Memery assign, is the Xbone S the physically nicest looking console?

memery assign, is the Xbone S the physically nicest looking console?

>memery assign

What did he mean by this?

I prefer the Reach Xbox 360.

PS4 and it's the factual factoid fact

PS4 is ugly and """"""trendy""""""""


I dunno. It looks like a white VCR.

>memery assign

hahaha what the fuck

It looks like a DVD player

Looks like that phone blocks shit that was hyped years ago.

Silver GameCube and SNES look better but It does look pretty sexy

yea the ps4 looks like hot shit compared to the s

>memery assign

Why don't companies make clear plastic consoles and handhelds anymore?

>read this as memory aside
>reread it
>even more confused

no the fan looks horrible and doesnt fit with the rest of the design

Clear plastic uses a chemical that I forgot the name of that has been SORT of linked to cancer rates.

memery like meme but meme meem mmeem meme memememememeee meem meme meme memem memememe eemmeme ememe me M

They're just a lot less common.

assignment logged.
int8 sblmnl infct:vrs

They're the most autistic consoles made, user.

White is always nice

Is this real?

because they're on the same level as flames shirts and other "that kid" attire

good luck trying to get dirt out of those million holes

>random buzzword out of place
real make u tink

Are you real?
Is life real?
I wouldn't know Ive only died twice.

Yep, but like I said, a lot less common.

It's a box.

Gamecube is best design and the most durable beside cartridge based systems.

why were we cheated out of this piece of art?

Getting this upset at being called autistic is definitely an indicator of autism.


>muh minimalism
I wish consoles were more than just white or black rectangular prisms again.

He posted shrek and is calling people autistic.

woah hows middle school going kiddo.

colors are fine, transparent shit looks dumb though

Niggers would have eaten the banana shaped controller lol

how well does crysis run on a win 7 3ds

That's nice as hell. I wish the micro came like this

Odyssey master race reporting in

because they look like toys

Hahaha that asspain lol

oy vey, why haven't you updated it to win10 yet, goy?

If you live in California, everything causes cancer, which explains explains sjw epidemic.
No one bothered to read the labels


Name 5 systems that arent just white or black rectangular prisms

Hard mode: no nintendo baby toys.

>memery assign

Anyone wanna try and catch that boomerang?


too bad its not black or purple



honestly I think so.

it looks clean and minimalist (of all the trends out there this one isnt that bad) which is why everyone likes it, but it also looks practical.

I dont know why everyone hated the original design. i mean subjectively. The power brick is an objective flaw. faggots were like "LOOOOOL ITS A VCR! Based sony instead has a fucking DIAGONAL BOX." its a fucking box that goes under your tv. shut up

Also a lot of people arent saying this, but unlike OG xbone you can use this one vertically.

the problem with the first xbone one wasn't the design, it's that it was bigger than your sofa

it was marginally bigger than the ps4.


Jesus, your taste is worse than OP's


That dank feel when you win an argument on Sup Forums when the other user is too btfo in his bum bum to even reply

>free the nipple