SJWs have taken over Korea
Wasn't #Gamergate supposed to stop these assholes Sup Forums? What went wrong?
SJWs have taken over Korea
Wasn't #Gamergate supposed to stop these assholes Sup Forums? What went wrong?
Looks like we need another gamergate then
It was pretty much inevitable that the SJWs would eventually succeed. Pop culture trends and consumer whore-ism is the essence of the game market, it's like MTV as an entire medium. All the SJWs needed to do to win was be trendy enough.
Isn't Korea anti-SJW? Kin Jong Un will take them out.
No, we're just supposed to keep ignoring them and they'll go away. ;^)
What the fuck can you do from your shithole? Write angry posts on Twitter in English?
S korea has a pretty bad issue right now with some extremist feminist movement murdering children/boys in particular. Mass abortions and I'm pretty sure actually committing murder. I forget exactly, there was a pol thread about it. Apparently it's dividing korea pretty intensely.
look into it!
Sex sells, You won't ever see a world without X mixed with porn because there is always a market for it.
There is a reason everything has "fanservice" or gore or unrealistic images it's becuase they sell
Terra is doing this becuase they think it will generate more profit
More people will come to the game since prudes can play it now
These textures are fucking awful
Their skin look like hardened clay
Well, this is odd.
mhm, we should make concentration camps for feminists
Wrong koreer.
Yes. We should.
Hardened clay isn't shiny. Glazed and fired clay is. Also skin gets that shine when it's oily. Baby oil in porn is not uncommon because it's hot.
Good, when is this going to spread to Japan finally so they can cut out all this fan service bullshit?
Why does everything about the textures look different in both screenshots?
There's actually a body oil slider in the character creation, so you can just set it to zero if you don't like the sheen
I fucking hate it myself so I disable it
Well, that's sad. The anti-waifu fags and SJWs are finally getting their victory
These people are actually worse than those two groups. You have no idea what shit is truly happening in S. Korea.
And people will continue to deny their existence and impact.
except they didnt
except lewd suits is the only selling point of chink waifu sims, no matter what fringe clique of prejudiced idiots says,
there is already a huge backlash over feminazzi in Korea