People still supporting Riot as a company in 2016

>People still supporting Riot as a company in 2016
>Even after they pull shit like this ~meme~ champion

Can someone please justify this? I don't give a shit about >muh internet culture, its just how does Riot think this isn't cringey as fuck?

I'm not even going to touch on the fact about how they fucked Monte Cristo, are owned by a horrible Chinese company, or their vast lazy incompetance. Just. This. What the fuck?

Other urls found in this thread:

>The cantankerous cavalier is more than just a crazy old yordle. All the aspects of Kled's character—the violence, insanity, and his refusal to back down from any fight—are things that would make him an icon for the soldiers of Noxus. Not just an icon, but a meme. The dankest Noxian meme ever.

this is literally horrifying

>Im butthurt that after 2 years im still bronze and Riot only pairs me with noobs

I thought this was Rengar at first.

White fur, sharp teeth, orange and blue eye (with a scar over it).

They could have made him black/orange like a tiger or even yellow. Why is it identical to Rengar?

absolutely horrendous, not to mention he's gonna be cancerous as fuck

I do like the associated voice acting though

>This is the kind of people that defend Riot.

Riot shills activating.

What does he even do that makes him a meme? Or is this article purely something someone just came up with in an afternoon for fun?

That whole part about graffiti from WW1/WW2 implies nothing later on. It's just weird

There's worse shit out there, both from Riot and the industry as a whole, than a mere poor sense of humor.
>Monte Cristo
Who even gives a fuck

I haven't followed LoL in a very long time, what did they do to Monte?

they're non-believers who are blindly trying to harness the power of meme magic to keep their ded gaem alive

I think it's just a really weird cringey way to say that to his army he's basically a legend that nobody knows the origins of

>Riot panders to casuals, funds Chinese tyrannical companies, infects normies all across the world with the most cancerous mutliplayer games ever created, and singlehandedly ruins multiplayer design in general for all future games if they want them to be profitable
>But once they make an official post about memes, THAT'S where you draw the line
come on, guys

when reddit took our memes five years ago Sup Forums never lived it down.

Shut him down pretty damn hard. He made a two hour long video about it.

Pretty much Riot was acting like kids and gave him the boot before his lawyers even had the chance to answer the phone.

who is monte cristo?

The Chinese knockoff, get with it

This is what happens when a Company has complete absolute authority over everything. Its why Monte is beginning to transition out of League

>last year spring split of OGN
>Monte and DoA mention features they'd like to see in lol
>Most if not all, are in DotA 2 already.

Its what LoL has been doing very very slowly for a very long time. Hell after Dota 2 released Riot scrambled to steal damn near everything valve did to improve the game.

As someone with 3K+ Hours in League and about 300 in Dota 2, I value the hell out of Dota 2 much higher.

The sad part is though none of my friends will ever convert over, despite all of us agreeing beyond a doubt that Riot is a shitty and horrible company. Valve isn't perfect but it's certainly the lesser of two evils.

Except replays, meaningful ban phase. Improving client and the spaghetti code, and making the gameFUN

oh, forgot about voice chat.
>during LCS someone said "this season communication is more important than ever"

Isn't their target audience mostly between 13-17? Do you even remember when you were that young? I know I was typing "xD" in world of warcraft global looking for group chat all the time.

Didn't say they implemented it well, but the sheer panic to watch them try and do so was hilarious. They just crapped out after a while because they realized the majority of their playerbase are fucking idiots that will still play the game anyway.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Valve's 6.82 is every patch for Riot. Awesomenauts is better than both though imo.

Maybe it's just this. Maybe I just expected this game to be targetted more towards my age group instead.

Shit, is there even any decent online games more targetted for the 20+ crowd?

No because it's less profitable than targeting children.

Finally, a hero I can identify with

is he still fuckable?

He's like a more primal version of Zigg's insanity. So, I mean... you could if you restrained him.

This new champ is the Killroy of Noxus basically
Supposedly this champ is the first one from some guy recently put on the champ design team. So he's probably some reddit memer faggot

what if i want him to restrain me and to power bottom me till he's satisfied

>First one the dude designed
>Incredibly fucking busted in every regard
Who woulda guessed?

Can you elaborate more on that? You basically told us nothing. Also I'm willing to bet monte isn't entirely innocent

fiddlestick kassadin thresh and hecarim are the only good ones anyway

>As someone with 3K+ Hours in League and about 300 in Dota 2, I value the hell out of Dota 2 much higher.
Because you're playing an inferior game for casuals? You're playing trash so casual that it let Americans win The International.

In your 3k hours you were probably bronze.

Fiddlesticks E bounced 12 times with silence on each back in the day, good times.

Man I miss when league was broken as fuck

>Title is "Cantankerous Cavalier"
>Bait people into thinking it's "Noxian Meme"
You could make a short story and rip off MGR about how people would learn the way of war and fighting through a memetic infection and no one would still read it.

He's still going to be a flimsy champ only used for lewds because he doesn't have much AoE initiations, just like Aurelion.

Riot is a shit company, out of touch with their older audience, and actively fucking their game into itself since S3.

But holy shit, who the fuck gives a shit about memes like you do? Faggots, that's who. Memes have been around forever.

You are a complete fucking loser, and everyone who agrees with you is a sack of shit.

Fucking update, faggots. Or stay faggots, I guess. Up to you. I'm so fucking sick of you fat ugly fucks hogging up my fucking air.

Wow Riot how fucking original.

>expecting a good summary from an hour long video

Just watch it desu

>Aurelion doesn't have AoE initiation

How's the game changed since that gun dude came out? I haven't played since then, or was Illaoi first? Whatever, I think they added a dragon that could fly everywhere too and I almost started playing again, but the grind was gonna be too much.

>Flimsy champ only used for lewds
His early game is still trash and his ult got nerfed even when people wanted him to have a better early game.

You mean Jihn? Not a whole lot has changed. They remade Ryze again recently

The Kilroy meme? Oh, so that explains the artwork I saw on the bus stop bench right in front of Riot's campus earlier this afternoon.

Maybe I'll go take a picture of it real quick.

I'm not watching that faggot for a whole hour.
I looked it up, apparently Riot was trying to underpay him for a shoutcasting job. One of the most successful games ever and they still bicker over salaries, what a bunch of jews wow

Yeah that dude. I never cared much for Ryze


he's not very cute but artists will fix that
that's how it works for basically every yordle

oh shit user, nice

Also what's with that weird center part of the bench?

That's for women.

Do the underage kids honestly think Sup Forums invented memes as a whole? Literally something as simple as wearing your baseball cap backwards is a meme. Memes existed before the internet. It just all of the shitty ones are from Sup Forums.

Its to make it so homeless people can't lay down on it and sleep

>language doesn't evolve: the post: the experience
Can I buy the movie rights from you?

Words have connotations and for 'meme' the most dominant one is 'shitty internet joke I can relate to without too much effort'