Technical test in 14 hours.
Who's hyped? Anyone giving invites? Anyone need invited?
Technical test in 14 hours
Ayy, I got into this too. Already sent out my email to my friends tho. Mite b gud
I was invited again as well. Hope they balanced the Oni this time a bit better also kb+m controls.
We already know this game is historically inaccurate as fuck, so the gameplay better make up for it.
They never claimed for it being accurate.
They changed Oni to Orochi and haven't made much progress on KBM controls.
Wait. There are oni in this game?
Anybody going to be taking pictures? Fuck the NDA
Oni/orochi is the samurai's/chosen assassin class. Not like actual fantasy demons.
Are there any other weapons or is it just longswords
>supports only up to 8 players
Welll. Back to waiting for bannerlord.
Different games entirely.
Only 1 class uses a longsword.
How do I get an invite?
Ask nicely
Can I get an invite?
If someone could please send me one that would be cool. This game looks like it could be cool since you can be a viking dude
any good soul handing out invites?
>implying samurai used fucking katanas as their main weapons
>implying vikings attacked anyone who wasn't an unarmed monk
email is [email protected]
Would love an invite if it can be used on PS4. Can it?
Email is [email protected] thanks senpai
No, it's a pc tech alpha.
Is this just a closed alpha test that's for a small amount of people that are likely to play and not violate NDA based on Uplay accounts or have they gotten to the point where it's a wide invite closed alpha.
Not at this time, senpai.but the alpha test might and that will be soon.
Someone post the link to sign up?
It's a tech test for infrastructure.
it's just a dumbed down Mount&Blade
Google for honor alpha.
The time to sign up for this has come and passed.
combat wise i mean
It's more like a multi man fighting game with objectives as well. They both have directional attacks and blocking but honestly this is more in depth with light and heavy attacks, combos, guard breaks, parries, throws, etc.
Orders System
Orders are specific tasks proposed to the player which grant rewards on completion. We support Daily Orders and Contract Orders.
Daily Orders:
Every 24 hours, we’ll provide one Daily Order that targets a ‘’Player VS. Player’’ activity and one that targets ‘’Player VS. AI’’ activity. Each of these Orders are random and can be about a specific game mode or a specific action. The Daily Orders are the main lever to get Steel. They each provide 250 Steel plus XP points according to the difficulty of the Order. Be careful, the Daily Orders will expire every 24 hours so make sure to complete them before the time limit. (Shown on screen)
Contract Orders:
We’ll also provide to players a selection of Contract Orders to complete. These Orders require more time and/or more skills. Every few days, we’ll select randomly 9 Contract Orders, 5 of them will be about ‘’Player VS. Player’’ activities, 4 of them will be about ‘’Player VS. AI’’ activities. The player can then equip 3 Contract Orders at a time and try to complete them to get the rewards. These Orders give mainly XP and a small amount of Steel according to their difficulty. Be careful, your Contract Orders will expire, so make sure to complete them before the time limit. (Shown on screen)
Customization Manual
Player Customization
As a player, you’ll be able to customize the Heroes you own. You start with the Warden, Raider and the Kensei, but you are also able to unlock the Conqueror, Berzerker and Orochi.
Once you own them, you can change their armor (3 pieces) and their weapon (3 parts). You can acquire armor and weapon parts by playing matches or by using Scavenger tickets.
Once you are settled with your gear, you can also change the appearance of your heroes’ armor. Every character features 5 different body parts that can be customized. Some options will impact the overall character some will impact only specific body parts.
Traits section:
You can change the gender of your hero anytime you want. All the Tech Test Heroes can be either male or female
You can also change the skin tone of all the Heroes.
In this section, you can choose the color palette of your liking. Attacker and Defender palettes are used in Dominion and Brawl.
The Neutral palette is used in Duel.
The player can change the overall material of his Heroes. A selection of metal is available for the Knights. A selection of leather is available for the Samurai and Vikings
A Hero always feature 5 body parts to customize. Their placement varies according to the Hero.
On a body part, the player can apply a paint pattern, which covers the whole body part. He can also apply a symbol over the paint pattern. The color of these elements will follow the color palette choice.
