ITT: Complex psychological choices in vidya
ITT: Complex psychological choices in vidya
If you don't play as a girl then you are a faggot
This was the only time I've ever picked male in a pokemon game. There is nothing appealing to that female character's design.
Literally the gayest post I've ever seen
I want to impregnate female MC of this shitty pokemon game.
Tell me then, what is so good about this female's design? Every other one had something likable about them. This one is literal generic female.
>Only 2 genders
You can customize her hair, skin, eyes, and clothes to make her your personalized waifu.
>randomly assigns you gender at start
>you must stick with this gender until 4 gyms into the game
>at this point you may choose to switch gender
>must pay ungodly sum of money to do this
>all non essential npcs now have a random chance of being transphobic and switching from their normal dialogue to a statement of disgust and witholding any items they would normally give you
when will based nintendo implement this?
Why the fuck would I pick the guy when he looks like a shittier version of Hilbert? Thankfully Serena is hot as fuck.
But the entire point was that she was customizable
When God created a companion for Adam (Lilith); she refused to serve him.
God had to go back a second time and try again.
Women were the first based entity ever.
Every man comes from a woman and are nurtured/raised by a woman.
Nothing wrong with playing as one as sign of respect and awe towards them.
>God had to go back a second time and try again.
>Women were the first based entity ever.
women were literally a mistake
X/Y and B/W2 protagonist looked so damn shit I picked their female counterparts instead.
It was a joke.
Also, it proves God is imperfect.
And since he made us is his image: we're not perfect.
If there was a God, which there isn't.
Once our sun burns out and the fluke that is mankind dies out; the universe will be at peace again.
Like when the last Metroid was captured.
>a matter of concern to the universe
Sup Forums would impregnate a horse if they had the opportunity to
She's wearing a miniskirt. You don't like miniskirts, you must be gay.
>nothing appealing to that female character's design.
There was nothing appealing to the male characters design either
>Not diamonds due to ZR
You're a disgrace