Has never made a game

>has never made a game
>his "engine" and "game" have been in development for a decade
>was kickstarted for over $300,000 and is almost a year late already, no update since 2016
>he posts this

What does Sup Forums think, are the only real developers the ones who reinvent the wheel to make their rpgmaker game?


But the primary aspect of video games is game design, not programming. Programming and computing are tools, they're means by which we create games.

The anology doesn't make sense. Saying you're a REAL game maker because you've spent all your time making an engine from scratch is like saying you're a REAL musician because you built your guitar yourself when there are hundreds of guitars you could've bought in less time and for less money instead.

So you know, his game will probably be shit.

but he has a game here's a pic

Oh its this faggot again

Elysian Shadows and it's team are shitty garbage

How come Pixel could make the greatest indie game ever by himself?

Nips and doujins go like fine wine.

Tell me Sup Forums, what would you do if someone criticized the game that you have been working on for the longest time? Is it better to take the criticism and ask for feedback? Or just stay quiet, not even acknowledging the criticisms and just put out updates on the game?


it's like spending 10 years to invent a wheel that would be fine by 18th century horse and buggy standards, but does not hold a candle to metal rims produced 40 years ago

There are critics who hate Rush? Granted, most of their new stuff isn't as good as the old, but Rush doesn't seem like an example of what he's talking about.

>2d pixelshit engine
>technically progressive

Is this mother fucker trying to troll me?

If i was working on the game the general public wouldn't know about it. I wouldn't say fuck all until it's done.

It's really that simple, but everyone wants to get paid before they do any real work, and they lose all motivation to work once they get paid

What a stupid world

How in the fuck did his kickstarter take off? He is a literally nobody with a retarded idea.

Look at the comments but don't be a bitch about them, let people make their own opinions and if there is a large amount of legitimate complaints, address them if you can.

I'd keep my video game secret until its done, but if I'm asking for funding before i even start I'm going to try to provide updates as I get them

But the dream cast and the ouya! Those are top selling systems, user

Isn't this guy making a bare - bones 2d top down rpg for the Dreamcast?

Why are we continuing to circle jerk around shitting on this guy? Everyone knows he's a piece of shit. Everyone thinks he's a piece of shit.

Why do we need to continue to have threads abput it? What does it accomplish? At this point, I'm just mad that people like this are allowed to continue to live on the same earth as me, and further pushes me towards legitimately murdering other people for no fucking reason because what the fuck does it matter anyway? At least I'll get to violently remove some scum fuck and satisfy this itch I've had in the back of my head since I hospitalized a kid with a pumpkin knife in high school.

>thinking he's some programming jesus making some shitty 2D pixelart platformer
>when Dwarf Fortress exists
Sounds more like Kanye West then RUSH if anything

Head on the clouds but feet on the ground is a mindset every indie dev should go for.

Its fine if you want to do a next engine super revolutionizing game, but to do that you need to have the resources, expertise and employees to fulfill your expectations and this guys clearly has none.

300K for an rpgmaker game by an untalented and lazy hack? Ayyy fucking lmao, beyond pathetic.

To be honest with you, I would crack under the pressure.
I think I am fine with general critique from a couple of people, but if the more the number rises, the more stress would accumulate and eventually just paralyze me.

To be completely honest, I think I would not listen to criticism or feedback online. Like, at all. If it's a more personal conversation, I think I would gain more out of it.

>brag about making your own engine like you built Crysis from scratch
>game looks like it runs on rpgmaker
what a dildo lmao

Did this asshole just compare himself to RUSH?

Maybe if I make a shitty RPG maker game about a creepypasta, can I be the Rolling Stones?

>Only care about gameplay

What the fuck else would you care about in an engine?

What are the benefits to even making your own engine these days? I mean the only main reason I see games do it anymore is for modding support, since you control the licensing for all your tools you can redistribute them to other people so they can make their own mods. If you're not planning on adding mod support for your game, what's the point in doing it?

>implying Sup Forums knows anything about game development anyways
>implying the majority of gamers know anything about game development

It's not worth being a game dev today. Not when anything you work on is immediately blasted by neckbeards and 12 year olds who don't know the first thing about what actually goes into making a game.

If you have to ask, you wouldn't understand why.

t. Falco Girgis

Well, to put it simply, you have complete control over everything, every single detail. But you are also responsible for everything.

Imagine you want to build a robot. You could simple buy a readymade kit and add your own extensions to it, but you will be limited by the resources the kit provides you with.
The alternative is to completely do it from scratch and design every detail yourself while having all your extensions already in mind.

I just cant believe people would pay so much for such a small project.

People have been making free games in both the same and at a larger scale in their free time with their own funding since well over a decade now.

Its a hipster thing really

or they just want to save money on licensing and also get paid more to do so, and most likely sell the software out afterwards for more $$$

I don't know how stupid you have to be to pay someone to make a new game engine that you will never get to use personally or get any investment return for.

A lot of expertise and work hours are needed to make a game, the more advanced it gets the more you need of both. Some sequences that the player takes 5 seconds to go through could potentially have taken 5 or 50 hours to make.

But for a 2D game you don't really need much, the art is literally 5 seconds in paint, you only have to work with effects on a Y,X angle, environmental interaction is generated by either shaking or blinking effects on the object. The list goes on. The only thing 2D games don't get away from is Ai programming, but due to the design of most games you don't need Ai either, and just gets replaced by the simple reactive environment instead.

you save money, most comercial engines like unreal and unity take a cut of your profit if you use them, somewhere around 5-10%

you can modify it to your leisure to make things you can't do in other engines, even optimize your game, but that also gives a huge disadvantage: overlaping code, if you make an engine while slapping code in top of each other without any order you will end up with spaghetti code which is a nightmare to code in and it would take months and even years to rewrite it, and you end up patching stuff you shouldn't need to patch if you had a proper engine.