The player can also use an engraving, a symbol carved in the armor material.
Outfits are a complete customisation set for a Hero. Some customization elements are only accessible by unlocking the Outfit. You can unlock each Hero Outfit with Steel or by reaching a Reputation level of 5. You'll see Elite Outfits during the test, worn by the For Honor Development team members.
These are outdated by about a year, guy.
Progression – Leveling up
Every hero has their own progression. The more you play with a hero, the more experience points you will get. Getting experience points will level up your hero and get access to Feats and Customization elements. (Materials, Color Palette, Engravings, Symbols, Paint Patterns)
Every 20 levels, a hero gets a Reputation level and his level are reset to Level 1. Getting the first Reputation level will give access to Loadouts. Once a Hero get to Reputation 5, he will unlock a specific Outfit.
Experience points can be acquired by completing a match (Duel, Brawl or Dominion), performing actions on the battlefield (Guard break, Parry, etc.) and doing action according to the game mode (Renown points in Dominion only). These points are awarded at the end of a match.
You can also get experience points from Orders, they will also be awarded at the end of a match, if the requirements have been met.
nope, new posts straight from the forums. i'll be back later.
>signed up with 3 different emails
>no invite
>all the same IP
>Wonders why he didn't get in
>probably entered the sweepstakes as well
>all the same IP
>didnt read lol
Why does that shit scare me? Every game with loadouts is shit. Counter Strike, Quake Live (when they added them), Halo Reach, 4, and 5...
Sounds very... Overwatch-ish?
Did you really think it was ever supposed to be accurate? Ffs it's in a fictional world where Knights, vikings and Samurai all live close enough together to kill each other.
i need invite senpai
Did they remove the women knights?
Don't fucking care.
How the fuck do you people continually stomach Ubisofts garbage?
For Honor looks neat though. Then again, I thought The Division looked neat but ended up passing on it when the mediocre reviews came out. I probably wouldn't get it at launch anyway since Persona 5 and Horizon are also launching then.
Combat Manual
(note: controls listed below are based on Xbox controllers, with PC controls in parentheses thereafter)
Out of lock vs Lock
Out of Lock, you can attack and chain but you can't switch stance while attacking and you have no defense. Also you can use the same chains against Soldiers to wipe them away.
In Lock mode, in addition to attack in different stances, you are able to defend yourself against your opponent. Match your opponent's stance to block incoming attacks. You have also access to special moves.
(See Moveset page to have more information about the special moves of your hero).
Want to dodge attacks or close ground with your opponent? While in Lock mode, hold the left stick in any direction and tap A (SPACE) to quickly dash in that direction.
Tap A (SPACE) without direction to dodge backwards.
When out of lock, tap A (SPACE) to roll away from enemy attacks. It’s useful for evasion.
If an enemy is standing ground for too long, tap [X] (MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON) to guardbreak him.
Notice that the guardbreak doesn’t interrupt attacks.
If Guardbreak is used against you, quickly tap [X] (MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON) to counter it.
Throw (and Stagger)
You can also tap [X] (MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON) again after a guardbreak to throw your opponent in any direction. Try this to quickly kill your enemy if you near a ledge or trap.
Throw enemies to knock them into walls which gives you extra time for a hit (Stagger)
Match your opponent’s guard and press RT (RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON) just before impact to Parry.
Parry gives you more frame advantage or a larger window of opportunity than a simple block.
For instance, parry gives a guaranteed ability to guardbreak. Parrying a light gives you a longer window than a heavy.
When you parry your opponent, he loses much of its stamina.
When you parry an opponent which is out of stamina, he is automatically unbalanced and falls to the ground.
Zone Attack: Hit multiple enemies
When you’re surrounded by several opponents, gain some breathing room with a Zone Attack.
Tapping RB (LEFT MOUSE BUTTON) and RT (RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON) at the same time launches an area attack that damages your enemies and pushes them away.
Be careful, this attack consumes much of your stamina.
The green bar under your Health measures your Stamina. Every attack costs some of this resource. When you miss, when your attack is blocked or parried, you lose more Stamina.
