Rhythm Heaven Thread

Today is the ten year anniversary of the original Rhythm Tengoku, so lets have a thread for it.

Post and discuss your favorite and least favorite games in the series.


>Least Favorite

Other urls found in this thread:


What a coincidence! I've been playing Megamix all day

Hole in One

>Least favorite
Frog Hop. Fuck Frog Hop

Flockstep is hella cute

Lockstep is one of my least favorite games in the series

My nigga. Air rally is also good as shit.

packing thing with the spiders
baseball with qt and mokey

>lease fav
the one with the bunny hoping on the turtles and whales. the song is dope but i cannot keep that beat consistent for some reason

Lockstep is one of the best games though.
You just need to get in step

Tap Trial 1 and 2

>Least Favourite
That one
You know the one
With the 3 guys boarding to the lyrics
I hate that shit.

>Trying to perfect bunny hop
>Miss the very last whale
>All three times

>That one
I don't know the one with three guys boarding to the lyrics

you know, the one with the three snow boarder dudes and you have to duck and jump. i think its only in the newest 3ds game

Airboarder, it was the credits game in gold and reappeared in megamix.

Thats from ds. And yeah there was no point in it existing


>Today is the ten year anniversary of the original Rhythm Tengoku, so lets have a thread for it.

Packing Pests

>Least Favorite
The waltz one where a witch grows flowers

Who decided this was acceptable not only once, but twice

>Honorable mentions:
See Saw
Munchy Monk 2

I can't decide on favorite and least favorite









>Part 2 perfect.

>Have to Perfect it once for a superb
>Now do it again for the Medal

Least favorite are probably the Moai Doo-wop's.

I really liked Love Lab, I'm sad it didn't come back in Megamix.


Air Rally is so fun but man is it difficult.

I like a lot of them desu




>Those rhythm tweezers sections on Machine Remix

God damn, getting that perfect was intense

Oh man I loved all the rhythm tengoku games, happy 10th anniversary! Such cute and catchy games!!

Tengoku favs: Remix 3, Tap Trial, Bon Odori, Penguin Ball, Remix 5, Marcher
Tengoku least favs: Quiz, Shiroi Obake, Ninja arrow/slingshot

Heaven favs: Built to Scale, Fan Club (1,JP), Love Lab, Rockers, Karate Man (Struck by the Rain, JP)
Heaven least favs: Big Rock Finish

Fever favs: Hole in One, Double Date, Flipper Flop, Samurai Slice
Fever least favs: 123EBI-C!, Donk Donk, Exhibition Match, Working Dough

Megamix new favs: omg definitely youtube.com/watch?v=r_K_jgE6mwE , Tongue Lashing, Machine Remix (JP, man why'd they omit vocals in the US version?)
Megamix least favs: all the easier versions of the returning minigames

Touhou Rhythm Carnival fav (like seriously, if you're a fan of both 2hu and rhythm heaven, definitely go play it!): youtube.com/watch?v=0hmg7DmL7bs

>Playing the Flandre Marching minigame without knowledge of moon

>Love Lab will never return


I don't know if I'll ever be able to do it, the absurdly quick pulls you have to make is just nuts during some of those lightbulbs.

>Tfw you could never get the shaking right on love lab

I tried to enjoy it, but i was just too shitty

what does someone have to do to you to make something like that


Man they really should've brought back tengoku's rhythm tweezers 2, it had much more interesting rhythmic patterns and the final part even had some wacky fast 16th(?) notes! I liked Machine Remix not just cause the JP song is so nice and feel-good, but cause those tweezer parts kinda reminded me of tweezers 2 when the earlier parts of the game made it harder to expect fun difficulty.

I'm glad the difficulty ramps up in Megamix but I still dislike the decision to have easy-versions of older minigames, like rhythm tweezers had. It doesn't have new-ness appeal, the easy-version songs were almost always less enjoyable than the originals, the easy difficulty isn't much exciting or engaging. I would've much preferred they made the new songs to be cooler and harder than the originals, but ah well.

At least all the new minigames in Megamix are enjoyable!


Fuck Doo-Wop. It sucked on the original DS/DS Lite / DSi. Hell, I somehow have only managed to do well on the 3DS because the screen's a bit better and it doesn't kill me because it's more responsive.
But Doo-Wop needs to die in a fire. It should've never been made.

