>user, your video games are giving the pc viruses again!
User, your video games are giving the pc viruses again!
Other urls found in this thread:
>he doesn't have his own PC
fucking poorfags
this wouldn't be happening if you used a hdmi cable with virus protection for it
>hey user can i borrow your pc real quick i think i need to talk to my friends on facebook
>living with your parents
I thought all the yuropoors went to bed
What are roommates
My hands REALLY smell like garlic and I legitimately cannot figure out why. I haven't touched garlic today and the only things I've touched in the last few hours are my computer mouse, my keyboard and my junk. And I can smell my balls through the garlic smell so I know it's not coming from there. I'm so confused right now.
>Hey user what's this anime girl on your computer?
>not letting them use a guest account
>implying people don't just check facebook on their phones nowadays
>My roommate needed to upload a file using my laptop
>He opened my images folder
>Your games were using up all the memory so I deleted them
>Talking about RAM
>Deleted the desktop shortcuts
>hey user I need to do some quick revisions on a job acceptance email from that company that turned you down a few months ago. Cool?
god damn being the smart student while your sibling is the retard shitface is pure hell
t. Permavirgin fedoralord
>dad constantly downloads porn and always clicks on those "VIRUS DETECTED CLICK HERE 2 FIX" ads
>have to get the damn thing fixed every few months
>tells my mom that steam is causing it
>she always believed him
>mom tries to blame me for the viruses on her laptop from looking at porn
>she has like 22 toolbars installed and a bunch of bloatware and adware programs installed
>I had my own PC in my room
>she says this in front of family
This was like 6 years ago, but still. Don't try blaming your shit on me
>mom is paying for my college education and specifically states "I don't want you to have to get a job, focus on your schoolwork"
>see classmate from highschool working at walmart when I'm there with my mom picking up a birthday gift
>mom starts complaining that I'm useless because I don't have a job and how working at walmart is respectable but getting a good GPA in college is worth nothing
You're older than 35?
then you're one too, stop pretending you were "born in le wrong generation"
that makes you a millenial as well, user
I haven't shared a PC since grade school, little nigger
I never said I wasn't. Just saying that our generation has unique challenges that no other generation had.
>Start computer to check what's going on.
>About a million fucking superfluous programs like weather apps and Bonzai Buddy start up with Windows.
>Bonzai Buddy
Oh, I remember that one.
Vidya Related
>Be Kid
>Have Megadrive/Genesis
>Leave out carts because its fine they won't break
>Mum bitches at me to put them in cases
fast forward a few years
>Mum has a PSone
>Only has three games for it
>Always leaves the discs out
>Gets sad when her games break
My mum used to kick my ass at Bust A Move 4 till she broke it.
>Hey user, I want to play Minecraft
>mfw unlpug my External HDD and they close Chrome for me
>ITT Retards were allowed to breed.
one of those 'unique' challenges is getting over thinking your generation is unique at all, faggot
>"user I deleted all your games from the computer because they were slowing the computer down"
>all they did was delete the desktop shortcuts
Yeah, getting feelings hurt over text on the internet while slowly turning the world into a degenerate shithole is such an unique challenge
>mfw moving into new place
>shaw guy saves image of my router details
>saves it into my pron folder with 8.65gb of images
I am. You're a millennial bitchboi.
8.65? I passed that a decade ago.
>tfw remembering life before having adblock and anti-spyware
How the fuck did we browse this shithole?
It's been so long.
To me the ads came to fuck me in the ass but I stopped them before getting an aneurysm, thank god for adblock and channel blocker.
Sup Forums has an incredibly good ad policy that complies with even AdBlock's acceptable ad standards.
The ads take up like 1/20th of the screen.
t. butthurt retard shitface sibling
Hahaha what a dick
something is off, but i don't know why, the collar perhaps?
3 4
>user the phone is asking for my password again
>this is your email mom
>are you logging into your email?
>I was going to check it
>then you need to log in
>come play pokemon go with me
>oh this is a mean one it won't go in the ball
>well you missed it
>the ball went over it's head
>here I caught it
>well aren't you a fucking know it all
>I wasn't saying you couldn't do it mom I was giving you some advice
>no you're making me nervous and mess up its all your fault
>user a box came up
>ok, ok let me put some pants on... hold on
>i'm here, I'm here
>what happened, why is this here, I didn't do anything
>it's just asking about java hit cancel, i told you this mom come on
>why can't you just come down when i ask you why is it so hard for you to help me
>i'm sorry, its ok now alright?
>whatever, go plug in my wire for the laptop
>ok mom
>friend asks for phone in college
>"heya mah gurl can I call my dad?"
>lend him the phone
>he opens the gallery and start browsing my gay anime porn folder
I hate people like you faggots
You sound fun to hang around with
that faggot was my last friend in college
I live alone off a cheap job and i can sustain myself,mosltly because women get those "benefits" but that's okay.so i'm very lonely
>saving porn
If you're a woman you have even less of an excuse, its all online and we don't even need fucking porn to get off.
>saving it on your phone
>letting some dude bro into your phone
gurl you dumb as shit
That's why you work your ass off to permanently bind yourself to your friends like Persona tells you to do, even if they're literal faggots.
Gotta pay more attention to those weeb games, user.
i only played a little bit of persona 4 but that was it,I hate most weeb games because of musou-ism and boring weebait jrpgs
2D porn is better when saved
I'm a lonely girl that's a retarded hopeless neet too, want to be friends?
add me on steam
Only monkeys live there fuck off BR
How you didn't even post it you fuck
refer to then.
