Parents abandon child to play Pokemon Go


>left their kid alone for 2 minutes
fucking America

A kid could drown in 2 minutes m8

>Police said a neighbor discovered the child at 10:30 p.m., who said the infant was barefoot, alone and wearing a diaper and a T-shirt. After police found the child “red-faced, sweaty and dirty,”

>according to the statement, authorities called Brent, who replied, “Whatever,” and hung up on the deputies.

Real nigga alert

That kid is a pussy then

>White people


He's drowning in the pussy m8.

What HASN'T Pokémon Go done?

pokemon go probably saved that kids life

>who said the infant was barefoot
reminder that this was in phoenix during the hottest month of the year

>white "people"
lmao this is why the white race is dying. enjoy it whyte bois


Shitskins, what can you do with them?

and yet they still don't account for more than 50% of all violent crimes in america

>lol lets leave our 2 year old infant alone with no supervision for 2 hours what could go wrong #yolo
Please don't ever have kids.

This a Sup Forums thread?

>10:30 PM

This, best thing that ever happened to the kid.



>2 minutes is the sane as 2 hours

Their box was full so they released him.

I'm black and I know that black people do the exact same shit for just as retarded reasons. Stupidity knows no color. Next time try harder not being a falseflagging faggot.

Release in Saudi Arabia and Russia

Any story that you cherry pick to self validate yourself is pointless because shitskins ultimately do stupid shit but even more to a retarded degree. I honestly would kill myself if I was a shitskin, I'm not even kidding, like I have some friends that are, and I honestly pity them because they aren't trusted and immediately are assumed to be inferior intellectually by how they look. This is just how the world works. Shitskins are inferior.

>625000 died FOR YOU

what a farce, they were also enslaved by white people and were kept enslaved by laws set up by white people

>be parent
>go to sleep

Seriously if a kid can't stay alive by itself for 2 minutes it fucking deserves to die. Not trying to be edgy here but we shouldn't stand in the way of evolution.

Do americans also sleep with their shoes on? Christ man.

please. white people were in caves while blacks was civilizing their money asses

People in Saudi Arabia have actually been arrested for playing it.

I wasn't aware the chiefs of Western Africa were white.

>“We never would have imagined that parents would abandon a child to play Pokémon Go,” Sheriff Paul Babeu said in the statement.
Give me a fuckin' break.

It's actually still like 90-100 at 10:30 PM. Temp only dips at night if you live in the middle of nowhere otherwise the only "cool" time is in the morning.

That might have gotten a polite chuckle out of your friends but kindly fuck off

Typical peckerwood behavior.

You're trying so hard.

>2 minutes
It was an hour and a half you fucking nimrod. And that was just becaude the police called them. You should never leave an infant alone.

my parents leave for hours to watch tv or whatever they did and I am a normal person.

Are you implying the slave owners of America were not at all complicit in slavery? Literally trying to blame everyone but white people.

This is such a bullshit story. They both went to get gas at 9 pm at night? And then they got caught up playing pokemon go? Bullshit. They were scoring drugs and getting high.

>there were no African slaves until white people started buying them

Literally retarded. Humans are hardly the only species to keep super vigilance over their offspring. Pretty much every mammal does. It ensures the offspring, who in ever case are not as fully developed, can survive to adulthood to reproduce.

You fuckwit

Dude have a kid seriously must suck, I don't want to spend all my time on a fucking piece of shit toddler and lose my identity taking care of this little shit. When I finish my pharmacy school I'm just going to live alone and enjoy my life, maybe donate sperm for the offchance to continue my genetic line.

Seriously fuck kids man.

If you have children and play video games more than 2 hours a week there is something wrong with you.

Who the fuck sleeps for 8 hours? The US isn't like those lazy ass euro countries like france and the netherlands.

>Sup Forumsirgin who has never taken care of a child
>trying this hard to be edgy
Lol if an infant can't take care of himself he deserves to die lol #eugenics

>2 minutes
One hour is sixty minutes.
90 minutes = an hour and a half.

Be a good game

That isn't what we're arguing, we're arguing whether white slave owners are responsible are for slavery in America you goal post shifting Sup Forumsack

>playing the game after its ruined

Why do you call your friends shitskins?

>Dude have a kid seriously must suck
Well at least now you know how your parents feel.

Natural Selection at it's best

What hasn't Pokemon Go been blamed for at this point?

How so?

>Dude have a kid seriously must suck, I don't want to spend all my time on a fucking piece of shit toddler and lose my identity taking care of this little shit

Then don't. Fuck the losers and society in general pressuring you into having a kid. I know I don't want to devote a huge portion of my time to another human being. I'd rather focus on my career, it's too much fun to give up so I can fuck off and raise some little shitbag.

You literally leave your infant unsupervised for 8 hours every night though. If the kid starts choking on something it will not wail and you might not wake up.

When was that established?

I stopped talking to my parents after they fully paid for my pharmacy education, I literally cut off all contact because I didn't need them anymore. I stopped answering my friends phone calls, and then broke up with my gf because she wanted kids when I finished school. I'm living the dream and am going to live alone with a lot of money.

Fuck kids.

Because that's what they are, even if they are cool people.

I know right? Father should've just abandoned the kid for life.

>implying you're obligated to have a child in the first place
If anything, it's better than you're not having a kid. You'd probably be like those parents.

You can hate the player but you can't hate the game.

I have an 6 year old daughter and yes taking care of kids is a shit ton of work. Jesus dude when we are out in public and I lose sight of her I nearly have a heart attack. How these fuckers managed to leave their 2 year old infant alone for 2 hours I cannot understand.

nah man, they were possessed by slenderman or whatever else is popular on the internet and will get clickbait views in lieu of reporting actual news

>Fuck the losers and society in general pressuring you into having a kid.
Yeah, fuck the human race and it's continued existence.

>parents arrested for leaving their son at home all alone
>turns out the son was a 27 old fat fuck NEET breathing heavily in the basement watching cartoon horses

>I didn't need them anymore
>paid for the education you couldn't afford
>hasn't finished "pharmacy school"
>spends time on Sup Forums
If you say so.

I wish I thought like this back in my 20s.

I have kids and I fucking hate it. I know I sound like an awful person saying that but it's true. I cannot stand domestic life and being around children constantly.

I agree, I want to just enjoy my life, and play vidya and have a good job. I used to think I wanted kids but now I see the fucking light. Live by myself, play vidya, then die alone.

If sex didn't feel so good no man would ever get a woman pregnant

>White "people"

Why is Sup Forums so edgy?

>they fully paid for my pharmacy education
Imagine your parents had gone "fuck kids" and left you on the street at age 2.

Nigga, why are you so mad?

I have 2 years to go family. It's GG.

All my med school friends still smoke weed on the regular, so that meme where people in these schools just study all the time and literally don't do anything else is a complete fallacy.

So you don't think it's worth it at all?

>who replied, “Whatever,” and hung up on the deputies.

White boi mad cuz we brothas fucking his women hahaha.

>black """"""""people"""""""""

>couldn't even pay for his own education
you'd literally be nowhere if you hadn't been pampered


Hardship brings success, that would be awesome because then I would actually have the drive to become a successful human being because my life was hard.

I always wish that I had a shitty life so I could own it in the late game.

>You literally leave your infant unsupervised for 8 hours every night though. If the kid starts choking on something it will not wail and you might not wake up.

You're retarded, what could a child possibly choke on? It's impossible for it to swallow it's tongue, and it's dummy ("pacifier") is made to be too large to swallow.

Maybe your child sleeps in a crib full of bottlecaps, corks, pen caps etc

>This post
Holy shit, white people are human trash.


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