Is there a single video game that actually makes good use of camera shots, lighting or scenery instead of mindless exposition to tell it's stupid as fuck story or tell us something about the characters?
Walking simulators don't count since they don't have an actual story and just try to be deep.
Is there a single video game that actually makes good use of camera shots...
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Silent Hill comes to mind
Actually, I think most AAA games do that these days, to subtle effect.
>being a cinema fag
>cinema can't be good unless you notice the camera in every shot
I bet you think JJ Abrams and Spielberg shit is the best.
Despite being so old, I actually think Ocarina of Time did a very good job imitating a movie. Not just shifting into letterbox mode during cutscenes, but the way scenes were set up. Dramatic angles and unique effects that you usually see in movies and not in games.
It still stands out better than all the Zelda games that came after. Twilight Princess tried to mimic it, but it just came off as comical and bad.
resident evil
probably a ton of others that use fixed cameras
>Is there a single video game that actually makes good use of camera shots, lighting or scenery instead of mindless exposition to tell it's stupid as fuck story or tell us something about the characters?
Try playing something besides the latest Ubisoft/Activision game.
>Walking simulators don't count since they don't have an actual story and just try to be deep.
See above.
The Dark Nights Rises videogame
Dragons dogma, metal gear rising, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, and god of war.
I'm sure there's more but I can't think of any off the top of my head
max payne is pretty good kino
also Grim Fandango is very cinematic
>le random pink bunny man talking to you while walking for 5 minutes
kek, nope.
Metal Gear does both.
Despite what David Cage might have told you, there is no conventional directing done in video games.
Despite what David Cage might have told you, there is no conventional directing involved in video games. Looking for "camera shots" or "lighting" is meaningless.
Inside does a pretty good job of this, it's entirely visual story telling, and uses lighting to pretty good effect to highlight things or draw your gaze in a specific direction
I love this shot in Bloodborne.
Any game with a fixed camera.
It's practically a necessity in order to communicate details to the player.
That's actually what they had in mind IIRC
Koizumi did go to film school
There aren't very many I can think of.
>besides the latest Ubisoft/Activision game
But those games usually do make good use of lighting and scenery. In fact, the complaints are usually that they are all about that with little substance elsewhere.
Yes, this is absolutely the best response. What Kozumi achieved with the N64 Zelda games is phenomenal and really manages to simultaneously give the player real freedom, while restricting the camera in ways that deepen your sense of immersion without reducing the experience to a set on on rails shots or cutscenes.
It blows the fuck out of the attempts to draw your attention to specific parts of the environment that HL2 limits itself to.
Okay so, here's why this type of debate is always so bullshit:
1. Video games aren't fucking movies, stop scrutinizing them using improper metrics that would be applied to movies.
2. The only people who really care, or who are stupid enough to have to ask and try and discuss it with others, are people who have their heads up their own asses and actually despise the kind of stories that WORK BEST for video games. i.e. they aren't people who even play or belong near games to begin with.
Halo: Combat Evolved, for example, had an excellent premise and story for a video game. But none of the moviefaggots in threads like these would ever agree. They would make "le spes mareen" jokes and call anything remotely action packed "childish" which is akin to calling the entire history of mythology and all of the ancient Greek and Roman cultures childish.
I hate idiots who try and rationalize and say "well, video games have POTENTIAL, but we haven't seen anything take advantage of the medium yet." Go fuck yourself. You don't know a damn thing about games, you don't care about them. You aren't a part of the culture. Eat shit and die.
Now fuck all of you.
PS1 games have quite a few especially ones with prerendered backgrounds. Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Parasite Eve as examples.
Why do people think this irrelevant to games? Video games aren't video games if there is no camera. Talking about camera shots and lighting is actually relevant to video games just as much as it is to movies.
Because the majority of games use the camera perfectly, and the fact OP is asking this as if there are none means he is thinking of the use of camera in movies, not games.
I guess that makes sense, games with fixed cameras like Survival Horror games can have interesting and different looking cameras though.
Because OP is an idiot who thinks games should copy movies. Not realizing that the greatest strength of games is being able to do things movies can't. Have direct interaction.
metal gear
I see what you mean. So what would you think of a game like Final Fantasy VII? Or really any FF before X? Because I think FF VII tells it's story in a way only a video game can even though it doesn't involve choosing branching paths. I think people emphasize branching paths too much in video game stories.
To me FFVII can only be told through video games because the way it tells it's story is unique to video games. Having you walk around a town talking to people alone is something that couldn't work in any other medium.