I have so many favorites though.
As of late, I've been really into
>Rhythm Heaven (DS) - Remix 3
>Rhythm Heaven (DS) - Rockers 2
>Rhythm Heaven (DS) - Munchy Monk 2
>Rhythm Heaven (Wii) - Remix 6
>Rhythm Heaven (Wii) - Spinning Pigs (Board Meeting?)
>Rhythm Heaven (Wii) - See-Saw
>Rhythm Heaven (Wii) - Either Badmintons


Probably Rap Men or Rap Women
>Least Favorite
Rhythm Rally can suck my dick

>still no smash character
I really thought kerfuffle would get one.

Am i the only fucking one that never had problems with Doo-Wop?

I don't get it. Is it a gilvasunner joke parody thing, or is this someone's remix?

Nope, perfect in the first try.


Can you tell me why you dislike Shiroi Obake/Sneaky Spirits?

I just don't get the long standing hate for it.

Someone else made it. I'm not sure how seriously you're supposed to take it.

The first clappy trio was already pretty boring, the last thing it needed was even slower and easier version

Any game that requires constant tapping/button presses in the rhythm

>Least Fav
That fucking lizard-back-scratching from the DS one, god damnit I hate it.

Also Remix 10 from Rhythm Heaven DS is best remix

easy af, man

Because it's terrible. Barks constantly get counted as moos, or the other way around, and it's especially terrible when the quick parts happen. It's legitimately one of the worst games in the series and only gets worse in the second version.

Nobody ever talks about Glee Club 2, but I love it.

Moai Doo Whop is the only game I've ever skipped, and I don't even feel bad about it

Doo-Wop, in my opinion (at least the second one) just ramps up its difficulty quite ridiculously, and the way that the Superbs are, you essentially need to perfect it to superb it. Plus, when you have to go perfect it, the system really screws you over and yells at you even though you're on point. I had 3 losses of a perfect the other day just because I wasn't 100% on point with the exact millisecond that the wops happened. At least with some of the other games, you get some leniency with being a bit close here or there, but with Doo-Wop they just straight up say "fuck you".

Favorite games
GBA - Bon Odori, Remix 5, Rap Women
DS - DJ School Love Lizards Space Soccer 2, Freeze frame
Wii - Monkey Watch, Remix 9, Cheer Readers
3DS - Sumology, Tangotronic 3000, Slumber Party
Least Favorite
GBA - Bon Odori 2, Quiz
DS - Drummer Duel, Fan Club
Wii - Love Rap, Working Dough
3DS - Charging Chicken

Ah, it's a musical preference. I just generally disliked the minigames that seemed to play variations of the same motif, as opposed to games like Tap Trial which has a full song from beginning to end and feels more like a whole. Stuff like Shiroi Obake, Ninja arrow/slingshot, Exhibition Match play slight variations of the same melodies, so it just felt kinda less interesting.

It's why Rhythm Heaven DS's Built to Scale is my favorite built to scale in the series: youtube.com/watch?v=Fx2hJHWLoaI it goes through a song with different sections, each matched to different gameplay patterns (like the darkness section and slowdown at the end), and overall has a great abstract but silly and uplifting tone throughout it making it perfect first-level material to introduce what rhythm heaven is like.

In contrast the built to scale levels for Tengoku: youtube.com/watch?v=281VsSf9ql0
and Fever: youtube.com/watch?v=_k1XSC1xjA8
It just kinda plays variations of the same melodies. I still love pretty much all the minigames in the series, just prefer these types less I guess.

But hey if you enjoyed those types of minigames wanna tell me what you liked about em, so I can try to enjoy em more too?

For Sneaky Spirits, it's mostly the concept and that feeling of satisfaction you get after you manage to catch those sneaky little fuckers.

>Love Lizards
top taste
Love Rap is great though

Why are all the monkeys in this game so cute?

Hole in one and Dj School

Fucking chicken car I still haven't passed any of the three versions
I'm a music major in college this fucking rhythm game shouldn't be this hard


My nigga!!

