list games that would be in a Criterion Collection for Video Games
I'll start
list games that would be in a Criterion Collection for Video Games
I'll start
>implying anyone on Sup Forums knows about Criterion Collection
>The Criterion Collection (or simply Criterion) is an American home video distribution company which focuses on licensing "important classic and contemporary films" and selling them to film aficionados.
Sup Forums edition
>The Criterion Collection (or simply Criterion) is an American VIDEO GAME distribution company which focuses on licensing "important classic and contemporary VIDEO GAMES" and selling them to VIDEO GAME aficionados.
>implying half of Sup Forums doesn't banepost on Sup Forums
this might be a fun thread :)
>tfw your dream criterion transfer is finally coming out soon
Also I'd put a bunch of Dreamcast titles (like Jet Set Radio) and Jurassic Park Operation Genesis on a vidya criterion thing
this and 4
Hint: even the pope owns it
it'd be cool to see some non generic covers for games ala DooM and Bioshock Infinite's altcovers
>tfw favorite movie ever wont get one
So, it's a historical museum with delusions of grandeur?
>Space Invaders
>Missile Command
>Super Mario Bros
>Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)
>Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar
>Dragon Quest
>Legend of Zelda
>Mega Man X
>Call of Duty whateveronewasimportant
>Super Mario 64
Probably a handful of others. I'd expect "critically acclaimed" popular titles to make it in over lesser known ones.
>I'd expect "critically acclaimed" popular titles to make it in over lesser known ones
yeah just like Criterion right hahah
the joke is Cirterion's collection is full of "artys" movies and I mean that in a good way, a game one would have what you listed and probably others that really define the genre in both game and maybe story it depends
the actual Criterio, despite being 98% art house has Robocop in there
I sure as hell hope you mean the original Robocop.
Not that the original was that good, but that the 2014 reboot was just so bland and poor that it wasn't worth the film it is printed on.
of course I mean the original, and wtf man you dont get Criterions by being "not good"
this should be in every list
>starts with a game that doesn't work
>Putting a game inspired by Bioforge in any best of
>the actual Criterion, despite being 98% art house has Robocop in there
Don't forget the Rock and Armageddon