Why THE FUCK doesn't anyone shoot this fucking asshole...

why THE FUCK doesn't anyone shoot this fucking asshole? Dont you fucking morons realize we're not going to win if this asshole keeps skating around healing his team mates?

>Hourly overwatch bitching thread

hes too fast, too nimble and hard to kill because of that
even if I have difficulty now and then killing one of these fucks as a pharah

>no problem hitting him with Roadhogs hook

Git gud.

But user, he's hayai and behind five other assholes, all being healed and speed boosted by him.

Still, no one even tries to kill him. I choose winston specifically to deal with annoying lucious. But its hard when your team doesnt have your back and that lucio keeps hiding behind that roadhog like the coward he is.

I always hook and insta kill the nigga, top priority just like zen.

>enemy player is Lucio
>my team literally never shoots him and wonders why they can't take the point

>I play Lucio
>enemy team single-mindedly shits on me the entire match

>roadhog's hook

roadhog's hook's hitbox is ridiculous. Hope it get nerfed some time i the future.

i always assume he's just lost and trying to make his way back to Jet Grind Radio

>Lucio is wall riding in the well on Ilios
>shoot him with my mortar
>watch him fall

Feel the gravity!

As a soldier shooting down lucios/zenyattas/mercies is the best feeling. Shooting down a pharah is almost as good, and even getting a turret/bastion with helix rocket and a few rounds off is almost as good.

>9/10 Roadhogs are too slow and I just blast them back once they hook me

>mfw hit my ult once on Illios and immediately get thrown into the air by an enemy
>dead friend who was speccing me laughs his head off as I drop the beat right to the bottom of the pit

Roadhog is one of the last characters that needs to be nerfed right now.

I don't know, when I play healer I get focused. I look around and Reinhardt has charged off the cliff and everyone else is LE FLANKING

I gotta say I don't really like overwatch but Lucio is 10/10 fun to play.

I do wish he was more offensively tuned though. Hanging around my team healing them is such a waste of his mobility's potential.

>just skate around on the pillar in shrine's control point
thank god nobody plays winston

are you kidding me, user?

>Monster health
>Can refill his monster health every 8 seconds
>Monster damage
>that broken hook hitbox

I'd be happy with blizzard just taking out his regen ability because it's bullshit. Leave everything else as it is if you want, but fucking take away the regen ability.

>opposing team's healer is a Lucio that hasn't set a foot on the ground since he left the spawn
>your healer is Ana that can't hit a Roadhog in front of her

You're just fucking bad. He is an ult battery. Literally one of the most balanced characters in the game.

>0 mitigation
>self-healing doesn't outpace sustained fire
>does piss damage outside short range and needs to reload every 4 shots
Hook is literally the only reason why he doesn't have a 0% pick rate. Roadhog gets shat on by any team with a functioning brain cell.

>no problem hitting anything with roadhogs hook
why didn't you say so instead user, gee whizz

>Le ur just bad, git gud argument
Im done talking to a retard.
He's broken and you're a shit player for playing him.

The fact that he has a lot of health is usually a bad thing. IT lets the enemy team charge their ults extremely quickly

>calls Roadhog broken
>says other people are retards

I'm not even the dude you were projecting your stupidity onto in the first place.
Maybe you should kill yourself.


>Not playing with friends who are good at the game and willing to switch
I play on Xbox One and I still consistently have at least one person who knows kill priority.
Gamertag is brianc36 if you want to add me, I could always use more people to play with
Hi everyone else who browses here

>Shitters pick ana and hanzo

Only hero that may need to be nerfed is Genji, and that's more because small hitboxes + mobility + lag + lmao20tick means you'll rarely hit him. The game design favors him too much at high skill.

>tfw god

although TF2 pro?
get that crunk shit out of here. try tribes and UT.

>above average player
>picks junkrat

LUL whoever made this chart is retarded

It depends on the match sometimes I'm a complete shitter, other times I become rage incarnate and live only to die for my emperor

I still dont know how this happens after 200+ hours.

>hanzo pick

>implying theres anything wrong with japanese voices on

I'm not gonna bitch, just pulled this.

>the sensible team player
All the junkrats I play stay back in a corner and keep holding down LMB and do like 30 ultimates in a single match. The ony reason they're valuable to the team is because of their ridiculous damage and because how easy and fast it is to get the RIPtire.

healing classes in games have to go honestly

>focus lucio
>enemy DPS focus you
>die, team wipes because you didn't kill the only people who do damage on the enemy team

Great job.

Winston buff when?
His counter can easily deal with him.
The shit he counters can just run away.
He's a fucking garbage can

>the other team
my sides


It doesn't because they removed sniper and builder warnings and changed support to healers and excluded symmetra.


I think he is good BUT
a) Certain heroes just rape the fuck out of him (ie Bastion
b) You have to be really smart about saving your leap to disengage
For a character that literally doesn't need to aim, he's hard to play. I think his melee should do more damage. He's a fucking gorilla!

I still get the sniper warning.


>play Lucio
>barely ever get killed and amp my team to victory
>play Mercy
>enemy team goes out of their way to kill you
Lucio it is.

why is infiltration so perfect


you want a boyfriend fucboi?


Sup Forums is 18+

>Hold down LMB so I fire the nanosecond after the hook delay
>Still knocked back


Roadhog is definitely not overpowered. It's just that he's badly designed mechanically. Mostly the hook.
>Able to throw out a hitbox the size of a small vehicle every 8 seconds and instantly kill the first person it connects with
>Somebody thought this was a good idea at all.


