>you don't hate the game, you just hate the playerbase
is there a shittier defense than this?
You don't hate the game, you just hate the playerbase
Yes, there is
>You don't like X because you're just poor
>It gets good X hours in
>You're just a nostalgiafag if you like the other games more than this one
Pick one
>Post timestamp of your console and game
Sonyggers are fucking retarded
Honestly, Sup Forums would improve vastly if having fucking played the game were a requirement for discussing them.
true but too hard to achieve so either zip it for ignore it, simple
>It's not a bad X game, but it's a good Y game
>It gets good X hours in!
>I refuse to listen to your argument unless you show me that you physically own the game, have 100%'d it, and have over 100 hours played, oh you only played 99 whatever you didn't even come close to the end
>Same as above but hurrr I don't believe you even got the most out of X console unless you have AT LEAST like 90% of the library show me your games and link me to your profile faggot
And that was why I stopped visiting like 90% of game forums and exclusively stay here
What if I hate both?
>prove you own the game
>it gets good X hours in
>if you beat it, you must have liked it
>it's a good game, just not a good X game
>[console warrior accusation]
>you just hate fun
>it's comfy
>post timestamp of your speccy and video card
Valvedrones are pretty awful too
>it gets good X hours in
This one is legit, though. But only when the game is complex and takes some time to learn, not when half of it is just shit/boring.
but that's for incase of crashes or bugs which could be related to the specs
the fuck you on?
Not for that, that's a legitimate reason to be asking for a Speccy screenshot, I'm talking about the retards who accuse others of not being "true PC master race" and require them to post timestamped Speccy screencaps or in extreme cases, timestamped photos of their physical video cards
Wait they do that?
Fucking hell
>Go play COD
Defense for what, exactly? There are lots of games with completely intolerable playerbases. Some good, some bad.
Hey, would you happen to have any other images from that guy that posted poses of the Mega Man smash model? Have one that I saved in return.
>It gets good X hours in
Games do that though. It sucks but sometimes the tutorial is too long or you have to wait to unlock the good shit.
>it's a good game, just not a good X game
I mean if Mountain Blade had an amazing racing game I'd say that.
It is indeed possible to play a game with the incorrect mindset.
bumping for OP
Yeah, but I think when most people complain about this one it's for shit like bad JRPG's where you have to grind for 20 hours before the game's enjoyable at all. As opposed to something like Saint's Row 4 where the tutorial is too long for its own good or God Hand where it takes a while to get the hang of the mechanics, but that shit's like an hour or two max.
It's like telling someone a show gets good after 20 episodes as opposed to 2. 2 is reasonable, 20 is long after you lose any faith in it to redeem itself.
>It gets good X hours in
You mean every RPG ever?
Depends on the game. "X has a shit player base" is a completely valid excuse for something like LoL or Dota. It's not a good excuse at all for something like Undertale. There are valid reasons to not like Undertale obviously, but shitty fans aren't one of them.
I've never once seen someone do this.
Metroid is the perfect example of a game I love with a shitty playerbase
>It gets good X hours in
I can tolerate this from a lot of games, but the first thing I hear whenever Monster Hunter is brought up is "yeah, you should start to get it about 20-50 hours in; that's when things pick up."
Why the fuck should I stick with the game that long? It doesn't respect my time and money enough to be entertaining in a reasonable timeframe, so fuck that franchise.
Defense for what?
I love the Shantae games but fans rarely talk about the games and just post smut (pretending its "cute").
But this defines every Souls game. They're all good (except 2), but the fanbase is full of pretentious, intolerable circle-jerking faggots. Pic related.
So is op talking about defense for not liking a game then? He didn't say.
OP made no distinction whether he was talking about defending not liking a game, defending not playing a game, being defensive about liking a game others say sucks, defending shitting on OPs mom while she licks their balls, what.
>you don't like the game because you can't get good at it
I hate this defense. Games like Dark Souls and kid Icarus and Splatoon just play terribly to me. If their developers offered me some more options, I wouldn't have to get used to their unpleasant control schemes.
>mfw Dark Souls pre-fan patch
It can be applied to all of those arguments equally, and thus they're all relevant.
>game is paced poorly in the beginning, the most important part of the game
>"don't worry guys, it gets magically better"
Not falling for that.
>kid icarus
you're just impatient and stubborn. no one should ever take your stupid ass seriously, sorry.
100% true and why overwatch and tf2 are trash games
if it's a multiplayer game and it has a shit community the game is shit
You're literally doing the exact thing he hates. I haven't even played it but not liking a game is not the same as being a scrub and you know it.
>games on PC offer unlimited options for control schemes
>"hey dev, can you make this compatible with a flight stick"
>"no prob bro"
>is patched a day later
>i should sacrifice my standards for a game that doesn't offer that
>"you have to use an unpleasant control scheme, even though you're already paying money"
>The game is fun if you play it with friends
Would you like to talk about homestuck?
the solution is infinity