedi Knight was objectively the best Jedi Knight
>when someone says Jedi Academy IS Jedi Knight 3
The real strength is in its multiplayer. You play JK2 for the campaign, and you play JK3 for the multiplayer.
Activision rushing a sequel to a successful game and directed tons of resources towards multiplayer and other checklisty things.
At least siege mode was fun. Moviebattles 2 is also fantastic.
I used to be a master at single saber heavy swing stance, I could destroy anyone in that king of the hill duel mode.
You sure? I'm pretty sure I could beat anyone with Dual Sabers by abusing the rolling bug :^)
I love that bug, it's hilarious. I don't know if they actually ever patched it.
Even the devs said it isn't, it's a standalone expansion, much like Mysteries of the Sith was to JK1.
Saying you mastered single heavy is like saying you mastered Ryu
Jedi Academy is rushed and unfinished because Raven Software's Star Wars license contrast was about to expire.
It's also why they were never able to patch the game.
And the reason that bug is there is because Jedi Academy development started right after release of JK2 and it was forked from 1.00 version of JK2. JK2 had that bug fixed in its 1.02 patch among many other things.
It's why lightsaber combat is completely broken trash in JKA compared to JK2 with 1.04 patch.
Don't be mad because you never learned poke or wiggle.
How was the bug fixed in JK2 when it didn't feature Dual Sabers? The bug only works because of your offhand Saber, something that doesn't exist in JK2.
Or am I wrong? I don't mind if I am, it's interesting either way.
The fuck is the rolling bug?
Get cancer and die for defending bugs, also it sure fucking takes skill bro.
Bind Mouse 1 +Attack; sens 999
I'm talking about the poke/spin/wiggle bug, as in lightsaber doing damage multiple times for every time it passes through the enemy if you spin your mouse.
Basically instakill bug if you set your sensitivity to 999.
How dumb are you? Pure wiggle didn't do jack shit, you actually had to aim the saber. The saber's damage is based largely off of time of contact. If you're spinning that's a large percentage of the time you're NOT touching them. In fact at the highest levels the wiggle you saw was very very contained, it was all about poking.
Yeah and you do minimal movement with maximum sensitivity which does absolutely insane damage, usually instakill with red style. You are still beyond retarded for actually defending a bug and a literally unfinished game that Raven themselves admitted to being rushed and unfinished.
Because it was a glorified mod. Too many people were making their own dual-lightsaberz Darth Maul weapons for JO, so Lucasarts rushed out a quick expansion pack.
Let me see if I can remember it correctly, it's been over 10 years mind you.
>You need Dual Saber style
>retract your sabers
>jump over an enemy
now this is the part I'm a bit hazy on, I think when you attack while landing, you perform a forward roll.
While your character does the forward roll, your sabers get activated automatically and your character points them directly to the front and back.
The bug was that the person you jumped over would instantly die because of your offhand saber that points to the back.
The distance didn't even matter, so you could forcejump over some dude, be like 50 meters away, roll on contact and he would drop deap instantly.
It's really silly and has the certain "pssh nothing personnal" effect to it, now that I think about it.
That sounds like it would be more useful for killing kata spammers than an actual fight.
>minimal movement with maximum sensitivity
Do you realize how little sense that statement makes?
>defending a bug
Because it made the game deeper. Even blue swings in arcs in the normal game you're really only worried about timing and footwork. The glitches not only added aiming to the equation, but they made you much more aware of what the opponent was doing. Since it meant that the swing you're seeing/predicting, might not do what you expect. It also made blocking something you could control beyond just choosing the harder hitting style. Combine that with other goofy shit that mostly focused on movement like backflip delay or combo delay and you've got a pretty deep game.
You can bitch about it on the basis of it being a bug all you want, but if it makes the game better I'm all for it.
Aiming was always important, but a moron like you that never played JK2 wouldn't know that.
JK2 has thousand times more depth to it than SPIN2WIN JKA despite only having single lightsaber.
The goofy shit also entirely ruined the combat and Star Wars feel. There's a reason why JK2 MP is still alive and has active duel servers while JKA is dead outside of MB2.
The thing is, I don't know if jumping over the enemy is mandatory. I think the rolling attack with the retracted sabers is the key.
I don't know how useful it would be in an actual fight, but in theory, it would put your opponent in a very defensive position. The only choices you really have is to keep constantly dodging to the sides and keeping your distance, so you're not directly in the line of the offhand saber. The other choice you have is to stick close to the player, which would hinder your ability to dodge the bug effectively if he does use it in close-quarter combat. Even from a distance it can be difficult to dodge it because you can still rotate while landing and rolling, iirc the death occurs when the saber extended completely. So you had some time to aim backwards while the other guy is trying to jump to the side. I don't remember if it worked if the opponent jumped, perhaps that might be its weak point.
