ITT: We Sup Forums like it's 2000

ITT: We Sup Forums like it's 2000

I can't wait for my first video game console, the GameCube!

Did you hear? Newgrounds posted another flash!!!
OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!

I told you guys the world wasn't gonna have a worldwide power outage

unga bunga rockstop

Metal gear

Wait a second.

We don't exist yet.


btw Banjo Tooie will surely be shit.

Did you hear that? That Sony company thinks that people will buy his overprice console because "it reads DVDs". HAHAHAHAHAAHA Fuckers gets lucky one gen, and they thing they will dominate the world. Look this stupid launch games: Ridge Racer V, Madden 2001, Evergrace, Fantavision. The PS2 will seriously flop, they aint got shit against Sonic Adventure.

HOOOOOOly fuck I know you won't believe me but this is NOT real life, I repeat this is NOT real life. It is a game. Yep you heard me, a game. Only for the Dreamcast. Sonyfags and nintendofags blown the FUCK out!

Man Tooie was great, can't wait for Banjo Threeie on the Dolphin!

Why wasn't there a Rare character in Smash Bros?
Nintendo and Rare can't be separated at this point.
I want to see Banjo-Kazooie, Diddy Kong, Jago, Joana Dark, and Conker in Smash Bros. 2 for Project Dolphin
Hell even get James Bond into the action.
Who do you fuckers want in?

>Buying a Dreamcast game

What's the matter poorfag?

Does anyone know where the nearest plane to New York is?

Lol who the fuck would buy a machine that plays overpriced CD's

>Supporting a dying console
Soon SEGA will go third party
They fucked up too many times

Goddamn those textures...
I hear this game even has a realistic day/night cycle and you can freely explore like some kind of open world, that's totally groundbreaking

Just got this from the import store.

This is the best N64 game, the definitive game every N64 owner must have.
It's entirely in english so I'm sure Nintendo will release it in the west in 6 months or so.

What's this chinese game dude

Tsumi to Batsu, baka

And before that Dinosaur Planet looks so good. Rare's going to give the N64 an unforgettable send-off, mark my words.

Fuck yeah I love anime

Get hyped, fuckers!

Heheh, buttsu

Boy I sure hope western society doesn't go to shit for some odd reason in the next year or so.

I'm excited for the new and interesting projects NST and Silicon Knights will make for the Gamecube.
This is only the beginning

Yeah, right.
I'll laugh at you when the Dreamcast 2 comes out and the Gamecube crashes Nintendo into the ground.

Anyone here play Majora's Mask?

ikr, anime is rad as fuck.
a friend lent me some tapes and I watched Bubblegum Crisis, City Hunter and Spriggan.
Too bad anime is too niche, really hard to find places where I can buy some series VHSs in my city. Comic stores only have a handful selection of stuff I have already watched.

>a fucking cube

Hmm I expected the Dolphin to be more sleek and streamlined.

I'm pretty excited for all the awesome games rare will make for the gamecube!!!!

Donkey Kong Racing looks slick

>Gen starts with 3 companies
>One of them dies at the second year
>Nintendo still ends in third place


Are there any good games where you become president? (Get over it, Bushfags, Al Gore is going to win)

too bad all of those ps2's were sold at a loss.......
same with the ps3.......
really makes you think twice about sony's financial status.....................

>He believes in global warming

HOLY SHIT!!11 It will easily be the best zelda game of all time. OoT was good but this is the definitive title. (trust me my dad works for nintendo)

Which one nerds?
Cloud vs Link?

>the Sony lose money selling consoles meme

yeah, thats why they have won gen 5,6 and 8 in sales terms at the home console market. And even at gen 7 they didnt got smashed as the GC or the N64 did with the PS1/PS2

>mfw I'll soon be able to buy all 4 consoles since my dad just got a high paying office job at the WTC

enjoy your console war scrubs

guys I really hope that girls stay the fuck out of video games, imagine if they take control, censoring shit, making diversity characters, trying to get the gaming community move as they want.