Running out of Stamina provides a series of debuffs:
You cannot sprint and roll
Your attacks are slower
You cannot chain
You cannot use your special moves
You cannot cancel your heavy attacks (feint)
If you are thrown or parried, you are unbalanced
Cancel heavy attack
You can cancel a heavy attack by quickly tapping B (MOUSE SCROLL WHEEL) after launching it. Use it to Feint heavy attacks and fool your opponent into trying to Parry for instance, then counter with a quick attack or trying to attack from a different direction to past their defense.
Notice than the Conqueror Hero does not have this ability.
Sprint attack
Most characters have Sprint Attacks available out of lock, they’re useful to catch up to fleeing enemy or to initiate combat from a distance.
(See Moveset page for specific inputs).
External Blocks
You can block attacks coming from enemies you aren’t locked on.
Right stick in the direction of the attacking enemies, regardless of their guard.
A visual indicator will warn you against external attackers.
Revenge consists in two sub-systems: the Revenge Meter, and the Revenge State.
The yellow bar below your Feats is your Revenge Meter.
Your Revenge Meter builds up as you get hit, as you block, parry and dodge attacks.
The Revenge Meter earn rates are higher when fighting multiple enemies at the same time so that it’s used in group fights more than in duels.
Revenge Meter only increments when in Guard mode. If you leave combat and lower your Guard, your meter starts depleting after a short cooldown.
When your Revenge Meter is full, tap Y (R) to activate the Revenge State.
The Revenge State provides series of buffs to help you manage group fights:
You get a damage boost on all your attacks.
You get a bonus shield in order to take some damage.
All your attacks are uninterruptible. This allows you to avoid getting “stun-locked” if multiple enemies keep attacking you.
Your Throws and Parry knock enemies down.
Your Guardbreak can interrupt attacks. This allows you to cancel attacks more easily and connect Throws to knock enemies down.
In addition to these buffs, you’ve a timing mechanic on activation so that you knock down any enemy attacking you during your activation animation.
Kill your opponent with a heavy attack to have the opportunity to execute him.
When you kill with a heavy attack, tap X (Q) or Y (MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON) to launch an Execution.
You refill a part of your health when you Execute someone.
But when you are Executed you have a respawn penalty.
You can interrupt an Execution to save a down teammate from the Respawn penalty and deny extra points and HP to the enemy.
1v1 vs Group Fight
Focus on stance in 1v1 but always look for potential threats on the side. You’ll often end up fighting multiple opponents on the battlefield. These fights are meant to be hard but in this situation, here are a few tips:
Positioning is key. The camera pulling back when surrounded by multiple opponents to increase your awareness. Use the larger field of view to observe your opponents.
Defense: When outnumbered, focus on Blocking first. Try to hold off at first to build up Revenge Meter.
If you manage to survive long enough, there’s a good chance your opponents will run out of Stamina.
Zone Attack: Try and use this when you get a chance to attack in a multi-opponent fight.
For more details, you can see the Outnumbered Fight Post.
Moveset and how to fight
To learn more about the Combat and How to fight with your hero: Press Start and go to Hero Section.
Feats are special actions and passive abilities: you unlock them gradually during a match according to how you level up. You get access to your preselected Feats by levelling up during one life. Feats can be of different types: passive or active, defensive or offensive, with effects on the player only or on other players and NPCs… There are 4 levels of Feats, from 1 to 4. Some Feats are unique to the Hero, some unique to his/her Faction and some unique to his/her type.
Does the amount of exp you need to get from level 1 to 2 increase as you gain reputation levels?
dear god i want in on this
Outnumbered Tactics
The first important thing to keep in mind when outnumbered on the battlefield, is that these fights are meant to be hard. Make sure you pay attention to your surroundings in order to avoid getting cornered by multiple opponents if you want to increase your chances of survival. Try to pay attention to the radar when in fights for incoming enemies (Red Dots). However, if you find yourself in this situation, here are a few tips:
Positioning is key. You’ll notice the camera pulling back when surrounded by multiple opponents to increase your awareness. Use the larger field of view to observe your opponents. Use your Dodge to create distance between you and your opponents. With more space in between you and your opponents, you reduce the risk of being Guardbroken (if this happens though, make sure to counter by pressing X quickly).
