First weapon you get

>First weapon you get
>Remains the most consistently useful and powerful weapon throughout the game

Which games is this true for?

Halo: CE

Deaf Space


deus ex

Shadow Warrior 2013

Bloodborne/Dark Souls Series

You can finish the game with the initial weapon if you like it.

>plasma cutter
>not the Force Gun

Rachet & Clank.
The wrench is pretty good throughout the game, and it's the first weapon he got.

That's not what the thread is about faggot

Also, to answer the op, DMC games

magic mace from das2

Finished my first ever playthrough in Bloodborne with the saw cleaver alone. It's scaling isn't as good as other weapons but it's so versatile and still does decent damage.

>Force Edge
>consistently useful

What the fuck are you talking about
I mean the big ass sword rebellion

mild kek

Dark Souls III and Bloodborne? Sure
DaS or DaSII? No.

Yes, you can. Oh I get it, of course there are exceptions like for instance the Thief's starting weapon is the Bandit Dagger and I'm never going through that bullshit ever again

You don't start with a magic mace you moose


it's really situational depending on what part of the game you're at and what enemies you're fighting. there are plenty of sections where other weapons were way more useful than the plasma cutter.

Lol no

>Force Gun with piss-poor range

>Not swimming in ammo and stun-locking with Pulse Gun at all distances

>implying I need range when all the enemies run towards me

I living, walking, non-talking tank

Splinter Cell

The Plasma Cutter's strength was a lack of weaknesses, really.

Unfortunately, Torchlight 2.

>Embermage can get Prismatic Bolt at level 2
>It's pretty much the easymode build
>Half the other embermage builds suck nuts

>Literally starts with the glaive throwing spell
>It's basically the best spell for the cheapest outlander build all the way into Elite NG+++++

Buster shot
All megaman games

This is correct. The Halbred in DeS remains phenomenal.

God of War.

Zero's saber
Megaman X4

Man, Outlander sounded so cool when I started out.
Shame it ended in stacking poison and watching the glaive clear rooms.

Technically the Polar Star/Spur from Cave Story.

I can do you one better broski.
Ratchet and Clank:Going Commando
You get two upgrades for that bad boy.

The pistol in DE: HR.

Fuck that thing is broken. The only downside is that lategame enemies stop dropping ammo for it.

I beat the game using that pistol and sneaking around. Headshots for everyone

Only if you get swarmed so hard the Ripper is the only way forward

he mentioned a game where you aren't getting more useful/powerful than your first as the game progresses. perfectly inline with the OPs question retard. and Force Edge is what Dante used in dmc 1 and 2. way to out yourself as not knowing shit about those games implying the rebellion is the first weapon in DMC games.

sidenote: your must be just as skilled as you're knowledgeable in the franchise if your best is rebellion in 3&4


Picrel. Bioshock

>getting armour piercing and supressor
Never switched from the Zenith the entire game

Metro: Last Light

Finished the whole game using only the pistol, droppingt everyone with a headshot.


Didn't the embermage build get patched? I remember finishing the game with it and then it being fixed the next week. Unless this is another similar build.

Any weapon is equally useful depending on your build

Devil Daggers

Yeah you got me, I really don't give much of a shit about DMC
The thread is not about "being able to finish the game with the initial weapon" though so I stand by that point. Pretty sure no souls game starts you off with the best weapon

DD a best
Have you beat 500 seconds yet user?

tranquilizer gun

I recently got to 110

I'm working on it though.

Any half way decent Steroids player knows that the starting revolvers can steam roll the game.


Good luck, we're all counting on you

Was just playing this, I got to 309 a week or so ago, but I'm feeling that I'm in a rut. I tried using a farming strat but it just doesn't work for me.

Also why the fuck are screenshots and the leaderboards still broken

You mean DS2 with all the armored enemies? That cleric mace will carry you through the game wacking monsters for 300+ damage in just a couple upgrades.

I beat DaS with the handaxe entirely in offline mode. I went in blind and couldn't use summons since I moved my save file but windows live is garbage and wont let you do that cuz muh achievements

Every splinter cell game

>ctrl f
>no one stuck with the prod

MGS2, 3, Peace Walker and V.

>implying neo Sup Forums has ever played Deus Ex