What is the most amount of money you will pay for a video game?

What is the most amount of money you will pay for a video game?

$40 unless I'm extremely hyped for the game and have the extra budget. but I mostly pirate anyways.

>not for resale
>being resold
I hope nintendo take him to court

>specifically says not for resale right on the cart
>reselling it on craigslist


>please giant corporation, tell me what I'm allowed to do with my own property

>Not understanding how EULA's work
He doesn't own it long story short

I think I've paid up to $70 or so. That was Ogre Battle for the SNES back in the 90s and I well got my money's worth.

In general, the most I'm willing willing to spend on a single big-ticket item seems to be around $100 to $120. Above that, and I start asking questions about how much I really want it, how long I will hang onto it, and similar concerns. At that point, unless it is something I am massively interested in, I tend to just pass on it entirely.

Then why do they...sell it to you? Why, if it gets stolen, you can bring the law into it? Why is it illegal to steal video games from stores if they don't own it so it isn't theirs?

Nintendo's gonna FREAK!

>Then why do they...sell it to you?
They don't. They license it to you. That's why it is called an End User License Agreement.

Although, of course, the company is free to treat it like a purchase when it's convenient to them and treat it like a license when it is convenient to them. For example, distributor companies typically ignore requests or demands that they live up to their side of the license, including providing or allowing the user to acquire a copy of the game if theirs is somehow missing - after all, the user signed a license with the company, which means that the company agreed to provide the "service" of the game.

Then again, pretty much every court has tossed out the EULA legal defense from companies and ruled that customers purchasing products from a distributor is "purchasing a product", not paying money to access a license agreement, and so the customer is free to sell or do whatever they'd like with their purchase.

A licence, the licence use of their game to you, its a licence they can revoke at any time.
Because theft is a crime and because if a game is stolen you don't have the licence for it

Probably $120 for a copy of Tron Bonne for PS1 or that special edition of Clay Fighter 66 1/3

I really hate how pricey N64 and Gamecube games have been getting

I've given up on getting older games for reasonable prices.

$130, pic related


I put off buying MGS: Twin Snakes for $15 a few years ago. I then forgot about it until recently, and now it costs a minimum of $40 used on Amazon.

Funny enough I just got Twin Snakes on ebay for $38 a few months back, I'm pissed that Gaunlet Dark Legacy and Skies of Arcadia go for so much too.

>tfw managed to snag Metroid Prime 1 and 2 in great condition with all their papers for $20


That pic related was selling for 45 Canadian in a huge pile in futureshop for years after.

>buying games

Video game collecting is such a shitty hobby. Physical media is so faulty, cumbersome to change cartridges/optical discs, and it's just more things that will accumulate dust.

However, I am of the opinion that unless emulation for whatever platform is perfect, it's in your best interest to have the optimal "back-up" setup for it.

My HDLoader PS2 with FreeMCBoot is superior to emulating PS2 games on your computer.

Considering SNES games themselves are reaching that price point why not have access to most of the library for the same cost?

Or just emulate, of course, but I'm a stickler for original hardware


Can't blame ya, I wish I had an SNES right now with some games in it, it's not the same playing on my computer with a 360 controller or keyboard.

One of these days I'll get a dreamcast and build up a nice library through DVDs or CDs or whatever.

Why would anyone do that to the poor janitor?

Why didn't anyone stop pissing in the bag? Don't they have any consideration for the people there to pick up their mess?

>that kid who sold his snes and games to gamestop for $40

;_; why

>$40 for Pokemon Soul Silver

Meant 100

What the fuck?
Why do that cost so much? It's a pokemon game, there should be millions of copies out there.

Or you could just buy a flashcart for under $40 and have every DS Pokemon game.

Spent like £200 for Symphony of the Night Limited Edition in very good condition a while back.

There was a limited edition of that? what did it come with?

spent £90 on an import copy of ffVI over 20 years ago. with inflation thats around £200 in the current year

>ps4 + bloodborne
>4 year mmo subscription
>fighting game + dlc + arcade stick
>2 decent magic the gathering decks
>half a warhammer 40k army

Do you people even play games?

>being resold

Look again.

probably the urinal had a problem/was overflowing

Civilization 4.

Before Steam's expansion into all games, I think I ended up losing & subsequently rebuying that game at least 4 or 5 times.

>tfw have bought Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 on 4 different platforms

But then you can't transfer that stuff over via Pokemon Bank unless you've got a legit Pokemon Black/White 1/2 cart.

Me with Shantae.
>Buy Risky's Revenge via DSi
>Buy it again on 3DS
>Then on Steam with the Director's Cut
I really shouldn't have but I like my platforming.
I also bought Pokemon Trading Card game 4 different times, 3 via carts that each got lost in different moves, and one digital.


Most was $80 on Little Big Planet 2 pre-order. The times spent hilariously dicking around with friends and random people repaid it back a million times over.
>tfw I will never have that much fun in a video game ever again

>Mfw I got SOTN black labeled from an user on Sup Forums for free back in 08-09.
God bless him

Actually existent video games or dream video games? Actually existent: 60 bux

Most expensive game I got was Albert Odyssey for Sega Saturn, for $136.

Very funny game imo.

When was that picture made? 1930?


Those 4?

They weren't going to run out, you know? You don't have to pre order


Want to bring love around:3
Spent 100 on Gotcha Force a few weeks ago. Had my fun and sold it for a bit more.

>Want to bring love around:3
Sorry user, I have to play it every year since SOTN is GOAT and I have to thank that user for his gift

Well, judging by the copy of Pocky & Rocky I bought a while back... Probably $150 at the most.

Spent $125 for Cubivore too.