>defending on hanamura
>that first objective's tight enclosed space makes a pretty neat kill box for symmetra's turrets
>plus a teleporter is always welcome
>pick symmetra
>shitter insta locks genji
>god damn it
>second shitter picks widow
>match starts
>give everyone shields
>they all rush to attack the other team RIGHT OUTSIDE THEIR FUCKING SPAWN
>im the only one hanging back at the objective
>"guys we need people back here"
>no answer
>game starts
>my team gets wiped the fuck out
>they didnt even manage to kill a single enemy
>all 6 enemy players get to the point and they have their way with me
>my turrets never had a chance

I fucking hate this community.

>Played 10 games of comp last night.
>No Mercys just Lucio and Zen comps.

Fuck that revive is so good man I wish people would pick her back up on defense.

>they end up behind you

>shooting the medic

Overscrubs shoot the biggest targets, not the smartest


Hooking him in with my boy Roadhog is a top tier vidya feeling.

you clearly never touched mercy, must be the wings.

>bragging on an anonymous imageboard


>teammate picks Lucio
>figure I choose Zenyatta since they often work well together
>Faggot switched to Hanzo (was Lucio)

Fucking this

If his leap didn't cause considerable damage I wouldn't pick him. His main weapon is a joke, it takes 50 years to kill anything and thats if they don't run away or some other enemy is shooting at you.

He needs a big buff. Hes the only reliable lucio counter

i fucking know this feel

I think he deserves a melee buff. Not as much as Reinhardt but more than the other people. Might help him out some.

>we already got one support no need for two!

Congrats. I'd kill for that skin.

>flanker running around the map
>never see him because I'm not squishy and isolated
>rest of the team complaining in chat
>no one switches to fight him
>I end up having to fight the enemy team alone or with one support


>queue up
>find a game
>load into hero select
>there's already a Genji locked in
>rinse and repeat for every normals game


>playing defense
>team gets wiped within two minutes
>first point gets capped instantly

lucio and zen can be a dream team especially if the rest had 1 tank and dps.
they can keep each other alive and with zens orb lucios gun does enough damage to wipe anyone easy with him.

>not playing with friends who let you use double support comps

Or you could just switch to Zen after the game starts.

>Play Zenyatta
>Enemy focuses on you
>Throw out a Discord, scaring them off
>Out-damage most other characters in a head on fight

Not gonna happen. As long as Zenyatta can do all three things at the same time (and do them all better, 30hp/sec at 30m healing range beats 50hp at only 10m) while Mercy can only have Healing, Damage or Blaster active at once, Mercy has no place anymore.

It's the same as Lucio, he can do everything at the same time and nothing beats Speed.

Both BREAK IT DOWN and TRANQUILITY are powerful as fuck pushing Ultimates. Rather than wait for people to die, ensure they don't die and win with the whole team getting a boost.

>trying to make any support synergy in OW at all
It's hopeless to make people understand

On the plus side I once won Volskaya in like 2 minutes with 3 Zenyattas

On a push, his Amped healing can't keep up with any kind of offense, that's not what it's for, it's his Speed Amped that makes him deadly on a push.



Doesn't matter, you cant catch the green blur, roadhog can't even kill him if he does somehow hook him in, hell just push you away or switch to speed boost and do some jet set radio capoera meets parkour shit.
your only chance to outrun the speedster is to electrocute him with Winston, stun or use an ult, otherwise have fun catching the the fastest manlet alive.

>when you speed boost your team away from a Dva ult
>when you speed boost right after the Genji on your team ults

>Have 1.4k gold
>Can't buy Zarya's best skin


Is there a consensus on where Ana belongs yet? I was getting 25%+ heal rates with her while remaining viable in team fights. She seemed strong, it's just that her healing isn't as good as Lucio's or Mercy's.

Either way she's probably the most fun support to play, her E has so much flexibility and can be a fucking game changer in clustered team fights.

>never played overwatch
>see this op

Wow, no shame Blizzard

You have to EARN it with loot boxes you pleb

reminder that you only need zen/lucio/rein/mccree/reaper/zarya to win every game.

It's almost a good thing because the other team usually has that retarded mentality as well.
>Enemy team has a Mercy who's on point and a not retarded Ana
>Mfw none of them ever die from anything less than instagibbing
>Ana sleeps any flanking attempts and dunks them with the combo

Goddamnit, this made me fucking laugh.
DankKush and Blyat are my favourites in this pic. Just because of Mei's smug face and Zarya's name and description.

>Riot invented black guys with long hair

>earn it
>you could open thousands of loot boxes and never see it drop

fun isn't important in competitive play.

>I've done this once
>I wasn't even knocked in the air, I was just in the worst possible position
>"Lucio why didn't you ult? We lost now"
>"...they killed me before I could ult"

>dashing around

Come on now

The problem is not because of the healer. The Tank is too OP, especially Roadhog, he has no weakness at all. Nerfing all the Tank and Lucio wouldn't have any place to hide

>Things that never happened for 500, Alex

I can't believe faggots like OP actually think Lucio can outheal damage of a 5v5 skirmish

I never thought about using his speed boost like that. I honestly just used the thing when leaving spawn and that's it.

Do all black people look the same to you?

In 24 loot boxes, I nabbed both of her Summer Skins.

>Tracer can't catch you and looks more like her chronal accelerator is malfunctioning
>Genji can't even keep up and just looks like an idiot double jumping and dash mindlessly
>Pharrah is struggling to even hit me with her splash damage and when she hits me with her blue missile all she does is make me more powerful.
>team can do whatever they want because enemy hanzo or widow are too occupied trying to kill me
Only hero I respect is Winston, he's my kryptonite in the right hands.

Literally got this from the free Summer Games box they give you. Now all I need are the Lucio skins and I'm set.

Roadhog cannot do shit to help his team like the ther Tanks, on a Payload push you want Rein over Roadhog 100%.