Don't post without rating someone else
>Fallout New Vegas
>Kerbal Space Program
Don't post without rating someone else
>Fallout New Vegas
>Kerbal Space Program
Other urls found in this thread:
You like Death Grips, don't you?
Sure, why not.
>Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson
>Pokemon White
>Digital Devil Saga 2
>Fallout 4 (don't hate me)
>Garry's Mod
>Crusader Kings 2/Morrowind (can't remember)
I really don't play many games
11 year old who played one "old school game" to mask his age.
>playing new games or games I dislike makes you a fucking normie underage
Space Station 13
EDF 4.1
12 year old retards
here's your (you) buddy
Killing Floor 2
Shadowrun Dragonfall
M&B Warband
You like wasting time on simulators and moded new vegas
Weeb manchild
Young teen or just a faggot, that added the last two to try to save face, probably there's other trash that should have put there, like some CoD or moba
valkyria chornicles
zero time dilemma
VLR+999 because i played them back to back in june
dark souls 3 (if you want to count ZE franchise as one)
also played a ton of isaac and h1z1 in between but i'm claiming immunity on these games.
Days of Infamy
War Thunder
Hearts of Iron 4
Loving the WW2 setting at the moment.
Good taste
Stalker Clear Sky
Project Nimbus
wew I suppose wanting to try out a Fallout game makes me a faggot thanks Sup Forumsirgins
Nuclear Throne
Max Payne
>Disgaea 5
Get out of my sub you fucking underages
>Chivalry medieval warfare
>Company of heroes 2
Solid taste, although I was never a big fan of Pokémon.
The real question is who is best senran?
>Mario 64 on Wii u
>Oblivion on 360
>COD ghosts on Xbox one( my gf likes me to play it with her)
Odins Sphere
Vic 2
M&B: Warband
>MGSV: Ground Zeroes
>Final Fantasy VI
>slightly above average pseudo-RPG
>dunno what this is
>3 frames per second North Korea simulator
6/10 overall
Needs more shooting/10.
>Dragon Age Origins
>Dragon's Dogma
>Odin Sphere remake
>Kirby Airride
>Fallout 4
One of these is not like the others/10
>Pokemon Diamond
>Starcraft 2 LOTV
>Witcher 3
pretty good my nigga, dunno about the rest
Monster Hunter Generations
Blazblue chrono phantasma extend
Elite Force 2
Section 8: Prejudice
>Super Mario 3D World (emulated)
>Symphony of the Night (Richter mode)
>Order of Ecclesia (emulated)
weeb manchild
perfect my man
What were you doing playing Kirby Air Ride? Not judging, just curious.
>Grim Dawn
>Anno 2205
>Don't post without rating someone else
If it is BLOPS is because of the multiplayer, I like it better than most games.
>You can only make one post
dying light
mortal kombat X
I play with friends
>The long dark
>Cities: Skylines
Games is hi only real hobby
Also my nig
Casual gamer, and actually has friends as a result
Looks good
Very experienced, has completed hundreds of games
Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Enter the Gungeon
Team Fortress 2
Secondlife (Not a furry)
Pokemon Go
Please respond
I'm probably older than you, shitposter
Team Fortress 2
Super Meat Boy
Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story
>A.W. Phoenix Festa
>Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
...go ahead and laugh.
>Section 8: Prejudice
Isn't that dead as fuck? Steam stats says max players of 4 today
Consider killing yourself instead of prolonging your existence
shut the fuck up reddit
>deux ex human revolution
>company of heroes
>Surgeon Simulator
>KotOR 2
Mostly just been Morrowind lately. Took me literally 36 in-game hours to get to Ghostgate because of the Cliff Racers. I haven't gotten back to Balmora yet.
>Monster hunter generations.
>Disgaea 2 dark hero days.
>Devil may cry HD collection.
rooo normo faggot back to myspace etc etc/10
What's wrong with any of the games I posted? Go ahead, I'll wait.
Yakuza 4 on PS3
Final Fantasy X-X2 on Vita
Hearthstone on my iPhone at work right now
>DMC: devil may cry it's actually fun
I've been checking out old shooters recently and just played it with bots, it's still pretty good that way.
Baldur's Gate
Halo 2 Anniversary
Battlefield 4
>The Technomancer
>Dead by Daylight
>Final Fantasy 14
I appreciate your wide tastes in video games.,
Good taste, anons. What rank?
League of Legends
Pokemon GO
kill yourself/10
>Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight
>EDF 4.1
>Magical Pop'n
Okami's great
Got bored of MGSV too quickly to get an opinion of the game as a whole and never played DmC.
>Yokai Watch
>Nuclear Throne
>Fallout 1
>Fallout 2
>Fallout New Vegas
I think I might be a bit addicted
>Demon's Souls
>Dragon's Dogma
>Dying Light
You're alright in my book
Isaac and Gungeon are way too tedious for me. Not sure if its my luck, but 6/10 my runs devolve into bad runs or runs that don't synergize at all.
Yeah as long as you forget the plot and developer bs DmC is pretty solid.
>Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
>Crash Team Racing
>F-Zero GX
Ever play The Technomancer? I've been enjoying the fuck out of it. Criminally underrated game.
Crysis 1
Doom 2
Excellent tastes
How is Abzu? Great taste otherwise.
Dying Light is one of the best bro-op games.
Grim Dawn/10
Abstract kind of fun
This is pretty Sup Forums
>kill yourself
ow the edge
>Dota 2
>Mass Effect
>Old School Runescape
Morrowind Is always a good replay, and if you like it and don't care, good.
Surgeon Simulator seems meh, though I've never played it.
Kotor though. Oh god Kotor. Rest well sweet prince for you where wronged by TOR.
You like Handmaiden? or are you a
cannon fag who likes Disciple?
>DOOM 2016
>Enter the Gundeon
Can any one help me with STALKER? Playing on masters and loving it, but it's a bit frustrating when it feels like my bullets aren't hitting even when my sights are on them and crouched. I understand the realism as the bullets don't always hit where you want it to be. Are they supposed to be tanky or is my aim just really shit, or I just don't know how to shoot.
excellent taste
kys tier
bretty gud
Wolf Among Us
Arma III
Fallout 4
>Don't post without rating someone else
Autistic phoneposter.
>Payday 2
>Dead by Daylight
>The Last Remnant
>I only play what games on Sup Forums's recommended list
Furry faggot
Witcher 3 Blood & Wine
Forgot to name games
>Danganronpa 2
Clash of Clans
Pokemon GO
>Sup Forums is one person maymay
OK, I'm game.
Red Orchestra 2
Dying Light
Fuck you you fucking retard, you ruin Sup Forums you fucking virgin, get out of my forum
Castlevania I
Dragon Warrior
Kung Fu
I like it user. mgs got boring in post game tho.
which doom? 2016?
>Age of Empires II
>YGO Eternal Duelist Soul
Pleb n proud
>I only play games Sup Forums recommends me
>Kingdom Hearts II
>SSB for Wii U
>TLoZ: Wind Waker
>Empire Total War
>Dawn of Discovery
>FM 13
gay ass tripfag
Ultimate taste
This is my current fall back if No Man's Sky tuns out to be shit.