Even the non-interactive scenes wouldn't work as a movie. The FF games tell their stories in a way that is kind of like a comic book mixed with a movie because it has dialogue boxes and images but the images aren't still they move. You also control the flow of the scene because it won't continue until you press a button to continue which is like a comic book. However, sometimes it might break the rules and have a dialogue box automatically move into the next one like when a character is very angry and goes on a rant. Those games also have music playing during scenes which gives it a unique feeling which is again something that wouldn't work with a comic book and is more like a movie in that sense. I think that is a unique way to tell a story that can't work unless it is a video game. So for me it isn't about choices and branching paths like a lot of people would argue it is more about how the story is told. That is also why I wish more games would have no voice acting again because I think many games are better without it.
I don't think FFVII is a good example. But you're right, it does tell its story in a way that a movie can't. Because most of it is told through dialogue boxes. But even then, it was sometimes more of a negative having 4 pop up boxes on the screen. Not to mention that when someone is speaking in their mind, there's only a slight variation in color to tell.
FFX and later are actually even worse in my opinion because they had to focus on spoken dialogue. This created lots of boring wide shots where the characters were the only focus. And the characters and story weren't strong enough to make the scene. Especially anything with Yuna. So instead of cutscenes being somewhat unique to movies because of dialogue boxes and funny sprite animations, it just seemed like a really boring single camera movie.
Yeah it's not perfect but with higher resolution and wide screen format it could work better when it has multiple boxes.
I wish Square would make a game like the old FF games again preferably on PC.
SH1-3 have brilliant cinematography and camera angles not just in the cutscenes but also in gameplay, a huge plus of using set cameras. For example:
SH1- Dutch angles/camera moving in ways which would not be possible in a film in the beginning alleyway of the game to make the player uneasy.
SH2- Shots from in the woods looking out at James to give you the feeling of being watched, Angela cutscene where there is an overhead shot of Angela lying in front of the mirror to show the two sides of her personality, just before she switches from one to the other.
SH3- Many, many angles to emphasize that you are being watched, or emphasize hidden plot elements such as focusing on Heather's stomach/womb many times throughout the game in subtle ways.
Thirty Flights of Loving does this, actually
I agree with this dude. CE is one of my top 10 games without question. I literally don't even care about any other Halo game.
Brothers: Tale of Two Sons is a good one.
Dark Souls
I prefer this one.
If youre talking in gameplay, old RE and Silent Hill
If youre talking cutscenes, I personally think DMC3 cutscenes to be a fucking work of art.
I would say the japs in general have a good grip of cinematography in many of their games.
Most third person action do that nowadays.
I don't know. Is there a single film with compelling gameplay?
Dark Souls (but only the first one, and NOT Demon Souls)
Sure. Lot's of them.
The Last Starfighter
Bullshit. That should be called 'AOE: The movie'
What's this from?
Call of Duty Black Ops 2
Pssh, the AI was completely broken and crashed before the game even finished.
I'm sure the government patched it after release.
When are they gonna add more factions though? It's only interesting when you play as the Americans or the Soviets. Try playing as a minor like France or India and you have shit all to do.
At least Israel was modded in
Currently playing Resonance of Fate. Love the style and art direction.
LA Noire makes use of all of these
the best game
Sup Forums has been bring that game up lately. I'm kind of interested in it too now.
Too bad we won't see him ever doing that kind of stuff ever again
Especially after the four hour talk
metroid prime
>Play video game
>It plays to the strengths of cinema instead of video games
>People think this is a good thing
It's pretty underrated honestly.
Has a steep learning curve. You'll want to read up or watch some tutorials to master action run and tri-attack or you'll get rekt quick by ordinary enemies.
Plus you get to play dress up and pretend to be Chad.
Yes. Many fixed camera games before we got dual joysticks had good camera angles. It's one of the reasons REmake is so fucking good.
It's also one of the reasons I like FF7. There are a ton of well used Dutch angles, well lit scenes, and fish eye shots that make stuff feel really creepy when it needs to be.
Dual sticks make gameplay great, but the only good way to make cinematic shots after you've given the player camera control is to either take control away or play an FMV, both of which are detrimental to the game.
video games aren't movies. I wish they'd stop trying to ape them.
shadow of the colossus?
Games do not need to be movies to have good cinematography.
>Walking simulators don't count since they don't have an actual story and just try to be deep.
Blow it out your ass, wipe, then play Everybody's Gone to the Rapture.
Hardcore Henry.
I heard Uncharted has some nice interactivity. Really makes you feel as if you're in the movie.