Also, if you can position yourself so that one opponent is inbetween you and the other opponent, defending against them will be much easier.
Finally, look for opportunities to get rid of opponents quickly in the environment. Try to position yourself and use a Guardbreak / Throw to kill off enemies quickly by throwing them off of ledges or into deadly traps. Keep in mind that Guardbreak does not interrupt enemy attacks, so use it only on an enemy who’s recovering or idle.
Dunno, level progression wasn't in the last alpha and this one starts in 12 hours.
When outnumbered, focus on Blocking first.
Against multiple opponents, you have to be careful to the Guard of your Locked Target, but also to the positions of enemies around you.
To Block attacks coming from your Locked Target, match his Guard to Block. If an attack is coming from an enemy that you don’t have a Lock on (External Attacker), switch your Guard in the direction of the enemy, regardless of his Guard. So, if an External Attack comes from your right, use a right Guard to block it. If the External Attack comes from the left, Guard left.
Makes sense? Always try to read which attack is coming first to block this one. If you successfully Block an attack, you’ll be Autoblocking any other incoming attacks for a short time.
If you manage to survive long enough, there’s a good chance your opponents will run out of Stamina. Pay attention to the Out of Stamina feedback (red blinking indicator). When it’s on, your opponents’ attacks will be much slower, giving you more time to defend and possibly counter attack. You have several tools at your disposal to counter enemies:
Zone Attack: by pressing the light and heavy attack buttons at the same time, you unleash a special attack with a large area of effect allowing you to hit several opponents at the same time. Try and use this when you get a chance to attack in a multi-opponent fight
Parry: you can parry an enemy attack by performing a Block and pressing the Heavy Attack button just before the moment of impact. If you Parry an enemy who’s Out of Stamina, he will fall on the ground, giving you an opportunity to escape or counter attack. Also, after a successful Parry, your Zone Attack gains extra properties that make it easier to use: it’s uninterruptible and knocks opponents back further.
Guardbreak: if the enemy is Out of Stamina, using Guardbreak will push them to the ground giving you time to plan your next move or escape.
External Blocks
You can block attacks coming from enemies you aren’t locked on.
Right stick in the direction of the attacking enemies, regardless of their guard
A visual indicator will warn you against external attackers.
Revenge consists in two sub-systems: the Revenge Meter, and the Revenge State.
The yellow bar below your Feats is your Revenge Meter.
Your Revenge Meter builds up as you get hit, as you block, parry and dodge attacks.
The Revenge Meter earn rates are higher when fighting multiple enemies at the same time so that it’s used in group fights more than in duels.
Revenge Meter only increments when in Guard mode. If you leave combat and lower your Guard, your meter starts depleting after a short cooldown.
When your Revenge Meter is full, tap Y to activate the Revenge State.
The Revenge State provides series of buffs to help you manage group fights:
You get a damage boost on all your attacks.
You get a bonus shield in order to take some damage.
All your attacks are uninterruptible. This allows you to avoid getting “stun-locked” if multiple enemies keep attacking you.
Your Throws and Parry knock enemies down.
Your Guardbreak can interrupt attacks. This allows you to cancel attacks more easily and connect Throws to knock enemies down.
In addition to these buffs, you’ve a timing mechanic on activation so that you knock down any enemy attacking you during your activation animation.
if you've got an extra invite
send me that shit and i'll send you a 4 strength 4 stam leather belt
email is [email protected]
Outnumbered Tactics
The first important thing to keep in mind when outnumbered on the battlefield, is that these fights are meant to be hard. Make sure you pay attention to your surroundings in order to avoid getting cornered by multiple opponents if you want to increase your chances of survival. Try to pay attention to the radar when in fights for incoming enemies (Red Dots). However, if you find yourself in this situation, here are a few tips:
Positioning is key. You’ll notice the camera pulling back when surrounded by multiple opponents to increase your awareness. Use the larger field of view to observe your opponents. Use your Dodge to create distance between you and your opponents. With more space in between you and your opponents, you reduce the risk of being Guardbroken (if this happens though, make sure to counter by pressing X quickly).
