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Either you're autistic or underaged

I miss when Cr1tikal just made his videos without ever talking about his personal life. Now every 3rd video of his is him complaining about some bs in his life.

>ever since you've seen his face you can't watch his videos because he looks like a sad manlet

He looks a little bit like angry pablo so...

What is his Name?

read the fucking description retard.

"For the first time in 9 years I've had to disable comments on a video due to people hunting the teacher down and attacking him. I'll take down the video if it continues and I'm honestly embarrassed about even telling the story now. "

he transitions

I want to know the teacher's name now just to cause more salt.

his viewer base set out on a witch hunt for the ceramics teacher lmfao

Wait, what?

What teacher? I need a short version please.

doxxing people isn't "causing salt."

doxxing is just lazy fuckin' harrassment.

And he has every right to. Autists like always took the video way too seriously and started tracking down the fucking teacher.

who cares? this guy is so fucking washed up now and not entertaining anymore.

He's too good looking for his deadpan voice.

He disabled them because people found out who his professor was

>he became a n*rmie

he told a story about some shitty teacher he had in college

He was always this, you just didn't notice.

why not just delete the video then?

Have you heard his stories? Dude is way too fucking weird to be a normie

>good looking
He honestly looks average as hell.

The Streisand effect will happen soon enough.

Case in point.

Not even the guy you replied to but maybe you should consider that not everyone lives inside an eceleb's asshole.

>Not knowing who some faggot e-celeb is means you're underaged

Quite the opposite actually you stupid fuck.

>it's another cr1tikal video about his boring personal life

Who the fuck still watches this faggot? His material got stale quick as shit.

>looks like a pedo
>Courses Taught: Ceramics

He acts like a normie around others. Use to be fat, he said. Got /fit/

Jesus Christ, how high are your fucking standards?

Man I used to love this guy and watch all of his videos, but I stopped caring once he revealed his face and real life stuff

He's just not interesting anymore

I quit watching when suddenly he was just pumping out daily videos of messing with games to give everyone wacky faces.



That's not how it works, you little shit.
Get the fuck off my board.

>this is what he looks like

Glad I stopped supporting that dipshit long ago.

What shithole do you live in where he's considered above average?

How's summer treating you, reddit?

maybe he was just telling some wacky story, but didn't think it was going to go this far

holy shit that was a boring story. i wish he'd stick to the gameplay commentary vids because taking a normal story and adding the word "nipple" in 50x is not entertaining

People have been asking to hear more stories from his life now especially after his last video.

What's wrong with how he looks?

>my board
lmao kill yourself

Why does he look like a bearded woman?

he was always a normie, he just didn't reveal it.

I dont. His advanced autismo stories makes me feel good about myself.

Is this the e-celeb thread?

>makes videos where he talks about his personal life
>people track him down and find out what he looks like
>continue doing blog videos
>being surprised your fans look for someone you talked about


>unfunny commentary
>bad at game
>everyone wants to hear my life story right?
Sort of glad I never heard of him

You can tell by how he talks he's a normie. The bizarre thing is, why is a normie playing all these shitty video games?

When is Cr1tikal gonna join the Memevengerz?

>Sup Forums hates Cr1tikal the moment they find out he's not a basement dweller.

Why are you all so predictable?

Screw that, when is Dunkey gonna join?

>For the first time in 9 years I've had to disable comments on a video due to people hunting the teacher down and attacking him. I'll take down the video if it continues
>not taking it down immediately

>ruining people's lives


>Get the fuck off my board.

go to bed,dunkey I know youre just looking for fresh meat

h3 really is a jewish cancer on youtube. Someone take one for the team and deal with him

What went wrong?

>people think h3h3 is funny

Its pretty obvious that the reason Cr1tikal doesn't want people hunting down the teacher is because, like all of his stories, he embellished a shitton so he'd feel bad if the teacher got shit for it.

You guys don't seriously believe all of his shit, right? Like that story where he was a bitch to a girl at a bar, she offered to go home with her, and he said she should look for someone else but he would eat her out if she couldn't find anyone. That definitely 100% happened, right?

How can you fall so hard from just walking?

When you fake fall, really far.

>Mad Leafyfags


>tfw you unsubscribed a while ago
"Shitting nipple dick titties" is only funny for so long.
It's fake. The chick goes around staging falls to be recorded.

You know that's not his real voice, right?

You know literally anyone can do the fake Cr1tikal voice, right user?

She's a woman.

I had never heard of leafy until the drama with the jew. He can fuck off as well

h3h3 is fucking youtube drama garbage now. fuck them


>it was just meant to be fun to listen to.
Does ANYONE read here?
Oh right. Americans. Should've known.


>tfw its a "lmao XD I'm gonna bother random people in the street haha Im so much better than social experiment faggots" episode
I guess you dont get youtube-famous without being a monumental attention whore

Watch his Pinocchio 3000 video.
Not the same thing.

What the fuck
How can someone fall so dramatically.

Humans are crazy creatures, look at them go mad chasing rumors and innuendo, seeking out some desperate meaning in their lives by being connected to an e-celeb's life.

>never heard of him
>google it up
>twitter is first result. Internet memes everywhere

What a faggot

Stories about people's lives are almost never fun to listen to. But then I have autism so maybe that's why.

How is he not basement dweller? He is literally autistic manchild with the second most useless degree after woman studies that gave up on ever living a respectable life who pump up daily videos filled with stories of autism or ironical gameplay of shit games.

The only saving grace is his Chanel that have 1,5m subscribers, so of fucking course he would get some people to hang out with to pretend to not be such a loner.

I like the guy though.


jon decided he had integrity, so he tried to please his critics and work on his solo channel. arin decided that playing video games while joking with his friends might be more fun than being an animator, so he found someone who would take jon's place.

also, arin slapped jon's gf and as vengeance jon raped suzy

>omg I didn't think people would look up my teacher
>never mind that people dug through all the social media stuff I had to find out what I looked like

>that last step
Oh god girl can count herself lucky if she didnt break her leg while simultaneously breaking her nose on that face slam.

>not taking it down immediately
Maybe he actually want people to give that guy shit

How much further can this image expand? I remember when it was like six things

There's no way that story isn't exaggerated. Don't know why people would get so mad about it.

>im 21 and I'm a kissless virgin

Because he has fun with them.
You know, fun? What videogames were created for?

When has watching e-celebs ever gotten anybody laid, EVER?

Not videogames.

>he got triggered because his favorite thing was on the image

it's fake, she has a bunch of vines of her doing the same thing in other places, she just does it mess with people

he actually posted his snapchat in one of his videos though

oh the irony

could you make a list of things I'm allowed to like please? Thanks!


>Literally who eceleb

Not videogames

Who is that handsome bastard on the left? Why does he hang out with those nerds?

Try harder

>when the baiting goes from hook to net

Why is Friends here?
It's a good show regardless of how exploited it is.

>not knowing filthyfrank