Post your WoW Characters

Spriest is my current main. Post yours.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fury/Prot warrior main. Fuckload of alts.

What should I rename my warlock and druid?

God damn, those are some shitty fucking names.


yu should reactieate suir

good names



was leveling up this guy to be my Legion main


>still no Dinomancer class

Why even live

There are many other things I need to do that require money that I don't have at the moment.

Eating is more important than wow right now.

RIP Pally. I'll be switching to Warrior in Legion because of the class changes they made to ret. Still consider him my main though.

My warrior used to be called Buttmilk

Salty Buttmilk

It got reported

>servers down again

>World Server down
Blizz pls

>your priest will never cast Power Word: Dinosaur


You should use gold.


>mfw zandalsri xpac
>return of hakkar
>dinomancer spec for hunter, can take pterodactyls and stegosaurs

>Post yours.





At first I hated it but it isn't too bad. Two charges to divine steed is nice but it's still a bit janky.

It's a shame I like paladin-themes so much or I'd probably switch to my warrior too.

Mantid are love, Mantid are life.
Hail Y'Shaarj.

>no troll raid since mop

Hunters can already tame giant dinosaurs. In Legion you can even have 2 of them.

Not my main, but I enjoy his look the most when I am at the character selector.

Nice transmog, but I'd use the tier's skirt and hide the cloak.

>using that little baby lionheart instead of the Lionheart Executioner

>go to make undead WW monk for legion

The texture stretching in this game looks like such fucking ass, I don't know how you guys play this 1996 sort-of-cel-shaded-but-really-just-trash game in 2016.

Official Servers down thread?

>bought the game 2 days ago and leveled the shit out of a shaman with some friends
>2 days in a row servers are shitting themselves

don't tell me everyday will be like this?


they're all low res garbage

get the fuck out of here homo

Been playing close to a decade now, you get used to it.

It's a bit too much for my tastes. I usually go for less fuck-huge weapons but decided to change it up.


rofl you're not very bright are you??

>servers are down

gimme free game time jews

Forgot to add that I just wish the abomination you get from Unholy wasn't a shitty vanilla model.

it's getting DDoS'd

and this is coming from someone who plays XIV


That belt looks like shit with the Ebon Blade's tabard. Get yourself something dark.

Anyone who uses the low resolution transmogs from before wrath should be shot. Those things are hideous as fuck on the new models.

>Horde, lots of variety and interesting races
>Alliance, hurrrr let's all play hoomanz

They aren't, it's just kiddies mad that Blizzard banned them.

The servers are back up!!

Adding another charge to DS and making it baseline is nice, but I really don't like how they changed the gameplay of the spec. I've read it's way better at haste cap, but I'm not gonna chance it and be stuck with a spec I hate all expac because of artifacts. Hopefully after Legion I'll switch back.

I'd wear the skirt if I was holy, but I think it looks stupid as ret. And I feel naked without the cloak.

Trying to stick with my hunt.

And adjust play accordingly.

There's a lot more running away involved.

I always liked those shoulders but couldn't stand those fucking retarded animated nails sticking out of them.

Thanks for the bump I guess.

Really wish there was an option to change the background of your character screen. Hell, being able to change the login screen would be fantastic as well, the Legion one is boring as hell.

Alright I'm a cool guy I think and I will play WoW again but only if you post your best Tauren Warrior, Undead Priest, Dwarf Shaman, and Human DK transmits.

>I farmed cataclysm raids the transmog

>Adding another charge to DS and making it baseline is nice, but I really don't like how they changed the gameplay of the spec. I've read it's way better at haste cap, but I'm not gonna chance it and be stuck with a spec I hate all expac because of artifacts. Hopefully after Legion I'll switch back.
It really does get a lot better. The artifact adds a lot to the rotation and haste makes it very smooth.

You can test it by getting a Bloodlust/Time Warp buff and see for yourself what the class plays like at higher haste values

Baseline horse means you can take Divine Intervention or Seal of Light, both of which are actually pretty good now that they don't have such a huge opportunity cost

Not our fault that Gnomes, Dwarves and Worgen are shit

Been leveling classes out the ass to find which one is fun to play in legion.

Warrior is really fun but I regret making it an Elf instead of a Human

SPriest plays really well and I think it might be the one, nothing too off putting about the class besides the fact that its a dagger.

Paladin is strange. Holy is really different from other healers and I dont think I'll continue playing it in wod. Prot and Ret dont look appealing

I also have a Fire mage on KT but I dont really like it after the changes


>go to stormwind
>there is at least 1 worgen wearing this exact mog at all times

Orcs and Worgen are the niggers of WoW

Cool transmog, user. Mail wearers usually have a hard time trying to find a decent one.

Okay boys, what fits better this expansion. Dwarf or Orc warrior?
Or should I yolo and level both with different specs?

Overwatch and Hearthstone back up.

Guess WoW should be back up soon.

>storm bolt


to be fair its hard to find helmets that don't look like shit draped over that dumb dog face
cut them some slack

Nothing fits, it's all about making your own character and being your own lore figure

Race wise I don't think it matters. Both choices are good imo. I lean a bit towards dwarf just because dwarf though Orc enhance shaman does look nice.

tldr; do both.

I should remake this mog, wonder what it looks like on the new model.

that might be the ugliest paladin i've ever seen that wasn't being ironic

and i've been on moon guard since vanilla

its as if everyone rerolled human for their racial you dumbfuck

What do you prefer for a prot warrior: axe, mace or sword.

Purple's my favorite color.

where do you get those shoulders

Don't have anywhere near enough gold on my characters to buy a token.


Macro it to your strikes.

Can you guys please take Blood Elves already? I'm sick of dealing with them.

Normal firelands tier


>All those fucking ugly low res textures
>High res helmet and shoulder models
Please try again

Is the level 20 free trial worth downloading like 40gigs of this game?
I want to give it a shot but Hate subscription fees.



I actually wanted to go and make mine up but the servers are still down

Vael refuses to drop the correct belt


Orc Mage?
Same here.
We literally don't exist

Shadow priest is the best priest

Thanks, I guess it worked out this once because the headpiece was originally leather but was converted to mail in the collections.

What's the worst race? Belfs, Worgen, or Pandaren?

Well I've already told my raid leader I'll be playing Fury Warrior for raiding. I'll check it out some more and keep up on the changes. Maybe try to switch next tier.

You fucking nailed it user. Awesome transmog, perfect fitting name and pet.

What's your pet's name?

Eh, I like it, don't care if its not original, I like it.

Behold my mighty traffic cone shaman. Anyone know in the beta if you can transmorg Doomhammer into fist weapons? I don't wanna be stuck with axes and maces the whole xpac.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>storm bolt

OP here, apparently poodlecorp is ddosing blizz. Luckily I am from

You had to go and pick the ugliest fucking helmet in the game.


>join horde with all the cool races
>play pointy eared human

i don't get it

When Darnassus sends us their elves they're not sending their best