Also, if you can position yourself so that one opponent is inbetween you and the other opponent, defending against them will be much easier.
Finally, look for opportunities to get rid of opponents quickly in the environment. Try to position yourself and use a Guardbreak / Throw to kill off enemies quickly by throwing them off of ledges or into deadly traps. Keep in mind that Guardbreak does not interrupt enemy attacks, so use it only on an enemy who’s recovering or idle.
P.S. its level 18
When outnumbered, focus on Blocking first.
Against multiple opponents, you have to be careful to the Guard of your Locked Target, but also to the positions of enemies around you.
To Block attacks coming from your Locked Target, match his Guard to Block. If an attack is coming from an enemy that you don’t have a Lock on (External Attacker), switch your Guard in the direction of the enemy, regardless of his Guard. So, if an External Attack comes from your right, use a right Guard to block it. If the External Attack comes from the left, Guard left.
Makes sense? Always try to read which attack is coming first to block this one. If you successfully Block an attack, you’ll be Autoblocking any other incoming attacks for a short time.
If you manage to survive long enough, there’s a good chance your opponents will run out of Stamina. Pay attention to the Out of Stamina feedback (red blinking indicator). When it’s on, your opponents’ attacks will be much slower, giving you more time to defend and possibly counter attack. You have several tools at your disposal to counter enemies:
Zone Attack: by pressing the light and heavy attack buttons at the same time, you unleash a special attack with a large area of effect allowing you to hit several opponents at the same time. Try and use this when you get a chance to attack in a multi-opponent fight
Parry: you can parry an enemy attack by performing a Block and pressing the Heavy Attack button just before the moment of impact. If you Parry an enemy who’s Out of Stamina, he will fall on the ground, giving you an opportunity to escape or counter attack. Also, after a successful Parry, your Zone Attack gains extra properties that make it easier to use: it’s uninterruptible and knocks opponents back further.
Guardbreak: if the enemy is Out of Stamina, using Guardbreak will push them to the ground giving you time to plan your next move or escape.
External Blocks
You can block attacks coming from enemies you aren’t locked on.
Right stick in the direction of the attacking enemies, regardless of their guard
A visual indicator will warn you against external attackers.
Revenge consists in two sub-systems: the Revenge Meter, and the Revenge State.
The yellow bar below your Feats is your Revenge Meter.
Your Revenge Meter builds up as you get hit, as you block, parry and dodge attacks.
The Revenge Meter earn rates are higher when fighting multiple enemies at the same time so that it’s used in group fights more than in duels.
Revenge Meter only increments when in Guard mode. If you leave combat and lower your Guard, your meter starts depleting after a short cooldown.
When your Revenge Meter is full, tap Y to activate the Revenge State.
The Revenge State provides series of buffs to help you manage group fights:
You get a damage boost on all your attacks.
You get a bonus shield in order to take some damage.
All your attacks are uninterruptible. This allows you to avoid getting “stun-locked” if multiple enemies keep attacking you.
Your Throws and Parry knock enemies down.
Your Guardbreak can interrupt attacks. This allows you to cancel attacks more easily and connect Throws to knock enemies down.
In addition to these buffs, you’ve a timing mechanic on activation so that you knock down any enemy attacking you during your activation animation.
Brawl Mode Profile
In Brawl, two pairs of Heroes face each other.
Each round starts with all four Heroes paired in a duel arena.
Heroes can face their opponent alone or team up to vanquish your foe.
Feats aren't available, they must rely on skill, awareness and cooperation.
The environment is key in Brawl, using Traps and ledges effectively can provide an excellent advantage.
Killing both Heroes of a team wins the round.
The first team to win three rounds wins the game.
Ok, thanks for the info, please keep us informed as to how it goes.
Duel Mode Profile
In Duel, two Heroes face each other in a one on one fight to the death.
Each round starts in a different duel arena with different opportunities and layout.
Feats aren't available, they must rely on skill, and awareness.
A Hero wins the round by defeating his opponent.
The Hero to win three rounds wins the game.