>keeps using spin as the basis of his argument despite not actually defending the argument anymore
You can't say that the combat killed the game when 90% of the people were playing with modded combat where most of the exploits don't do anything anyway. Plus as much as I love the game the community is MUCH worse in academy than outcast, so that doesn't help either.
>Play Jedi Academy
>Can't go back to Outcast because Academy's lightsaber combat is far superior
The Desann fight is actually quite good, there's a lot of ways you can approach it. My favorite is bowcaster spam, he's surprisingly bad at blocking shit. However, JK still has the best bosses overall. Gorc and Pic was the Ornstein and Smough of my childhood.
You should have done the staff butterfly glitch
Do a backflip
hold the jump button
hold forward and press attack while holding jump
You'll basically do this negative butterfly. Where everything that would be a jump is now on the ground, and everything on the ground is now a jump. Which means that not only do you end up having more control. But you can basically start the attack right in someone. I'm the guy debating the merits of the combat system right now, so you know i'm pretty accepting of glitches, but even I thought that shit was bullshit.
JK2 doesn't use mods for combat, the "JA" mod for JK2 doesn't change combat, it's a further bugfix mod that fixes some server-side bugs that allow hijacking servers and other server-side issues. It also added some needed features such as auto refill HP on duel start, making everyone except you and the person you're dueling invisible for the duration of the duel etc. The only mod for JK2 that actually changed combat was DC Mod and next to no servers used it.
I'm using spin in broad sense that includes poke, it's easier than writing poke/spin/wiggle since all 3 of those at the core rely on the same bug vulnerability which is lightsaber hits being registered more than once on 1 swing which wasn't intended.
>tfw moviebattles is great mod but the community is absolute dogshit
How is it dogshit? Because everyone wreks you because they've been playing it for years? That's not a community problem, that's your problem with not being able to git gud.
Nobody is going to answer your dumb questions either when the ingame FAQ menu exists that explains literally every single mechanic of the game.
prob. 'cause only elitists would stick to a game for that long
Most players are sore losers. If they didn't die because of 'class/skill spamming' then their reason is because they believe the 1.4 update clearly changed it for the worse.
Interesting, I wish I had internet back when JKA came out. I rarely got to play it online.
The multiplayer was some really goofy shit. I remember watching my friend duel some guy online, and he dodged an attack with the sitting emote. Shit blew my mind back then.
Most of the old guard is long gone actually. The only people left are those that were considered newfags by the actual oldfag elite that's now retired.
MB2 has been on a downward spiral ever since RenegadeofthePhunk left bro, but a pleb like you wouldn't know that. Ever since the Ponyfag Ben took over as mod leader things went double downhill.
B18 was the last good build. B19, 19.12 and RC1 onwards are just slowly murdering the game.
It's also why almost the entire old guard me included doesn't play it anymore.
Also to both of you, the game is still piss easy for newfags, just play Sold or ET as a beginner.
Most retards just pick Jedi/Sith and get hilariously obliterated for thinking they are the stupid prequel powerhouses.
>JK2 doesn't use mods for combat, the "JA" mod for JK2 doesn't change combat
I'm talking about japlus in jka. A mod that changes the damages to work like outcast by the way.
>I'm using spin in broad sense that includes poke, it's easier than writing poke/spin/wiggle since all 3 of those at the core rely on the same bug vulnerability which is lightsaber hits being registered more than once on 1 swing which wasn't intended.
And you still never addressed the last point. Also stop saying it hits multiple times, it doesn't calculate it that way, the actual "hits" are very minor, like a point of damage. The damage is calculated using an aggregate. It's not street fighter where a jump hk does 100 damage. Outcast does the same thing, it just loads it so the middle of the swing calculates higher than the ends.
I'm also going to add that any half decent player knows how to minimize damage to them. Unless you're fighting complete retards or you read the ever loving shit out of someone. You don't get the chance to just instant kill someone. Go play a duel server right now, people don't get 1 shot killed.
JA+ plays nothing like JK2 though, and changing damage values doesn't do shit when the system is beyond broken and nothing like JK2.
Also what point? I don't even know what fucking point am I supposed to address and frankly I don't care to, JKA is just garbage in comparison and the actual depth got replaced by who is better at exploiting bugs and using them to his advantage. Not my idea of fun or skill.