H-How do i beat her?

Suck her dick.

Hit it til it dies
Don't get hit

Jump over her electric attacks
hit her till she dies

It's going to take a bit of patience. Shave her health and make sure you have some way to stay up in the air for a bit, like using swordmaster or you've purchase the double jump.

When she is at either end of the room attack her to kill her bat 'dress' and when it's almost gone wait till she moves to kill it off so you have pleanty of time to lower her health.

When she starts to chase you have enough devil trigger because you can attack her but if you fuck up you need the DT to escape and bitch slap her.

>almost got this bitch then she kissed me and killed me

How long does she stay in that phase?

until she dies. You have to deal damage when she stops walking towards you.

Urgh yeah i manged to just jump over her when she chases me then attack her before she teleported then rinse repeat to get rid of her tiny portion of health out.

Is the Nevan guitar even worth using?

>Hit Her
>Don't get hit

Use devil trigger to regain some health if absolutely necessary
listen to voice queues


Stay focused and don't get greedy with your attacks while she's vulnerable.

It's pretty cuhrayzee if you know how to use it. But given the fact that you can't dodge simple attacks, you'll probably hate it.

Beowulf I think

Assuming you don't have Beowulf, swordmaster works pretty well.

Fun little trick to remember for this fight: You can taunt after every dodge to build up DT and raise the cuhrazee meter, and more DT = more damage and some healing.

I honestly like Nevan, but that annoying break her shield and hit her when she's open strategy is fucking horrible.

Why the fuck is that even a boss? It's just tedious, even if you have TAS tier skills

I just beat her today after an hour of trying. Finally I switches my style to trickster and used cerberus and just kept hitting her and then dashing away when she attacked.

Jam Session is extremely useful for the final boss' first phase.



Cerberus does crazy damage to her

January 12th - September 15-18th is about 8 months give or take

Think that's enough time to make a fancy CGI trailer maybe? Maybe a fancy 20 second teaser?

How were the DMC4 ps4 sales like?

Not sure actually

I do know that Capcom specifically said that they were pleased with DMC4:SE's sales in the States via Steam though

>having difficulties with Devon

I hope you enjoy the battles againts Beowulf and Vergil, fag.

I'm assuming I'll fight him again but I'll tell you the first fight was pretty shit, the twin bro's and this slut gave me more trouble.

I'm mad i got my ass beaten in a cutscene though.

Get trickster and learn to GTFO of her attacks.
Use DT only in oh shit moments, you should save it as much as possible because this fight is long. You cant get greedy with your attacks, she will fuck you up, hit a bit, retreat, repeat, DT if shit hits the fan.

If everything fails, its time to feel ashamed and farm a shitload of green orbs.

What difficulty are you playing? First Vergil battle is literal hell, not to mention it only gets worse in the next fights.

I always felt like the first two were kind of meh.

Normal since this is my first play through.

Fill her holes with the tri-headed dildo.

Okay, do this and
One way or another, she will die.

Yeah i beat her already like 30 mins ago, thanks anyways.

Yeah, the first fight is nothing special and in the 2nd he spends tons of time fooling around with beowolf and all his attacks are super telegraphed.

Pretty damn good, actually. %100 profits, from what I've heard thanks to that REHD, DMC4SE and some other games that they didn't think would make difference.

People are hungry for DMC and it is blatant. Not DmC or any other similar alteration, DMC. We damn well better get it.

Who is the worst real boss in DMC3?
Centipedes and the heart don't count.


I wouldn't say he's that bad, but I seem to forget Geryon exists, like everytime I play DMC3

I'd doppleganger was my least favorite though.