He's posting old messages from 2015 about the first test. This is why they didn't give the new invitees access to the other forums.
Dominion Mode Profile
Dominion Game Mode is an objective mode where your primary goal is to put the enemy team in Breaking and to eliminate them.
To put the enemy team in Breaking, your team must accumulate 1000 points or more.
If the 20:00 timer is depleted, the team with the bigger score wins.
When starting the game, players are divided in two teams of four Heroes, where one team plays as the Attackers, the other one as the Defenders. In order to reach 1,000 points, both teams have the same objectives: Fight to control zones and kill enemies.
Points in the Dominion Mode are divided in two categories:
Hard Points :Those points are permanent. When a hard point is gained, it will be accounted in your team score to until the end of the game.
Soft Points: Those points are temporary. They are accounted in your team score as long as you hold the control zones associated to them.
Both Hard and Soft points count towards the total to put the enemy team in Breaking.
Hard Points:
Killing Soldiers
Killing enemy Heroes
Holding Control Zones A, B or C
Holding zones generate points over time.
Whenever a Hero is standing a zone own by his team, he boosts it and generates points faster.
If someone could send me an invite, I'd be really grateful and would play with you.
Soft Points:
Controlling a Zone (Zones A, B and C): As long as your team controls a zone, an amount of soft points is added to your team score. Should your team lose the control of the zone the points are removed from your team score.
Point values:
Killing an enemy player: 5 Hard Points
Killing a Soldier: 1 Hard Point
Controlling Zone A, B or C: 100 Soft Points
Controlling Zone A or C: 1 Hard Point/sec
Boosting Zone A or C: 2 Hard Point/sec
Controlling Zone B: 1 Hard Point/ 0.75 sec
Soldiers: Soldiers are cannon fodder of both armies. They have no stance and can’t be locked on. They are mainly found in Zone B (the Front) and come in waves from the initial spawning points.
Zones A and C
Zones A and C are captured when occupying them with a Hero.
At the beginning of a game, Zones A and C are neutral. When captured, they are considered Controlled. When Controlled, Zones A and C will generate Hard Points over time. When occupied by a Hero of the controlling team, it is boosted and generates more points over time.
If Heroes of two different teams are present in the Zone at the same time, it is considered Contested. If a team eliminates all enemies in the Zone, they can then capture it back and get the associated soft points.
>being this retarded
>being this wrong
Zone B (the Front)
Zone B is in the middle of the map. Controlling it gives the same amount of Soft Points as the 2 other Zones. However, it generates more Hard Points over time but cannot be boosted.
Throughout the game, the Front is reinforced with waves of soldiers coming from the initial spawning points.
To control the Front, a Soldier of your team must step in the enemy territory
The Front is Controlled as long as one Soldier is in enemy territory
If left unattended, the Front will eventually stabilize and go back to neutral
A team is put into Breaking when the enemy team reaches 1,000 points. From this moment, players in the Breaking team will stop respawning when killed. When all Breaking Heroes have been killed, the other team wins the match.
A team can Rally and exit the Breaking phase by controlling back Zones so the score of the enemy team goes below 1,000 points.
If both teams are over 1,000 points, then they’re both in Breaking and the same mechanics apply.
Throughout the game, Heroes will gain Renown. After gaining enough Renown, a Hero will unlock a new Feat. Every hero has 4 feats to unlock and Renown is kept throught the game.
Every action that progresses the game like killing enemies or capturing zones rewards Reknown, but the different type of heroes will be rewarded more Reknown by performing their specialties.
Champions earn more bounty than other Hero type by:
Killing soldiers
Capturing zones
Reviving an ally
Assassins earn more bounty than other Hero type by:
Killing Heroes
Contesting zones
Tanks earn more bounty than other Hero type by:
Assisting kills
Defending zones
Boosting zones
That's it, the other forums are just general discussion, ubi dick riders suck them off for getting invited(again) and general advice from "Ubisoft Star Players".
If anyone wants to send me an an invite that'd be sweet.
I'd be willing to play with anyone really. I was pretty sure I signed up for this awhile back, but I guess I didn't.
>female knight
Requesting a screenshot and time stamp pls