lol pc gaming
Lol pc gaming
>The Order
>cinematic movie theater shit
>engaging games with lots of depth of gameplay
What is that game with the "goblin outpost" text?
>indie shit
>engaging games
>new pc games
>old runescape
PC gaming is joke. More news at eleven.
lol xbone
Starting a thread with this makes me think you're not going to listen to any opinions that differ from yours
>Engaging games
>Dwarf Fortress
>not GOAT
>Used terrible examples on PC, like indie and alpha games
> Used cinematic games on PS4
> PT is not even available.
Op is a faggot.
It's called Pixel Heroes. It's a mobile game. I had no clue it was on PC honestly.
obviously bait but its funny that Darkest Dungeon is supposed to be on the "bad looking" side. The presentation of DD is fucking great in both sound and graphics.
Consoles only exist to keep your favourite franchise hostage.
>>Used terrible examples on PC, like indie and alpha games
Thats all pc has though
Dwarf Fortress alone is a better game than the entire PS4's library put together.
PC only exists to kill our favorite franchises
>Bloodborne or Uncharted 4
>not better than obscure indie shit
>I can play them anytime
>atari tier graphic game
Anything is better
>OSRS and dorf fort
m'kay then.
>rehash and movie
Neo-Sup Forums everyone
>silent hills
Is this some meta bait meme?
than indie shit? Pretty much.
>muh graphics
on a scale of how important it is
Dark souls>Bloodborne.
Uncharted4 is boring cinematic shit for the mainstream public. If that's your example of a good game I don't know what to tell you.
No you can't. You need to buy the console first.
Such as?
Retard everyone
Why is a dudebro on Sup Forums?
>it's not marketed in my face 24/7 so it must be shit
Dwarf Fortress is better than any Sony game. Prove me wrong
Bloodbrone>Dark Souls
Uncharted 4 beats every PC exclusive since decade. Check any review or metascores.
>you can't
But I can. I have console and can.
I see three movies, one shit game that's shown twice and Bloodbourne all on the left.
The only thing I see on the right is no effort to make a decent shitposting thread.
On a platform where one of the only solid arguments against consoles is the graphical quality it matters a great deal
Yeah we neckbeards love Undertale, normies amirite xD
Why is a retard on Sup Forums?
>Such as?
Then why does no console developer make a game with the depth of DF?
>I see three movies
So you have autism? Because there are no movies there.
>Woah bro, you have no shield and you dash farther. This is the best game ever brah. Dark Souls too slow, ain't got fucking werewolves motherfucker. God it's so cool, everything is dark and evil. This game is the bomb!
>simple casualized garbage
>vs simple casualized garbage
Gaming is dead.
Yeah, but it doesn't have super realistic graphics. That's all console babbies care about.
>Uncharted 4 beats every PC exclusive since decade.
Uncharted is a game for the most normal of normies.. it's a themepark ride with some interactive parts.
>Check any review or metascores.
Scores don't matter, and half of them are bought. There's plenty of PC indie games that have a better score, if you think that's a good argument.
>But I can. I have console and can.
Yes, because you paid the ransom smartass.
Any Sony game is better than Dwarf Fortress. Prove me wrong.
Cause they care about fun, not autism ASCII shit
Why do you self reflect upon your life choices out loud?
>Console gaming
MGS is a PC game? Did they change the game to better fit on PC?
>8 hours of cutscenes, two of gameplay
>a game where you walk to the next QTE
>a game where you literally just walk in circles while scary xD shit happens
They're movies senpai
Pure autism the post.
Yeah, indie games are just that one game, right? Undertale has a better narrative then Uncharted, and that's very sad.
MGSV came to PC and that killed the franchise
Shouldn't you be petitioning for "DELET THIS" right now?
They focus more on attracting movie audiences with cinematic BS than actually having fun gameplay
Good thing you neckbeards won't have to worry about videogames when Hillary wins the presidency
>Undertale has a better narrative then Uncharted
> Games
> Fun
>dwarf fort
>fun gameplay
MGS was never good you easily impressed child. Gimmick details and baby's first political thriller doesn't suddenly make line-of-sight stealth deep and challenging gameplay.
That wasn't the first MGS game with a PC version.
You've failed to show any correlation let alone causation.
>they care about fun
No they don't. Cutscenes and having to walk through areas where the point is to "appreciate" the animations/graphics isn't fun. Watch a movie for that shit. Dwarf Fortress is actually meant to be played and to have fun in, not to stare at.
>0~1 year old PS4 games
>Newest PC game on the list is from 2009 and it's a mod for an unoptimized simulator in which graphics were the last thing on the developers' minds when making
>Uncharted is a game for the most normal of normies.. it's a themepark ride with some interactive parts.
Your personal opinion is irrelevant. Into trash it goes.
>Scores don't matter
Yes, they do. PCucks used them constantly to mock PS4 games now they are backpedaling.
>half of them are bought
Source: my butthole
> There's plenty of PC indie games that have a better score
Like what? Name at least 3 from last 5 years.
>because you paid ransom
You have to pay for video game hardware? Holy shit user! How could they?