Fuck you, I like having the physical copy

59.99 plus tip

Well at least you didn't outright resell so at least you have some character. Only played Aria on Gameboy emulator. Trying to up my ps1 collection. Have my eyes on SOTN and Xenogears and Tron Bonne

Was cubivore complete because fuck eBay it shouldn't be worth more than gotcha force

As a janitor, this picture always mildly triggers me.

People who do disgusting shit like smear shit everywhere/piss on everything in sight for giggles deserve to be shot.

But why do you do it.. FOR FREE??

Yup, manual and all.

It's just a prank. Get some thicker skin.

>For free

I don't.

>It's just a prank

Literally kill yourself, you fucking degenerate.

Local shop? That's a pretty good price considering

Stop getting mad, you look like a fool. You're not the boss of my bodily functions, you're not the toilet dictator

Nah, ebay. A vidya reseller in Spokane, Washington wanted $145 for it.

They also wanted something like $175 for a boxed copy of Zelda ALTTP for the gameboy advance.

Resellers are fucking insane.

My first job was a janitor/shoe goon at a bowling alley, and I still give my coworkers shit about opening doors at work by putting their dickbeaters palm-open on the glass panels.

You suck at trolling.


People are fucking weird man, a lot guys won't wash their hands after pissing or taking a shit, or won't bother flushing the toilet/urinal after using it.

Never would of thought you could get so lazy you literally refuse to push a flush handle.

I'm not trolling, I'm pissed this guy thinks he can tell me what to fucking do.

>by putting their dickbeaters palm-open on the glass panels

Fucking kek'd

>Getting mad on the internet
>ADMITTING your mad

Why would you EVER be a filthy fucking faggot and wipe your shit covered hands on the walls, the dispensers, all over the toilets, on the stalls on the mirrors etc?

Paid $80 for a new leftover copy Ocarina of Time/Master Quest from Toys R Us back in the day. I'd be willing to pay $90 for the Persona 5 collectors edition if it was coming to a decent console, alas, it's only coming to the Nogames 4

admitting my mad? what?
I use toilet paper, thank you. I'm not a savage

80, fulled priced game with a season pass once or twice, learned my lesson quickly.

I have absolutely 0 interest in collecting things so if it's not something to enhance the game in any meaningful way, fuck it. I don't need to stare at a bullshit art book or pointless figurine.

As much fun I have on the Wii u, I can see why people don't like it. My GameCube is my most used console

>I use toilet paper, thank you. I'm not a savage

You'd fucking better.

I spent over $7300 USD on N64 DD development kits in an attempt to decipher the contents of the blue carts. Can't find my original copy of the pic because imageshack, but here's the one from the starmen thread

We ended up finding one of them had mario paint 64, and we speculated the others would be other games related to mother 3/eb64, as it was supposed to have inter-connectivity with other DD games too.

Anyway, one was mario artist paint studio, the other was simcity 64, and we got the other two working back in 09, after a few years of not trying, then... Nothing. They were both doshin the giant. Corey shipped them to me and i've been fiddling for YEARS trying to get into the actual code for the doshin carts, to see if they might actually hold mother 3 data in some capacity that we just never got around to.

That said, all three of those games were supposed to have some sort of capacity to interconnect with one city in eb64, you'd paint the faces of villagers in artist studio, terraform with doshin (2), and then build the city with SC64. Whether things even got that far or it was just a novel idea that never panned out will forever be a mystery.

Only time will tell, though.

Absolute limited for anything with no neat physical extras is $50.

No video game should ever cost more than a half-hundred US, unless you're buying more shit than just the game.

I was actually talking about the PS3, which is only getting the standard edition. Love my Wii U too though.

>The Nogames 4

Has more games than the Xbone.

And I actually own an Xbone.

Metal Jesus I didn't know you post on Sup Forums

I wonder how many video game collectors specialize in digital stuff like roms or rom hacks.

I was never a full blown janitor but part of my job often as a regular team member for a small market included cleaning the bathroom.

I never saw anything like the poo altar bad but regular shit especially throwing out paper you wiped your asshole with the fucking 3rd world degenerates, and the women's bathroom more often than not was way dirtier and gross than the men.

$60 or around 100 for import weebshit

Holy shit... MetalJesusRocks, is that you?

Earnest question here, what sparked this interest in you?

>and the women's bathroom more often than not was way dirtier and gross than the men.


What the fuck? Women are fucking DISGUSTING, the women's room is always the worst.

Time is ticking for those carts, user

I knew what you were referring, I was giving you solace the fact that Wii u, although fun for me and evidently you, didn't meet the mark. At least in my opinion
Also true. My lil bro has one and all we do is watch vidya YouTube or Netflix. I'm getting him Battlefield but he's going to be disappointed

who else /damaged/ here?

>fill up slurpee cup at 7-11
>drink some of it
>fill it up again and pay for it

Always tell myself to never spend more than 30, but always end up spending 60 on a new polished XXX AAA HD game every few months

That last paragraph gets my dick rock hard.

I would pay 1200 cucks for pic related

i recently sold a copy of Pokemon Platinum for 40 bucks

I sold POKEMON yellow for $5 at GameStop.

>Shitty mix-n-match critter generator

>Can reach the center of the universe in 30 hours


In public you don't get to do whatever you want. People like you make the world worse. You should be fucking gassed.

um because I'm a cuck? so fuck you

Do you also stay fedoralord things like "you should need to take an iq test before you breed" ?

The absolute most? Probably $1000 for a single game. It would have to be something I really fucking want though, like metal slug aes or something.
The most I've spent is $500 for the cave collection, and $400 for pause dragoon saga.
Just bought burning rangers last month for $200, I know it's high, but I've been noticing the price steadily rise so I said fuck it

>tfw its very likely that collectors wont find eb64 carts in time before their demise

I paid about $100 for an arcade cabinet of Die Hard Arcade. Totally worth it.