Sup Forums's favorite e-celeb blown the fuck out:
Sup Forums's favorite e-celeb blown the fuck out:
This is Sup Forums no one has the attention span to read that entire blog, myself included.
Thanks for sharing anyway though so have a bump.
This guy is mad that he's not as popular as a no-name youtuber.
>Spending this much time getting annoyed at a small YouTuber
>Matthew Matosis is not a game reviewer or critic
Wow, what an astute observation.
>I’m Chris Wagar. I write about video games regularly
So you're basically him.
I've read this guy's stuff before.
Caring about mechanics over everything to his extreme is an interesting perspective to read into but all he likes to do now is snipe at Youtubers from his blog to feed his ego, using Asks as an excuse.
>reviews of reviews
How meta
The worse part is there are thousands maybe even millions of worse people to direct irrational autism towards.
Jesus christ why waste time on this? I have no idea who mathew is, but he's a fucking youtber, who cares this much to write an entire fucking page of shite?
>posted over a year ago
>never seen this before on Sup Forums
Because he's mad at popular YouTubers liked on Sup Forums, but he can't call out the really big names.
>Sup Forums's favorite e-celeb blown the fuck out:
Making a lot of assumptions here.
>matthew matosis
Why would anyone bother springing out about this literal who?
>nobody will ever autistically write a short novella criticizing your worthless inconsequential work
Do you disagree? i'd say he's pretty close to one of the most universally liked ecelebs on Sup Forums
Okay matt.
I've never heard of him till now. TBFP on the other hand I see every other day, same with TB.
>March 19, 2015
>all this over an "e-celeb" who isn't that well-known
Hello Chris and/or friend of Chris.
Matthew, please.
No one knows who you are.
because he makes interesting videos
I'm skeptical of how often or how long youve been visiting Sup Forums. he is posted pretty regularly, even if it's just the "it's up' threads
Matt if you are here please make a critique of bloodborne.
tripfagging eceleb BTFO
$800/month is pretty good for 2 videos/year
Joseph Anderson is just as good imo and makes videos faster.
inb4 I'm him
His voice/speech impediment annoys me.
He talks way too much about the story, no one fucking cares
Other than that he's good
Joe is really good, his fallout 4 video is unbelievably entertaining.
Another literal who on youtube who does the same thing as Matthew, analytical game commentary.
You would think a dude who quit his job to do this full time would be able to manage more than a video every 6 months.
I like him a lot but the way he says dog instead of god makes me wince. It's just weird.
It's entertaining but it could be a lot better. he spends way too much time talking about the story and doesn't get much into the actual gameplay.
I'm glad someone else hates that. It's like some childhood thing his parents drummed into him that he never stopped doing
To be fair, the amount of prepwork he did for his Devil May Cry video must have taken a huge amount of time and I fully expect the same for the next game he covers.
>He keeps saying that Matthew is about the emotional experience not the gameplay
Have I been watching the same videos? Yes, things like immersion do come up but gameplay is normally front and center of his review aren't they?
>Half Life is built for speedrunning. Super Metroid is built for speedrunning. Dark Souls is built for speedrunning.
desu the blogger here has some great points.
this reviewer is just confusing matthew describing what the gameplay is like to control with matthew describing his emotions while playing.
>smash fag writes essay on bullshit no one cares about
90% of his Mario 64 video is about Mario's movement mechanics.
Not reading that shit. Someone just greentext the important points.
>game that existed before speedrunning was a thing was built for speedrunning
So does this guy actually have any experience with game development or is he just taking shots in the dark about what the developers may have intended.
>dude is even more nitpicky than Matt
>barely gets any readers
>multiple articles on how shit Matt is
Yeah, fuck off Chris. You're not as smart as you think.
>Sup Forums's favorite eceleb
speak for yourself faggot
literally who
>I'm angry some other guy who posts on Sup Forums is more popular than I am, especially since I have a blog
>I'm also going to write several articles about him because I have a problem
Matthew or the wordpress guy?
Matthew has no firsthand experience but does closely follow lots of gaming news and especially developer interviews relevant to the games he's reviewing. He also prefaces any times where he discusses developer intent with the fact that it's conjecture.
No idea about the wordpress guy.
This is exactly why I wasn't going to read that bullshit.
Yeah, mechanics, GAMEPLAY mechanics.
I know man I'm agreeing with you, I was providing a specific, staggeringly explicit example of MM putting gameplay first.
>Writing a giant blog post when you could've made a fucking VIDEO that I could listen to instead
I don't mean to be lazy but when you're content falls into the "interesting but I don't really give a fuck" category you better believe I'm not reading that shit. Spoonfeed me through my ears, nigger.
Why are there so many typos and bad grammatical issues?
Hard to take a critique seriously when it's poorly written.
Chris Wagar is not a reviewer or critic. He’s more of a blogger.
i didn't notice any desu