Imagine if Link is made more feminine to attract girls to play?
or if Street fighter is censored because it affects some girls

Don't be silly, dude. Video games are OUR thing and no girl will ever take that hobby away.

What went wrong?

My dad just invested in Enron, so joke's on you!

Nothing. I'm glad Square ditched the awful "realistic" jap boy group characters from FFVIII and went back to cartoony looking characters

Slow unsatisfying combat

dudes i just bought a game boy color and a copy of ham ham brigade so I can game after banging my 5/10 gf
rebecca why did you let them do that to you

this game fucking sucks
I hope this die soon

well fuck you guys, my dad is a Blockbuster owner, and now with the DVD we are going to make millions

Hey guys, what does the chat gem do?.
Also, anyone wanna check out this cool new program?. It will let you dupe items, join my game.

I think Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z, and Sailor Moon are causing an increase in popularity though
I've even seen kids who rave on that stuff hate Western fiction because it's not Japanese

DUDE how did you get it?
It comes out next year
Leak the roster

underrated post

my dad works at nintendo
Ridley is in, and you can evolve pikachu

Holy fuck

It's been 6 years, when the fuck is NBA Jam gonna get the sequel it deserves?


is toad in? can we assume the game has each game's villains in it? like wolf, ganondorf, king dedede, zoda, etc.

Why the fuck is Laura Croft in that get up?

woah dude that's so high poly. cool glow effect. where did you find this 3d porn?

When are we going to get more Team Fortress 2 info?

Insane how good Pixar movies look these days

its literally the same as the last 4 games you autist

>Butt cape to avoid triggering retards
>13:37 on the clock


Barely beats Majora's Mask for best looking N64 game.

>mfw I bought Battleborn instead of Overwatch

i heard this game's official release is next year. who else is hyped?

>wolf, ganondorf, king dedede, zoda

keep dreaming

So what characters do you think we'll see in KI3? I talked to a guy who works at my arcade and he's heard rumors that Link will be in it.

battleborn? overwatch? are these movies? havent heard of them

Uhm why would Valve waste time on this fucking shit when they can just release new Half Life games for teh rest of existence??

This game looks great. I hope my Internet is fast enough.

but bowser's in the game. why wouldn't they? what's the point in having one villain if they dont have all of them

Back when I was a kid on weekends me and my friends would always play this, Mario Kart 64 and Smash Bros. Those were the days.. and they are never coming back. Depressing.

Yeah Overwatch is the latest Disney Pixar movie.
Unfortunately I got the shitty Dreamworks knock-off Battleborn and my mom won't return it for me.

my dad works for nintendo and he says you'll be able to play as sonic and solid snake in future smash games

It's only been out for a month dude. Chill out.

>back when i was a kid
>this was 1 year ago
You're probably a little too young to be posting on this board

At least make your lies BELIEVABLE you faggot.

Albinoblacksheep is way better.

going to new york city in about a year

Got a job lined up in the top of wtc

very excited

ill be there first of september

i googled it, neither of these are coming up. are you sure you're not just making up rumors?

underrated toast

>out for a month
>released april last year

>James Bond
>when Joana Dark is in the game

They would play too similar and be like Mario/Luigi.

he said "we Sup Forums like it's 2000" not "we Sup Forums like it's 2000"
sonic and solid snake arent even on nintendo consoles

Be right back guys, gotta disconnect the web so I can call my parents.

Good luck user, I wouldn't want to work there though ever since that bombing a few years back.

I read that one will have a time mechanic.
How can that be fun?! What are they thinking?
Timers were shit in mario and were only saved by you needing much less time than you got and they will be SHIT in a Zelda game. WHO likes the pressure of being under the clock?!
Failure guaranteed!

>This could have actually happened

donkey kong is in it already, you idiot. go be a retard somewhere else. since they had so few characters, they obviously couldnt fit any more

I can't wait for Dwarf Fortress

Why are you talking about videogames on an anime image board?

You got mail

Worst part is that they put in this random kid named Ness in for some reason

It released in January of 2000 (the year of current time).

What game is this?

that animatronic sloth looks crazy good

thanks for making it blatantly obvious you're from south america.
get off my board now