I bought Megamix a couple days ago and played some minigames for the first time and... Oh jesus, I was smiling and having so much fun all the time! This franchise is a blessing: doesn't need a big budget, it's simple and so charming.

runner-ups are Lockstep and Ringside
Flockstep is also god tier

>Least favorite
Glee Club and Rat Race... I just hate them

Power Caligraphy is also really funny

ahaha ^^;; Personally I felt kinda bad shooting down those playful peekaboo cuties, the only thing wrong they seem to do is snicker at you when you miss >.<

And hey what do ya guys think about Rhythm Doctor? fizzd.itch.io/rhythm-doctor
A friend recommended it to me once and I was amazed by all the love and polish put into it, especially that amazing glitch boss level.
I highly recommend it too! It's a pity it's just a short indie thing; it has great potential to be an awesome full game.

It's pretty great, but goddamn is it fucking hard.


>tfw messing up glee club in the Saffron challenge

God damn I've already perfected Glee club but some reason up tempo it fucks me over.

Already completed Megamix a while ago. Still paly it non-stop.

Whoever came up with the Copycats challenge in the Challenge Train needs to die in a fire, tho

Bro, if Lockstep is your fave, check this out.

they confirmed this in an extra comic

man that's creative and cool O_O

>DJ School
Are you some kind of respectable connoisseur?

Happen to have a link to it?

There are rhythm heaven comics?

>Love Rhythm rally in other games always fun and not too hard
>Momma's challenge Rhythm Rally

God damn when they show it from the other guy's perspective it just fucks me up.

best: Kitties!!!
worst: both Love Raps


My brain would've melted at the first switch... Very impressive.

Was this posted in the thread already? For some stupid reason I keep laughing watching it since I first saw it some years ago. This game, man...


man there are so many new things I dislike/disagree with in Megamix BUT

I LOVE how they give you the freedom to rhythmically mash to beat without hurting your score

Still miffed that they didn't dub the Lush and Machine Remixes' songs amd just replaced the vocals with MIDI instruments...

Goofy Wrestlers is always comedy gold.

I'm kind of miffed too, but I can't blame them.
They know 90% of people are just going to play in Japanese

Never played these games but they seem like great fun, whats a good one to start with?

>post yfw tweet twe-twe-tweet tweet SQUAK

I would recommend either the original GBA game, or its sequel, the one on the DS.

I believe the GBA one is "Rhythm Heaven", DS is "Gold", the Wii one is "Rhythm Heaven Fever", and the latest (and last?) 3DS one is "The Best +"

You know you can press A and the d-pad on that part, right?

Start at the most recent one Megamix.

It has most of the rhythm games from all the previous games anyway.

>minigmae is easy for me in Fever
>doing the original in Megmix is suddenly hard as balls

You can start anywhere basically. Pick one that is available on a console you own.

If you have a Wii I would recommend the Wii one(Rhythm Heaven Fever). It's probably one of the best Wii games. All of the games require few buttons to actually play so it's very easy for even a beginner to pick up and play. Fun games especially with friends or a small group spectating.

Localized names are
Rhythm Heaven Silver (fan translation name since the original wasn't localized)
Rhythm Heaven
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Rhythm Heaven Megamix

>If you have a Wii
or Wii U even

Is Megamix good for that high price?

These drums are impossible
The first few I did ok, but then I cant even fill the banner on most.
Playing on a Micro btw, maybe thats why

I've gotten up to the last ones on 3DS GBA VC.

I don't see how people find Quiz so hard. I got the Superb and star on my first try on Megamix. If you had TRUE rhythm skills instead of relying on visual cues, it would be easy for you too.

I wish they brought those drums back for future games; for a rhythm toylike thing it had a good lot of challenge and variety to it

> mfw reading one of the last Iwata Asks with Tsunku:

> Just the other day I saw you on TV giving your “silent speech” at the entrance ceremony of your alma mater. There is absolutely no way that a third party could possibly imagine what it was like for you, someone who has always made singing his profession, to make the choice to give up your voice, but I do pray that you have a speedy recovery. Given that you aren’t able to meet and speak like we always had...


oh wow, i actually got the wii one today and started playing

the whole 3rd columm can go fuck itself, fucking monkeys

Don't you mean second column?

>It's a pity it's just a short indie thing; it has great potential to be an awesome full game
he's doing it into a full game