>hates most weeb games
I bet you haven't even played TitS or Grandia.
lol no you aren't. Post LONDON like the man you are.
why the fuck do people even save porn?
what the fuck were they thinking?
my steam id is okay add me
Sup Forums is gay
XSEED are huge memers. They knew what they were doing. They even browse here from time to time.
Or are you going to pretend that "The Legend of Cold Steel" was also unintentional?
>lol no you aren't
Suit yourself, I don't get along with other women typically anyway, its a curse. Doesn't help that no women I meet like vidya as much as I do, all my friends are guys and most of them are mildly sexist (they shoot down any opinion I give them unless I offer proof in form of a link, they don't do this to the opinion of any other male though) I don't really give a fuck but jesus christ it gets annoying when you're just trying to have a conversation.
A fucking whore slut that died
>implying i give a flying fuck
if it's an ad, i'm removing it, plain and simple
ok my steam id is you're a faggot
I can't find you
This, I don't use adblock in Sup Forums since it's a single tiny ad on a place that you are unlikely to be browsing for too long (the top), it'd be way worse if it was at the bottom
You do realize that some ads are elaborate ruses submitted by other people since anyone can place an ad on Sup Forums for $20? I've seen many of those in Sup Forums
I'm not the lonely femanon. I am just telling you that statistically it's unlikely that you possess a vagina instead of a penis.
>mildly sexist
Okay I take it all back. Unless they're legitimately "blacks are to live on the street and women are to be treated as pieces of meat"-tier, though I doubt that. Probably just overreacting.
Oh well, not my fault you're inept
>11th Grade
>New kid joins in the middle of the year
>By coincidence, we both end up in the lunch room
>Ask to borrow his phone to show him some good 'ol HS to break the ice
>First suggestion that shows up on the browser is pornhub
Neither of us knew how it got there and we probably never will
>High School
>GF sent me some nudes
>Saved them on my computer for some reason
>Get up at 12am to get some water
>stepdad is furiously clicking through every file and folder
>accuse him of looking for porn
>gets flustered "no i'm not!"
But mom all my games on on a console.
never forget
>Hey, son can you look at my computer it's not working.
>Filled with viruses and malware
God Damnit!!
It sounds bad in my post but I don't talk to my friends enough for it to bother me but when I get into a conversation, state my opinion, unless they share the same one they'll say I'm wrong without evidence. My response is usually "fuck you whatever don't believe me" but for those rare moments I'm actually in a thread that's about EXACTLY about what my conversation is and I pull a link proving my point it's so satisfying. So it has its benefits.
Other than that they are pretty swell folks to play vidya and hangout with.
I only got the guys that were friends with me to fuck in high school, since being out of college no guy I'm friends with really cares about fucking that much, they have their porn, whatever girl friend they have at the moment, and they're happy.
>tfw telling your parents about computers when you were younger
my mother just thought i was just stupid trying to sound smart meanwhile she had smileys, toolbars and those custom glittery cursors.
>update happens for a game
>"buy mom its an upda-"
>Bring custom PC home.
>lil bros play shitty indie games but whatever
>they go on youtube to watch youtubers, where I'm not signed out of.
>go to my likes playlist to listen to saved music
>find a shitload of minecraft and fnaf sex and lewd mods
>Be teenage me
>Fucking love pirates of the Caribbean online
>One lvl away from being able to do the new added quests to get cursed swords
>Moms computer fucks up
>She blames me
>Never got to play the mmo again until it died
Why are your parents so damn stupid?
>your parents tell you to get a "computer" job because you know how to use one
The hair streak. Seems like they edited to look like Ryuko Matoi?
>find a shitload of minecraft and fnaf sex and lewd mods
>tfw you could've made that and become a millionaire.
I found "naked pokemon" and "naked teen titans" searches in my youtube history after letting my 10yo brother play minecraft on my PC.
HFW I tell him about rule34 when he turns 16
>step dads computer always has viruses
>he has limewire and downloads 50 things at once
>internet speed is slowed to a crawl literally shit its better to steal internet from neighbor with wireless getting 500kb/sec
>get my own computer after saving up money I got from mowing lawns
>at 18 I get my own internet and a stable job
user my computer is running slow have you been playing runescape on it again? I told you it gives me viruses. Let me have your computer user.
>No, user, you cannot plug your video games to our new TV.
>We live in a year where people can have 10 year old siblings who played minecraft that are now at least 16 years old and jerking off Raven and Starfire.
You gotta teach him to delete history and about major porn websites that won't destroy his computer
>I'm a girl btw XD
fuck off cumdumpster.
>fraternal twins
>twin was the typical douchebag jock
>nowadays he goes to the gym twice a day, drinks/smokes every other night, and posts on Facebook about how great 90's games, etc. were and thinks he's a "retro gamer"
>I was the "smart", scrawny kid who played video games
>you can guess how I ended up
t. baby boomer
Porn gets deleted off the internet all the time, what are you, retarded?
>user the computer is being slow
>stop having so many icons on the desktop I heard it slows the Internet
>when you're done playing a game delete it so it doesn't slow down the computer
>finally convinced my mom to pay for the toontown online membership
>literally play every single day
>would always play the demo and was so hyped that I get to actually explore places now
>about 2 weeks while playing toontown window exits
>screen is fucked up, icons are colored weird and reverted to their windows 98 version
>scared closed the laptop
>mom finds out and chews my ass out
>says it was toontown fucking up the computer
>years later find out that limewire had a bunch of viruses
>mom and sister used limewire almost all the time
>mfw limewire got my toontown account taken away and my ass beaten
Haha lol cuck
hmmm nothing in that post is blatantly pointing out that she is a girl
porn destroyed my imagination user, so you'll have to explain that for me