I know bro. I fucking wept when Nathan thought Sam was gonna die. It was sad cuz it reminds me of my older bro. Fucking masterpiece mang.
Uncharted is the type of game my technology illiterate nephews play, enthusing about how much it's like playing a movie. They're not interested in gameplay, they just like to feel like a hero in a movie. It's a completely shallow gaming experience.. again, why are you people here? Go to Reddit or Neogaf.
Seriously though, on topic, I think the PS4 games on the list are AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA
Does anyone have the pic where you have the "Only on playstation" label and "also on..." added to it
>i play indie games, i know what good taste is
LOL 'cause it's true. Uncharted is written like a bad Hollywood action movie, entirely uninteresting.
The gameplay is shit too, what's your point?
This used to be true around 2007~2011.
>2 screenshots of the same game
>boring shit like Uncharted and Infamous
>The Flop: 1886
>a demo that is no longer available
Nice console, faggots.
>Dwarf Fortress is actually meant to be played and to have fun in, not to stare at.
Yes cause reading text is fun huh
Early days, my friend.
Denuvo and Steam Refunds will be the savior of PC gaming.
Publishers will be more willing to invest in new IP's and fantastic ports since they'll actually make a profit since pirates have been BTFO.
Steam Refunds is slowly purging the pixel-shit indie game and Early Access garbage from Steam.
Not to mention Big Brother Windows 10 scanning your RIG for illegally downloaded games.
The Second Coming of The Golden Age of PC gaming is at nearly at hands, comrades.
And get jobs you fucking lazy NEETS or steal money out of your mothers purse.
>"muh comfy couch"
>"Ahaha, I love soulsbourne, check out my bloodborne lore theories!"
>"I'm not autistic, PC gamers are because they're fat like me but use those complicated boxes, autists!"
What does this picture prove? That the guy who made it is good at charrypicking bias examples to prove a prove a point/ troll PC gamers.
>moving character and interacting is movie
>using xD
>can't even name single game which have this stuff
How's that autism treats you?
Self? You just implied that liking Bloodborne = dudebro which is the same as addmiting that you are retard
Better than having writing of a tumblr neckbeard Memer LOL
PCshits are so easily triggered they cant discern obvious bait
Have you played the game?
>starcraft 2
>that picture
literally fucking kill yourself right now
the game came out 6 years ago and you use a fucking beta screenshot?
t. sc2fag
>using strawman
>quoting himself
>capslock shouting like 7yr old
Yep, autist.
>"Heh, pc games? I grew up with Nintendo kid, I played the greatest games that were about GAMEPLAY. RPGs are for losers, I stick to character action games and other Japanese masterpieces. Only Somy makes games about FUN, not complicated stratagy and boring stats!"
as a long time pc gamer who played a ton of quake 2 and starcraft over ptsn in my youth, I'd pc gaming is kind dead. it's all hats and microtransactions now.
In all honesty I'm more interested to see good indie games like Darkest Dungeon and visual novels like 999 on my tablet.
>enthusing about how much it's like playing a movie.
>taking a phrase literally
They are saying the game has amazing graphics and animations where ita almost too real, back to tumblrtale
>indie shit
>engaging depth of gameplay
i won a PC but your post is stupider than the OP which is bait
the genuine stupidity you show off couldn't be replicated by bait
Your reading comprehension is on par with your socialization skills. Stick to watching Chinese cartoons and playing with your dinosaurs.
>Yes cause reading text is fun huh
Thousands of years of literature prove your sarcastic statement to be invalid and you a complete faggot.
>Go to Reddit or Neogaf.
>being so mad over truth that telling people to leave
It's hilarious that even your illiterate nephew has better taste in video games than you user.
>Your personal opinion is irrelevant. Into trash it goes.
This whole discussion is based on opinion jackass.
>Yes, they do. PCucks used them constantly to mock PS4 games now they are backpedaling.
PC gamers are one person? You got trolled and are butthurt.
>Source: my butthole
Source: The average score for games is a 7.
>Like what? Name at least 3 from last 5 years.
I don't know, just a guess. Scores stopped being a good measurement 15 years ago.
>You have to pay for video game hardware? Holy shit user! How could they?
What if you wanna play Super Mario? Oh shit, you can't.. you gotta buy their specific hardware to play the games you wanna play.
Think about it for once.. why do you think consoles exist? There's literally nothing a PC can't do better at this point. Why do they still exist?
>One game that is inferior to the past titles that its mechanics are identical to aside from minor changes
Wow, truly such an experience limited to Sony's amazing console for true gamers.
i-is that runescape?
Okay, sorry, Uncharted 4/DELET THIS is a rythm game, PT is a game about teaching children how to walk, but you honestly can't deny that The Order might as well be a movie.
>almost too real
AHAHAHAHA are sonyggers this delusional?
>retard can't even quote properly
>respond to points I never actually make and pull them out of his butthole
>complain about MY reading comperehension
This is fucking comedy
>They are saying the game has amazing graphics and animations where ita almost too real
Yes, and simplified gameplay even a literal retard could understand. Movies have better graphics and animation, no reason to "play" uncharted.